"Be not deceived..." Galatians 6:7a
I had a dream early this morning that I need to talk about. The dream was lengthy so I will tell you the summarized version of it and what it meant. The dream is about the church- not one particular church but those who make up the church. I saw missionaries, church leaders and the laity. In the dream there was a man who had devised a way to control people. I went to the place where he was to free someone I knew from his control. When I got there, as I was confronting him, a whole group of people came into the place where we were. These people were under his control too. Yet they seemed so carefree, they were talking to each other, and acting like they were just going about their routine day. But they were there to get more material "blessings". What I thought was just one person under his influence was now a room full. I began to warn them who he was and the more I did, the more the man gloated over his power over them. I knew they were "bewitched". So I began to bind, loose and rebuke in the Name of Jesus what was going on and had them to do the same. These people left, no longer under his influence but with eyes wide open. But as soon as they left another group came in, then more and more and more and more. I was so deeply concerned that they did not know that this was not a good place. I got overwhelmed from trying to help them get free that at one point I caught myself passing out refreshments to those who were there while we were waiting- for what I am not sure, but for something to happen. I finally came to myself and went to the man- he was there the whole time- and told him he would not prevail, he was defeated. I knew there was power in the Name of Jesus- it had set the first group free. In order to reach all the people that were there and see them delivered I started singing as loudly as I could-- Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know. They began to sing with me and got free of this man's power. Each time I would speak the Name of Jesus, this man and his influence was weakened more and more. The dream ended with the original person I had gone to try to help see set free getting free.
The concerning part of the dream is that these people (Christian people) were in the presence of evil and did not even know it. They were being influenced by evil forces and weren't even aware or discerning. They were going about enjoying life unconcerned about where they were and what was going on around them. They were only interested in the material things that they could have. It is scary too that these people- myself included, after a while- got comfortable with where we were. Being unaware and comfortable in the presence of evil- is called deception. Jesus warned us that deception and deceivers would come- especially in the days prior to His return.
The best part about the dream was that this evil person- who I believe represents the devil- was not "all powerful". All he had was an influence over them, but Jesus had the power to set them free from the deception. There is power in the Name of Jesus and it breaks the hold of the enemy- his influence, his strongholds, his deception. In the end- just as in the dream- Jesus wins and the evil one was defeated.
From this dream let me give you some points to remember and to use to check yourself.
1) Be discerning; do not be deceived.
2) Do not be materially minded; be spiritually minded. Keep your heart and mind fixed and stayed upon the Lord.
3) You can't help someone who is in bondage and deception if you yourself are in the same.
4) Don't grow weary in well doing; don't get comfortable in this world, it is not our home. Don't give up in the waiting times.
5) Warn people, care about them and help bring them to freedom from the bondage of sin.
6) Don't fear the evil one. Don't be afraid to go into his "camp" and see the captive set free. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
7) There is power in the Name of Jesus; all power is given to Him; the devil cannot stand against the power of the Name and Blood of Jesus; even his knee shall bow before Jesus one day.
8) Even if you have to stand against the evil one by yourself- stand. The Lord is with you and He will back you up.
Have a great day. Don't be the captive, be the one who is helping the captive get free.
For further reading:
Luke 8:12
1 John 4:4
Matthew 7:3-5; 6:19; 28:18; 24:24
Romans 8:6; 14:11
1 Peter 5:8
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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