Thursday, February 28, 2019

A word for the church

Below is a word that the Lord gave me concerning the things we see happening around us.

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.”  Matthew 11:12

If you don’t think there is a battle going on, just look around you.  We might not be fighting a flesh and blood battle, with guns and bullets, but we are in a battle never the less.  The battle is for the souls of people—all people, including the youngest.  Our children are being destroyed by man-made and man approved laws.  They are not safe in the womb-- at any stage of development.  Parents are murdering their own children—daily you hear about it in the news (almost in epideictic proportion). Children are under so much pressure through bullying, and don’t know how to handle the pressure, that they are committing suicide.  Now it seems that some demonically inspired person/persons are trying to have them destroy themselves through fear and manipulation over the Internet.     

The main problem is not the attack against our children, or anyone else, the main problem is that we—Christians—are not doing anything about it.  We are at ease in Zion.  We forget that the Kingdom of heaven suffers violent and the violent take it by force!  Why aren’t we hitting our knees and crying out to a Holy God to intervene?  Why are we not “touched” to the point where we will no longer sit back on our couches of comfort watching our favorite TV programs and eating our snacks, and instead find a place of prayer and intercede on behalf of our children, and others?  Why is it that all we do is talk about the problem or post warnings on Face book, yet we won’t go any further?  We won’t take time to pray!  We won’t inconvenience ourselves to call out to the Lord for protection for our precious little ones!  No wonder we see so much evil unleashed on society.  We aren’t asking the Holy Spirit to raise up a standard against it.  We aren’t standing in the gap through prayer.  We aren’t closing the door through our intercessions.  The Bible says that if the man of the house had known in what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.  Our “house” has been broken into by the thief who has come to steal, kill and destroy because we have not been “watching” when Jesus told us plainly to watch and pray!  We are at the same point where, like Samson, who was sleeping with his head in Delilah’s lap and did not know the Philistines were upon him until it was too late.  Well, the enemy is upon us, but if we will humble ourselves, pray and seek the Lord’s face, and turn from our wicked ways (the wicked way of compromise, self-centered comfort and prayerlessness) perhaps He will be gracious and merciful and bring healing to our land. 

It is time for us to wake up and get up and put the oil of prayer back in our lamps.  It is time for us to stop sitting idly by and start doing something.  It is time for us to stop talking to each other about the problem and start talking to God about it.  It is time for us to cast off the grave clothes of hopelessness, fear, intimidation, compromise, despair and laziness, and take up the Sword of the Spirit and go to battle in our prayer closets.

Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have.  So why haven’t we been using it?   I am sounding the battle cry this morning-- get up, get dressed, stop being lazy, get on your knees and face before God and ask Him to forgive us for not doing what we should have been doing all along and ask Him to move on our behalf.  The battle belongs to the Lord.  He will fight for us.  But we have to call upon Him and ask Him to take control of the battle!!!

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