Tuesday, January 2, 2018

"A Blank Book"

"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."  Matthew 6:10
We have just entered into a new year.  With each new year, we feel like it is a new beginning, a fresh start.  That is why it is called "new".  I have heard it said that our lives are like a book on whose pages is the story that we are writing about ourselves.  I have also heard it said that when a new year arrives we have been given a new book full of blank pages on which to write our lives for the coming year.  We are then  challenged concerning what we will write in it this year. 
I want to take that challenge one step further.  Instead of asking what will you write in it, let me ask you this-- what will you allow the Lord to write in it?  I wrote my own life story for many, many years.  It turned out to be a "tragedy".  As I read back over the "pages" from my past, it was really sad at times, tragic at other times, and some parts read more like a "horror" story. 
If you want your life story to turn out well; if you want the blank pages that are ahead of you to be filled with success, joy, abundant life, wisdom, prosperity, etc., then you need to let the Lord Author it for you.  How?  But surrendering your life to Him.  You do it by letting Him choose what is to be written there.  You do it by surrendering your will over to His will.  Doing our own "thing", following our own desires, living out our own will, will write a sad, sad story.  When we look back through those pages, we will see regret, condemnation, frustration, remorse, guilt, and so on.  But when we surrender to His will, what is written on the pages of our lives will read so much differently. 
Have a great day.  Who are you going to let write the story of your life this year?  Will it be written by your own will or by doing the Lord's will?

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