Most of us have no trouble believing the promises of God,
especially those that He has spoken to us individually concerning His will for
our lives. The problem comes while waiting for it to manifest. It seems like
the longer it takes for the fulfillment of it, the more impatient and
questioning we become. It is at that point that we tend to doubt that we
actually heard from the Lord, or we give up on it all together, or we try to
make it happen ourselves. Any one of these three aren't good. They are all
tricks of the enemy to cause us to miss out on what God intends for
When we doubt we heard from the Lord, our faith becomes
small and we tend to wonder if we truly do hear from the Lord at all. When we
give up, we lose out. When we try to make it happen ourselves, we wind up with
an Ishmael. When you have an Ishmael you have problems from then on.
Are you in a waiting period? Does it seem like you have
been waiting forever? Are you getting weary of holding on to what the Lord has
spoken to you? Then this is when you need to just rest and give your feelings
to God. You aren't the one who determines the time or the season for it to come
forth. It is like being pregnant. There comes a point in pregnancy where all
you can do is wait. It is during that last trimester where you are getting
uncomfortable and past ready for your baby to be delivered. You want it to
hurry up and happen, but you can't rush it. So you just get as comfortable as
you can and wait for the time of delivery. It will happen in the fullness of
time. God's promise will also be "delivered", it will come forth in the
fullness of God's time. So don't get weary while you are
Have a great day. Learn to rest in God's faithfulness
while you are waiting and not get weary.
For further reading:
Psalm 37:7Galatians 4:4
Isaiah 66:9
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by
Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking
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