Thursday, November 5, 2020

"Go To The Light"

"Go To The Light"

"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."  John 8:12

The other afternoon I went to my granddaughter's ballgame.  It was played in a small town not far from where I live.  We always travel the same route to get there and also when we leave.  As you come out of the ball field, you can either turn to the left or the right.  We always go to the left.  That evening I decided to go to the right-- I have gone that way once before during the daylight and it comes out a little further from where we normally turn off the main road.  I drove down the road a little piece and took the turns thinking it would bring me to where I needed to go.  The more I drove the less familiar it looked.  The more I drove the narrower the roads became.  I had no clue where I was.  I knew I was lost!! 

I started praying for the Lord to show me where I was and what I needed to do.  I can't explain the feeling that came over me. It was dark, I was disoriented by the darkness, I didn't know what direction I was traveling, I didn't know who to call, I didn't know anyone in the area, I didn't want to pull up to a stranger's house after dark, I couldn't back track because I had turned down too many roads.  (It was not a good feeling).  I decided to turn around and try to retrace at least some of my travel.  As I did, I saw a small building very close to the edge of the road.  It was well lit up inside and outside, had no curtains so you could see inside it even from the road.  It was the only light anywhere around—and it was bright.  So I decided to stop and ask for directions.  A really nice young man came out and gave me clear directions as to how to get home.  

I said all this to say to you-- if you are lost, wandering around in darkness, disoriented by the situation you are in, feeling fearful, confused, anxious, worried, don't know how to find your way or don’t know who to turn to-- Stop at the Light-- the Light is Jesus.  He will give you clear directions.  He will lead you in the right way.  He will remove the darkness and put you on the right path to get you to where you need to go.  Never fear to go to Him and ask for His help. He has and Is your answer.

Have a great day.  If you are wandering around lost in the darkness, go to Jesus-- The Light-- and He will help you find your way.   

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