Since the first sin in the
garden mankind has always tried to cover his sin on his own. There is only one
problem with that-- he can't. Adam tried to sew fig leaves together to cover
his nakedness/sin. He grabbed the first thing that was available that he
thought would work. We all know what happens to leaves after they are detached
from the plant-- they tend to dry out and crumble. Therefore, man would have to
continually be replacing it with another one or something else. He never thought about making a covering of animal skins
which would have held up better and lasted longer than a leaf.
Using an animal
skin was God's idea. He knew what it would take to cover man's nakedness. He
knew what would take care of it once and for all and would not have to be
constantly replaced.
Mankind is still trying to do
what Adam did in the garden. He is still trying to come up with his own plan to
cover his sin. He is trying to do it through sewing the fig leaves of good
deeds and good works together. He is trying to do it through religious
rituals. He is trying to do it through self-consciousness and so on. All the
things he tries to use will "dry out" and "crumble" and leave him "naked"
still. But God chose the "skin" of a Lamb as a covering for our sins that will
take care of it once and for all. Of course that Lamb was His own Dear Son
Jesus-- the Lamb of God that takes away sin.
Are you trying to cover your
sins by your own means and religious devices? Are you trying to "sew" something
together to take care of it? Your effort is in vain. There is only one thing
that can completely cover, and it was the covering that God chose-- Jesus.
Today exchange your inadequate, faulty covering for His that takes care of it
once and for all.
Have a great day. All man can
do to cover his sins is sew "fig leaves" together that will dry and crumble.
But God gave the perfect covering when He gave His Son.
For further
Hebrews 9:11-28;
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
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