Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Jesus Never Fails"

"And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed."  Deuteronomy 31:8
When I got out of bed this morning, a song came to my mind.  It is one I have not heard in years.  Let me "sing" it for you:  "I will trust in, rely upon and lean on Jesus.  There's strength and there's power in His Dear Name.  I will trust in, rely upon and lean on Jesus.  He never fails.  He never fails.  He's always the same."
I believe someone needed to be reminded of this this morning.  What or who are you trusting in?  Are you relying on the arm of flesh to meet your need?  Are you looking to some talent, ability or your own intellect to make a way for you?  Are you leaning on Jesus, or on your own understanding?  Are you trying to solve the matter yourself? 
Your strength, power and ability is limited-- so is everyone and everything else you are trusting in and looking to for an answer.  But His power and strength is unlimited.  He is the Omnipotent God-- that means "All-Powerful".  He has no weakness.  There is power in His name.  His name is so powerful that at just the mention of it, every knee will one day bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.  The proclaiming of His name causes demons to flee, blind eyes to open, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the mute to talk, the dead to come back to life.  At His name-- the power that is in His name-- the storms cease, the fire is quenched, the mountains are removed, the high places are brought low and the low places are made high.  At the mention of His name peace and joy is restored, strength is renewed and hope is rekindled.  
He never fails.  People will fail, finances will fail, health will fail, job security will fail, the economy may fail, your mind may fail you, your talents can fail, your education can fail you, but Jesus will never fail in what He sets out to do in your life and for you.  Jesus will never fail you. He will never walk out on you.  He will never fall short of what you need. 
So this morning, will you trust in, rely upon and lean on Jesus-- the One who never fails.
Have a great day.  Jesus will never fail, nor will He ever fail you. 

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