Friday, February 28, 2025

"Casting It"

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.'  1 Peter 5:7

Are you carrying or casting your cares?  Are you taking matters into your own hands or putting them in God's hands?  Are you trying to solve your own problems or are you giving them to the Problem Solver? 

Perhaps you have cast your cares upon the Lord in the past.  Perhaps there was a situation that you just could not take care of on your own, so you finally stopped struggling with it and gave it to Him.  The interesting thing about this verse is it is not a one-time solution.  The word "casting" is used.  It means on-going, continually, to do over and over again.  We should be casting those things that trouble us, that give us grief, that upset us and make us anxious, upon the Lord.  Each new care should be given to Him, but also each care that seems to come repeatedly to our hearts should be cast upon Him as many times as is needed.  I have heard it said that if we have to pray about it more than once than we don't have faith.  I don't believe that.  Jesus taught about the persistent widow and unjust judge, and the neighbor who would not give his friend rest until he gave him bread.  If an issue I am wrestling with continues to come up, then I need to continually cast it upon the Lord, each and every time.  I need someone bigger than I am, I need someone wiser and more powerful than I am to help me over this.  As I cast it upon Him, He gives me His strength and everything else I need to be victorious. 

As I am continually casting my cares upon Him, instead of trying to take care of them myself, it shows my utter and complete dependency upon Him.  It says to Him- I need You.  It speaks words of faith that say-- I trust You; You are able to take care of this.  We need Him and He has given us an invitation to stop carrying our cares and burdens, and to cast them upon Him.  Which will you do?

Have a great day.  Are you carrying your own burdens?  Or are you casting them upon the Lord?

For further reading:
Luke 18:1-6; 11:1-8 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

"Action And Attitude Worship"

"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."  John 4:24

We think of worship as something we do on Sunday morning during the song service at church.  This is only one form of worship and the time when we do it collectively as the members of the Body of Christ. 

In the Hebrew and the Greek-- Old Testament and New Testament-- worship had a two-fold meaning.  It meant action and attitude.  The action was bowing, or prostrating oneself to someone or something out of honor.  The attitude was doing service, sacrifice and obedience from the motive of the heart. 

Worship was both a physical and spiritual act.  It was in the Old Testament and it was in the New Testament.  In the New Testament Jesus summed it up like this:  "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.: (John 4:23) 

Our worship in the spirit is when we honor God from our hearts out of overflowing love and gratitude.  Real worship in spirit does not come from our lips only.  It comes from our hearts and is shown in our actions.  Our worship in truth deals with the physical-- action.  God's word is truth.  To worship Him in truth is to put into practice His word-- be doers of what it says.  For example-- love your neighbor as yourself; take up your cross and follow Him; love your enemies; go the second mile; forgive those who trespass against us, etc., etc.

Worship is a lifestyle, not a one time event on a certain day.  It is more than a song we sing.  It involves our entire being- spirit, soul and body.  Do you have the lifestyle of a worshipper?   

Have a great day.  True worshippers worship the Lord in action and attitude.   

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


"And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you."  Joel 2:25

We certainly know how to make a mess of our lives sometimes.  If you don't believe me, just ask Adam.  One wrong choice; one act of disobedience; listening to another's voice; doing what someone else wanted him to do and he "messed" it up for all of mankind. 

Does this sound familiar?  We are our own worst enemy.  We don't always do things right.  We don't always make the right choices.  We don't always listen to the right people.  And because of it, we get ourselves in trouble, we mess our lives up (sometimes other lives too), we bring pain and suffering upon us and we have to live with irreversible consequences. 

When we do, like Adam, it costs us.  What Adam did cost mankind more than we can yet fathom.  Our mistakes, wrong choices and disobediences can cause us to lose our family, friends, homes, jobs, health, etc.  Is this where you are this morning?  You have made choices that have been detrimental and caused you to lose it all.  Are you suffering because of it?  I have good news.  Jesus knows how to turn your mess into a miracle.  He knows how to clean it up.  He knows how to bring restoration.  He knows how to take your mess and make something out of it. 

Many of the decorations people are putting in their homes is repurposed furniture. They are taking old furniture or other items and repurposing and restoring them.  I have seen some of the furniture.  You would have never thought that something so old and ugly and falling apart could turn into a piece of furniture so beautiful that you want to show it off in your home.  This is what Jesus does with the "mess" of our life that we have made.  He makes it something brand new.  He "repurposes" it.  He restores and gives back what was destroyed.  He may not give you back the exact things you lost, but He will give you better.  He will give you a new life. 

Have you messed up?  Have you lost it all?  Turn to Jesus.  He will restore, renew and bring something beautiful out of your mess.

Have a great day.  Jesus can take your messed up life and make something beautiful out of it.   

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

"He's Been There"

"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin."  Hebrews 4:15

I don't know what you may be going through this morning, but I want to remind you that the Lord does.  He not only knows what you are going through, but He knows "how you feel".  Whatever it is, He has already been there.  He has already gone through it Himself. 

You may feel as if nobody understands-- He does.  You may feel like there is no one you can talk to about it-- you can talk to Him.  You may feel that if you share it you will be judged or misjudged, made to feel guilty, you will be talked about or even "disowned"-- He won't do any of that to you. 

You have been holding back from going to Him--don't.  Stop holding back any longer.  He loves you-- more than you will ever know.  He cares about you-- more than anyone else.  He understands-- He's been there.  Go to Him-- He is waiting for you.  "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

Have a great day.  Jesus knows what you are going through because He has already gone through it. 

Monday, February 24, 2025


"For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds."  Hebrews 12:3

There is a teaching that says Christians won't ever suffer.  This just simply is not true.  We will at times suffer.  We suffer mostly because we live in a "fallen" world- a world that is tainted by sin.  We suffer because of bad/evil choices that we make and are reaping the consequences.  We suffer because we have an adversary who is out to steal, kill and destroy us. 

Consider this, Jesus suffered.  He suffered for the sins of mankind.  But He also suffered hunger and thirst, and He suffered at the hands of persecutors.  And He said to us, "The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you." (John 15:20)

When you are "suffering" through trials, persecutions, temptations, etc. keep in mind that it is working in you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.  It is working a grace in you that can only come one way-- through suffering.  It will help make you perfect, established, strengthened and settled.  "After that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." (1 Peter 5:10)

It is only when wood is burned that it puts forth heat and light.  It is only when the caterpillar goes through the isolation of the cocoon that it is transformed into a butterfly.   And it is through suffering that we learn obedience, trust, our faith is strengthen, we are humbled, and we become spiritually mature.  Suffering plays a major role in our journey to Christian maturity.  Let it accomplish its work in you.  Embrace what is it doing and remember that you aren't alone in it.  Jesus is with you.  He has already walked through it Himself, therefore, He knows what you are going through. 

Have a great day.  Don't despise suffering.  Embrace its work because it plays a valuable role in your spiritual growth.     

For further reading:
2 Corinthians 4:17
Hebrews 5:8; 4:15
Isaiah 55:3
2 Timothy 3:12

Friday, February 21, 2025

"The Key's In Your Mouth"

"And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.   And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed." Acts 16:25,26

Don't let what you are going through stop you from praising the Lord.  Don't let the darkness.  Don't let the chains.  Don't let the threats.  Don't let anything steal your praise. He is worthy of it no matter what you are going through and no matter what you are facing.  It doesn't matter how dark your present situation is, it doesn't matter how impossible it seems, it doesn't matter how painful it is, He is still worthy to be praised.

Paul and Silas didn't let the fact that they had been beaten stop them from praising the Lord.  They didn't let the midnight hour stop them.  They didn't let the chains, or the jailer or the other prisoners stop them.  They didn't let the threats of further beatings stop them from praising the Lord. They didn't let their captivity stop them.  They could have sat there with their mouths closed.  They could have murmured and complained about their situation.  They could have accused God and gotten angry at Him for "letting" this happen to them- after all, they were preaching and ministering gospel for Him.  But they didn't-- they prayed and sang praises.  They did what they always did.  They prayed and praised in the prison just like they did when they were in the churches.  Their location and their suffering didn't change a thing-- the Lord is still worthy of praise.

Don't let your situation steal the praise from your lips that God so deserves.  You may be "swallowing" your own key to release and victory but keeping your mouth closed instead of opening it to praise Him.  It wasn't until after Paul and Silas praised the Lord that the prison shook, and their chains fell off. 

Have a great day.  Regardless of your situation, the Lord is still worthy of your praise.  Don't withhold it, because it may be your very key to freedom and victory. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

"It Can't Keep Him Out"

"And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed."  Acts 16:26

You may feel like you have been beaten and abused.  You may feel like you have been wrongly accused and falsely mistreated.  You may feel like you are in a prison.  It may feel like it is midnight. You may feel as if you are in stocks and chains.  You may feel like you are locked up in some prison being held captive.  What you are going through may be more than a "feeling", it may be reality.  But I have good news for you this morning.  Prison doors can't keep God out.  The darkness of midnight can't keep Him out.  Chains, fetters, stocks and imprisonment (whether physical, spiritual, mental or emotional) can't keep Him out.  What others do to you can't keep Him away.  Nothing can stop Him from getting to you in your time of need no matter where you are and what you are going through. 

Look up, hold on, keep trusting, keep praising, don't stop believing in His mighty power to save you and deliver you.  His presence is there, and it can reach into any situation.

Have a great day.  Nothing can keep God out and from being able to get to you to meet your need. 

For further reading:
Acts 16

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

"He's The Foundation"

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"  Psalm 11:3 

All religions are built upon a particular belief.  It is the foundation of that religion. The world is trying to remove the foundations of Christianity.  They try to tell us that Jesus was just another prophet.  They tell us that there are many ways that lead to God.  Even in the churches we hear such messages as those that promote salvation through works and good deeds.  There is an organized plot to not only remove Jesus from society but also from Christianity and make it like every other religion out there.

Without Jesus we have no foundation to what we believe.  Without Jesus we have no foundation for our faith, because our faith is built solely on Him.  He is the foundation.  He is what the "house" is built upon.  He is the hope of our lives.  All of Christianity is centered around and built upon Jesus Christ-- that He is the Son of God and through His shed blood on the cross we can receive salvation.  

If our foundation isn't sure, if it isn't the only true foundation, if Jesus isn't the cornerstone, then our belief is in vain.  We have no hope and neither does the world.  All other beliefs out there are but sinking sand.  But I have good news, try as they may, though they work hard to do it, the world, the devil, all the demonic forces, no dictator, no angel, no human being can remove this foundation.  They can't remove Jesus from being the cornerstone and the foundation.  He is, always has been and always will be not only the foundation of Christianity but the foundation of the world.      

So, take heart and don't cast away your confidence.  Jesus is the foundation.  You can build your life upon, place your hope in, put your trust in Him.  He is the sure foundation that cannot be move.  He is the solid rock that you can anchor your soul in for all eternity.

Have a great day.  Without Jesus we have no foundation upon which to build our lives.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

"He's Really There"

"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."  Matthew 28:20

The Lord keeps laying it on my heart to share with you that the Lord is with you.  He has not left you nor forsaken you.  Just because you don't think that He is there, or just because you don't feel like He is there, does not change the fact, or the truth, that He is there with you.

When Joseph was thrown into the pit by his brothers, I am sure he wondered where God was.  When he was taken from his home, from his country, when his freedom was taken away from him and he was sold into slavery, there is no doubt he wondered where God was.  When Joseph was being falsely accused, I imagine that he wondered why God didn't intervene and defend him by revealing the truth.  When he was in the prison, he wondered if God had forgotten him, if He even remembered he was alive, or did He see him through the prison bars. 

You may be in the same place as Joseph.  You are being mistreated.  You are being abused.  You are suffering because of someone's hatred or jealousy toward you.  You may be going through a pit.  You may feel like you are being held captive by some besetting sin.  You may be in such a dark place that you wonder if you will ever see daylight again.  You may be living with a debilitating disease in your body.  And through it you are wondering the same-- God, where are you?  Lord, are you there?  Have you forgotten me?

While sometimes we have to walk through dark places, valleys and deserts, your being in that place is no indication and should never be received as proof that the Lord has left you, forsaken you, is not aware of you and is not with you. 

Life happens.  And what life brings is not always "good".  Sometimes it is worse than bad.  But regardless, God is still with you.  He is there.  Never let your circumstances convince you otherwise.  Joseph may not have always felt that God was with Him.  It may not have always looked like He was there.  But look at the end.  The evidence that God really was with Him all along was clearly seen at the end-- the palace.

Have a great day.  The circumstances you are going through may be making you wonder if God is with you, but rest assured He is.

Monday, February 17, 2025

"Maintaining Your Peace"

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."  Isaiah 26:3

Everyone wants peace. The world is seeking peace. Individuals desire peace.  But peace comes only one way, and that way is not through the absence of trouble.  We think if all our troubles were gone, all our problems were solved, if we had plenty of money, if our health was better, if our relationship was mended, if our children were not rebellious, we would have peace.  That is not the case.  True peace can be found and maintained even in the storms of life.  Because peace is not just a feeling, it is not an emotion, it is not a concept, it is a person.  It is the Lord Jesus Christ.  When we have Him, we have peace. 

I am not saying that once we receive Jesus as Savior we have no more problems.  Problems still come.  So how do we maintain this peace?  How do we keep from getting anxious and worried when trouble comes to our lives?  The answer is in the verse above.  "Keep your mind stayed on the Lord."

When trouble comes, when problems arise, don't dwell on the problems, set your mind upon the Lord.  Think on His promises.  Renew your mind with His word.  There is one word/promise in particular that you should keep in your heart and mind.  It is-- "Thou art with me."  If you will remember this truth each time a problem comes, you will stay in peace.

God is with you in the valley, in the wilderness, on the mountain, in the storm, in the pit, in the fire, in the lion's den, when you are in lack and poverty, when you have riches and plenty to spare, when it is daytime and when it is nighttime.  He is with you when you lose your job, when you lose your spouse, when you lose your health, when you lose your best friend.  He is with you in the good times and the bad times.  He is with you always!

Why should we remember this and how will it keep us in peace?  Because this One who is with us is not just another person, it is God Himself.  The Creator of the universe, the Provider of all your needs, the Great I Am, the One who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.  He is the Comforter, the Deliverer, the Savior, the Healer, the Redeemer, the Lover of your soul.  He was, He is, and He will always be.  And He will always be there for you, with you, in you, going before you, surrounding you, making a way before you and keeping you. 

Keep your mind, your heart, your affections, your attention all on the Lord at all times and you will stay in peace-- perfect peace-- even while everything else around you is falling apart and in chaos.

Have a great day.  How to maintain peace in a world of turmoil?  By keeping your heart and mind stayed on the Lord.

For further reading:
Philippians 4:6-8
John 14:27
Isaiah 9:6
Psalm 23:4

Friday, February 14, 2025

"Ready Or Not"

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"  Hebrews 9:27

When we were children, we use to play a game called "Hide and Seek".  The object of the game was for everyone to hide, and one person had to try to find them.  The person who was to do the seeking would count to a certain number while giving the others time to find a hiding place.  Then the seeker would call out-- "ready or not, here I come".

The Bible says that we all have an appointment with death.  It is certain that we will all leave this earth at some point and time.  When that time comes, death will come seeking us out.  But unlike the game that we played as children, it won't send out a warning letting you know exactly when it is coming.  Death is going to come to each of us whether we are "ready or not". 

We don't know the day nor the hour that death will come.  We don't know if it will come suddenly or through a lingering illness.  But it is certain to come.  It comes to the very young, it comes to the very elderly.  It comes to men and boys, women and girls. It reaches to every culture, every race, every ethnic group, to every continent.  No one can hide where it won't find you-- there is no hiding place.  It will find you.  The question is when it comes, will you be ready to go.

We don't always view the suffering of a lingering deadly illness as a blessing, but it can be in disguise because you know what is inevitable and you have time to get right with God before you are staring eternity in the face.  Death can come after a long period of illness, or it can come suddenly without warning.  It can come while you are asleep.  It can come while you are driving to work, while you are playing golf, while you are cleaning house, while you are on the battlefield, the playground, a school campus, even in church.... it has no boundaries; it will seek you out no matter where you are. 

Whether you are "ready or not", death will come to you one day.  You and I have an appointment with it.  Are you ready?  Have you made peace with God?  Is Jesus your Savior and Lord?  Are you born-again?  Have you surrendered your life to Him?  Because ready or not, it will come, and it won't warn you by announcing-- "here I come".  It will have found you and it will be too late then to get ready.

Have a great day.  Ready or not death will come to get you... get ready now while you have the opportunity.

For further reading: 
Romans 6:23
John 3:16,17

Thursday, February 13, 2025

"He's In The Unfamiliar"

"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."  Joshua 1:9

Joshua and the children of Israel were getting ready to go into the Promised Land.  They had never been there before.  They had spent their entire lives either as slaves in Egyptian bondage or wandering around the desert.  Now they were getting ready to go in and possess-- live, dwell and own-- another place, a new place.  As they were getting ready to enter, God gave them a certain command-- Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, or dismayed.

God spoke that word to them because He knows how human nature is.  We become afraid, we become dismayed, we become confused and even lose heart when facing the unknown. They were getting ready to go into this unknown and unfamiliar place.  But the Lord didn't just command them not to be afraid, He gave them the answer as to how to keep from it.  "I will be with you wherever you go".  They were not going to face the battles, the trials, the difficulties of this new place by themselves.  He was going to be with them guiding them every step of the way.

Are you in a place that is unfamiliar to you, a place of uncertainty, a place you have never walked through before?  You have the same promise given by the same God that spoke to Joshua that day.  You don't have to be afraid; you don't have to be dismayed, you don't have to be worried, you don't have to be anxious, you don't have to be defeated by it, the Lord your God is with you.

Have a great day.  Wherever we go, even into new and unfamiliar places in life, we don't have to be afraid, the Lord is with us.

For further reading:
Matthew 28:20
Hebrews 13:5 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"Real Contentment"

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."  Philippians 4:11

A couple of days ago I heard this verse from two different resources.  Then yesterday, it came up again in three different conversations.  I knew I had to share it with you this morning.  The Lord is speaking a word to His people.  That word in a nutshell-- be content. 

Let's face it, by nature we are not content.  We always want more.  We are never completely satisfied with what we have.  We are never really happy, and if we are it is short lived.  We try to find happiness and contentment in things.  For example, you already have ten pairs of shoes but it's that eleventh pair that you think will make you content.  We think we just have to have it and we will be happy and not want anything else-- that is until the next new thing, or style, comes along.  We try to find this contentment in people.  We think if we can just get married our lives will be complete and satisfied.  If that were actually true, there would be a whole lot less divorces.  But after a while, discontentment comes into the marriage.  He/she no longer satisfies me, they no longer make me happy, they no longer fulfill my wants and needs, so we "trade" the marriage in for a "newer model" like we trade a car. 

Contentment doesn't come easy, the apostle said he had "learned" to be content.  While it doesn't come easy, it is possible to have it.  You just have to find it in the right place-- in the case of true contentment it is found in only one person-- the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is our contentment.  He makes us content.  How?  Because He satisfies to the fullest our longings, desires and wants.  He makes us "happy".  He doesn't disappoint us.  He gives us peace. 

The Bible says godliness with contentment is great gain.  Not with people, not with possessions, not with having all your wants, wishes and desires fulfilled.  If you are looking to find contentment in material possessions it will never happen.  The "new" eventually wears off.  If you are looking to find contentment in a "person" it will never happen.  That person will disappoint you, they won't always agree with you, they won't always make you happy and they won't always live up to your expectations. 

We have to learn to be content or we will live a miserable life.  We will always be aimlessly seeking for something that doesn't exist in this realm; therefore, we will always come up feeling empty.  We learn contentment only one way, we receive it only one way, by giving ourselves to Jesus Christ.  When we are content with Him and in Him, we become content with what we have.  It is like the song says-- only Jesus can satisfy your soul.  And He does!

Have a great day.  You will not find contentment in people or the things you possess.  Contentment is found in Jesus Christ alone.  Once you have Him, you will be content with what you have.

For further reading:
Philippians 4:10-13
1 Timothy 6:6 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

"Just A Listener"

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith .."  Revelation 2:7a

There are a lot of people who like to watch television preachers and will sit for hours at a time listening to their messages.  There is nothing wrong with that.  But that leads me to a question-- are you only listening to them or are you hearing what they are saying? 

There is a difference in listening and hearing.  We can listen to music but not hear the words.  We can listen to our parents give us instructions and never hear a word they say-- teenagers do this all the time.  There are churches every Sunday full of "listeners" but no real "hearers". They will listen to the preacher preach the message.  But they didn't really hear what was being said.  Had they heard what was said, they would be applying it to their lives-- they would be doing it. 

We don't go to church to fulfill some religious duty.  We don't go just because it is a tradition.  We don't go because we want to impress someone.  We don't go to make the preacher happy, or mom happy or someone else happy.  We go to hear what "thus saith the Lord".  We go to hear from God.  We go in order to be encouraged in our walk with the Lord by being with other believers.  And we go to gain something that will help us and better equip us to be of service out in the world for the kingdom of God, to help us be more Christ like, and to help us draw near to God. 

James writes it this way... if any hears the preached word, but doesn't apply it to their lives, they are like a person who looks at themselves in the mirror, but after they get away from the mirror, they forget what they saw.  Does that describe you?  Do you listen to television preachers but not really hear what they are saying?  Do you sit in church week after week, but once you leave the doors you forget about what was said and you do what you want to do instead of doing what you just heard?  If that is the case, then all you did was listen with your ears but didn't hear it with your heart. 

Have a great day.  Are you a listener who forgets what they heard?  Or a hearer who does what they heard?

For further reading:
James 1:22-25

Monday, February 10, 2025

"The Chalkboard"

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24

When I was growing up and going to school, in each classroom there was a massive chalkboard that covered an entire wall.  Sometimes when we entered the class the chalkboard was clean-- no writing and washed.  On other days, we would go in and it would be full of writing-- facts, figures, formulas, questions, etc.  Many times this was left over from the day before.  But it made us feel heavy-hearted and upset to see it all there.  There was a feeling of "oh, no" and dread that came upon us because it was an indication of what was ahead of us.

With each new day comes a fresh new start.  There is a clean "chalkboard" before you to be written on.  You don't face it with all of yesterday's "mess" or what was left over from the day before.  This is why we can face each day with "rejoicing" instead of dread.  The Lord has wiped away the mistakes, the failures, all of yesterday and given you a fresh start this morning. 

Now, the question is not necessarily what are you going to write on it, but what are you going to allow the Lord to write on it?  Like in a classroom the teacher was the one who wrote on the chalkboard-- unless she/he called you to the front to do so.  She would write the assignments, the questions, the formulas and then you would "take it from there".  God wants to write on the "chalkboard" of your life today.  He doesn't want to write down all your mistakes, failures and shortcomings.  He wants to write His plan for you today.  He wants to write instructions for you to carry out to further His kingdom.  He wants to write His words of love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. 

God has washed yesterday from the chalkboard of your life.  He has allowed you to enter this day with a "clean slate".  What will be written on it today?  Will you continue to write your own plans and desires?  Or will you allow Him to write on it however He sees fit?  When He does, how will you respond to what He has written?  What will your answer be?  Will you answer with obedience or rebellion?  Just what will you do with it?

Have a great day.  Today is a fresh start.  Let God write His plans on it and then obey what He writes.

For further reading:
Jeremiah 29:11
Philippians 3:13

Friday, February 7, 2025

"It's Impossible For God"

"In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began."  Titus 1:2

Someone recently asked, "Is there anything impossible for God?".  The answer, of course, is "no".  There is nothing impossible for God.  "For with God nothing shall be impossible." (Luke 1:7) But, on the other hand, there is one thing that is impossible for God.  It is impossible for God to lie! 

God cannot lie because He is "Truth".  "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life". (John 14:6) God doesn't only possess truth; He is Truth.  Everything He speaks is truth.  Jesus told the Pharisees that the devil is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.  But the truth is in Father God-- He is not a liar. 

Even if God speaks "contrary" to "truth", it becomes true.  This is also why it is impossible for Him to lie.  Everything He speaks becomes true- it becomes what He says it is.  "God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were." (Romans 4:17) If the storm is raging and He speaks peace, it becomes peaceful and settles down.  If we see destruction, but God calls it life-- it becomes life.  If we are experiencing sickness but God calls it healed-- it is healed.  If we see darkness but God says it is light-- it is light.  It is whatever He says it is. It becomes whatever He says it is.  Your situation is whatever God says it is-- not what the doctors say it is, not what man says it is, not what the devil says it is, not even what your own senses say it is.  God said over the darkness and chaos in the beginning-- "let there be light"-- and it was light.

What are you going through today?  What is the situation speaking to you?  More importantly, what is God saying about it?  His words are the only ones that matter, because His words are the only ones that are the truth... because God does not and cannot lie. 

Have a great day.  There is one thing that is impossible for God--- He cannot lie!

For further reading:
Hebrews 6:18 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

"Humbly Come"

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."  Hebrews 4:16

What an amazing privilege it is to be able to come into the very presence of God and make our request and petitions to Him.  But there is a way that we enter into His presence.  The word boldly doesn't mean with arrogance or cocky.  It means with confidence.  Too often we have this mentality, and are taught, that because of "who we are in Christ", God has to give us an audience when we come to Him, He has to acknowledge us, we can enter because we are "somebody" in Christ.  Not, true.  That is pride.  We can't go with a "prideful" attitude-- remember God hates pride. 

God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  When we go to Him in prayer, we can be confident that He will receive us, that we have His ear and that He will answer our prayer.  But that is not based on our own merit.  It is not because we are so deserving or so special.  It is because of Jesus.  Jesus gave us access to the Father.  He opened the door that gives us the ability to enter into the presence of the Father-- He is the Door.  Whatever we ask in His name, not our own, the Father will answer.

When we enter His presence, we must remember who we are coming before-- our Father which are in heaven.  We must remember He is God and He is to be feared and held in awe.  I talk to Him like my "friend who sticks closer than a brother", but I never forget Who He is.  Jesus said there was none who was born of women greater than John, but when John saw Jesus coming to the Jordan River, he exclaimed that he wasn't even worthy to untie His shoes. 

Rejoice and thank God for this wonderful privilege you have been granted to come into His presence and offer your requests.  But don't act as if you deserve to be there.  Don't get arrogant.  Don't think that you are "entitled" to it and God owes you this audience.  He gave you access; He wants you to come, He won't turn you away, but you didn't earn that right.  It was given to you through Jesus.  Therefore, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God when you come into His presence.

Have a great day.  We have access into the presence of God, only because of Jesus. 

For further reading:
1 Peter 5:5,6
John 16:23; 1:27,30
Matthew 6:9: 11:11
Proverbs 18:24

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

"God's Goodness All Year"

"Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness."  Psalm 65:11

At the beginning of each new year, I like to reflect on this verse- I did again at the beginning of this year.  A year is made up of months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.  This verse tells us that God surrounds the year with His goodness and also bestows His goodness upon the year.  So, it gives me comfort and joy to know that regardless of what a day may bring, regardless of how the month may go, no matter what may happen this minute, I can trust that His goodness will be there for me-- that He will be there for me.  His goodness is not separate from who He is, it is Him.  He is good!

When things get bad, I can trust in and rely upon His goodness to carry me through.  When things don't go according to planned, I can know that because He is good, He can work all things together for my good.  When all evil is coming against me, I can rest assured that He will be with me giving me strength to endure and power to overcome.  I can rest assured that He will fight the battles for me.  When confusion tries to come, when sickness hits my body, when pain afflicts me, when grief takes hold of me, when sorrow tries to overwhelm me, when poverty knocks at my door, when betrayal hits home, when heartache encompasses me on every side, I can know and be confident that His goodness will be there for me.  I don't have to fear, I don't have to give into to the onslaught of the enemy, I don't have to be destroyed, because He will defend me, He will meet every need I have, He will go before me, He will uphold me, and He will carry me if He needs to.  How do I know this?  How can I have this confidence?  Read the verse again.  Because we have a promise from the good God who does not lie but is faithful as promised.  I can also have this confidence because the word "fatness" also means "blessings".  Wherever He is, so are His blessings.  Where is He?  With us.  That is another promise He has made to us, to never leave us nor forsake us and to be with us even unto the end of the world.

Have a great day.  God's goodness encompasses the year- every second of it.    

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

"Jesus Came For All"

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."  Luke 2:8

I want to look at one word of the angel's announcement to the shepherds.  That word is "all".  God was sending the message of good tidings and great joy... which was the message of salvation to "all". 

When God says "all", He means "all".  He didn't exclude anyone.  Jesus came to save "all" people.  That includes every man, woman, boy and girl.  It includes the red, yellow, black and white.  It includes the Jews, the Greeks, the Asian, the African, the American, every nationality, kindred and tongue.  It includes the tribes of people in the remotest jungle.  It includes monarchs, kings, queens, presidents, emperors and dictators.  It includes the Buddhist, the Hindu, the Muslim, the atheist, the satanist, and any who worship false gods.  It includes the prostitute, the incarcerated, the drug dealers, the murderer, the rapist, the pedophiles, the human trafficker.  "All" also includes the rich and famous, the poor and unknown.  It includes the college educated and the high school dropout.  It also includes the CEO of a large corporation and the little child who is starting kindergarten.  It also includes the porn addict, the drug addict, the alcoholic, the wife beater, the adulterer, the stripper, the homosexual, and everyone who is involved in any immoral act.

There is not one person, world-wide, past, present or future that Jesus did not come into the world to save.  There is no one that He does not love.  There is no one who is beyond His saving grace.  He so loved "the world".  The world includes anyone and everyone.  He came to "seek and to save that which was lost"-- that includes "all" of us, because we "all" were lost. 

He came to save you.  Have you let Him?  Have you had that message of good news and great joy applied to your life?  The message of Christmas is a simple one-- God loved us and gave His Son for us.  A young virgin gave birth to the Son of God in a stable.  Receiving this Savor is simple too-- believe on Jesus, repent of your sins, and receive Him into your life as your Lord.

Have a great day.  Jesus Christ came to save "all" people-- no exclusions.    

For further reading:
John 3:16,17
Luke 19:10 

Monday, February 3, 2025

"A Powerful Mind"

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."  Romans 12:2

A friend and I were talking about how powerful our minds are.  They can make us believe something is so when it is not.  They can make us believe something as the truth when it is not.  I have two light switches in my hall- they both operate the same light.  If the light is on one switch is up and the other switch is down.  And vice versa if the light is off.  I can't tell you how many times I have turned off the light that was already off, or on, because of the position of the switch.  My mind tells me the light is either on or off because of the position of the switch, not because the bulb is shining or isn't.

Because our minds are so powerful we have to keep them renewed.  This is why the Lord warns us to take every thought captive.  Our thoughts will become actions if we think on them too long.  The devil knows this, and this is his main area of attack.  Our minds truly are a battleground.  Whoever wins in the mind, wins. 

The only way we can truly win and be victorious in our thought life is by committing each thought to the Lord.  We need to bring them into subjection and scrutiny to the Word of God.  We need to keep them lined up with what the Bible says.  When we do this, we bring the power of our minds under the power of the Holy Spirit.  And when our minds, and thoughts, are under His control we will not fall to the devil's attack and will walk in victory.

Have a great day.  Our minds are powerful; therefore, we have to keep each thought submitted to the Lord.