Thursday, April 7, 2011


"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." John 10:27

The other day I went outside and as I stepped off of the carport I heard a noise to my right so I looked that direction and to my amazement I saw a duck coming off my patio and she was being followed by thirteen baby ducklings. The noise that I heard was the mother's quaking sound that was leading her babies. As soon as the mother saw me, she immediately turned around and headed back to the patio with non-stop quacking-- she was "calling" her babies to follow her. I ran into the house to get my camera and as I got to the sunroom I saw them going around the back of the house- so I went out and then followed them with my camera. Just as I started to turn the corner at the back of the house and follow them into the side yard, a big hawk swooped down and then back up right in front of me- it was so close he almost flew into me. He had his eyes on those babies and had I not been there and startled him, he would have surely got the scragglier. The mama duck and her babies continued on until they found a dense bush to hide under.

The thing that stuck out the most to me about the whole scene was that while I was following them and they were trying to find shelter, the mother never stopped quacking as she led them. She "talked" to her babies the entire time I was following them. They were following her voice. They weren't leading the way, they were following. They weren't following by sight, but by the sound of her voice. They followed and went in the same direction she did. The ducklings knew this was the voice of their mother and while they didn't know where they were going or how to get there, they just kept following her voice and heading in that direction.

I am trying not to be too lengthy but I wanted to share this because it paints such a beautiful picture of how the Lord leads us-- He does it through His voice. His voice speaks to us in a small still form, through His written word, by His Spirit and sometimes through others.

We want to follow the Lord by sight. But that is not the way He leads us. He leads us by His voice. What makes sheep follow the shepherd? They know his voice so when they hear it they follow him. What made these ducklings follow their mother? They knew her voice, listened for it and followed her. What will make us follow in the direction the Lord is desiring to lead us? Knowing His voice and listening for it.

Have a great day. He leads us by His voice and when we hear it, we should go in that direction.

For further reading:
2 Corinthians 5:7
John 10:1-16

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