Wednesday, January 31, 2024

"God Humbles Himself"

"Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!" Psalm 113:6 

Each time that the Lord looks on the things that are in heaven and earth, He has to humble Himself to do so. As Creator, it places His creation so far beneath Him. He is so highly exalted far above everything else. If He humbles Himself just to look at us, there is no way that we can fully comprehend the depth that He went to to humble Himself and become a man and walk the earth. 
The Creator humbled Himself to the level of His own creation and became one of us-- born of a woman, nursed as a baby, grew as a child, learned to talk, walk, read and write. The One who created flesh, blood and bones, became flesh, blood and bone. The One who created language had to learn to speak. The One who puts strength in bones, had to develop the ability to walk on bones. The One who calls the stars by name had to look up in order to gaze at the stars.
The question is not, "How did He do it?". The question is, "Why did He do it?" Why would He leave His exalted place and humble Himself so low as to become like His own creation? The answer is found in the third level of His humility. He humbles Himself just to look at us. He humbled Himself even further and became one of us. But He humbled Himself further yet and became obedient to the death of the cross. "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." (Philippians 2:8) The answer to all three levels that God has humbled Himself to for us can be summed up in one word-- LOVE.
Everything that God has done. Each time He humbles Himself to even look at us is all because He loves us. He loves us so much that He was willing to come to earth, willing to leave heaven, will to be born of flesh, willing to walk the earth, willing to be rejected, ridiculed, beaten, spit on and crucified, all because of His love for us. 
We can't understand the depth of His humility in coming to earth to save us from our sins. But on the other hand, we can't understand the depth of the love that He has for us. And since we can't fully comprehend either, we just have to accept and believe that He does love us. He loves you this morning, even though you can't comprehend it. 
Have a great day. God has to humble Himself in all His dealings with mankind. But He does so because He loves us. 
For further reading:
John 1:1,14; 3:16
Psalm 97:9
Ephesians 3:17-19

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

"Included Through Prayer"

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 

Some of you who are reading this may be hindered because of various reasons from being able to "go" and "fulfill" what the Lord told us to do in the Great Commission. Your health, a transportation situation, weather, etc., may be a hindrance to you. But all though you might be hindered in one way, there are other ways in which you can "go". 
If your internet is working, you can send an email that lifts Jesus up, or post it on Face Book. If your phone is working, send a text and tell someone that Jesus loves them- or make a phone call. If none of that is available to you-- pray. Pray for laborers to be sent- those who are able to go. Pray for those who are in the harvest field. Pray that the Word of the Lord when spoken by someone else will have liberty and free course to accomplish the purpose for which it is sent. Pray for hearts to be soft, tender and receptive to the gospel message. Pray that all hindering forces would be bound and not prevail against the laborers and those who hear. 
You have to plow the field before it can be planted. What we do has to be bathed in prayer first. Prayer "plows" the field of the heart and gets it ready to receive the "seed" of God's word. So don't feel that you can't do anything because of your present condition or circumstances. You can "go" through prayer. It takes both-- prayer and preaching. Paul asked the church to pray for him to have utterance to open his mouth boldly and make known the gospel to others. 
Just because we pray doesn't excuse us from "going" physically when we can. But at the same time, when we can't go, prayer keeps us from being excluded in the commission.
Have a great day. If you can't fulfill the commission to "go" physically, you can fulfill it spiritually through your prayers for those who can go. 
For further reading:
Ephesians 6:18,19
Matthew 9:38
Luke 10:2

Monday, January 29, 2024

"It's Not New"

"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

"No new thing under the sun." In other words, there is nothing new. They say history repeats itself. Fashion tends to run in cycles-- just hang onto your old clothes and in about twenty years they will be in style again. The same is true with the trials and temptations that we face. They aren't new, and they aren't restricted to you only. Jesus was tempted in all points just like we are. He was tempted in the same areas and same things that you and I are tempted in today-- two thousand years later. In 1 Peter we are told that our brothers and sisters in the faith are suffering the same afflictions as we are. (1 Peter 5:9)
Because what you are going through is nothing new-- although it may be to you, and it may come in a different "flavor"-- it means that Jesus, having faced it Himself is touched by the feelings of your weaknesses. "For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning." (Hebrews 4:15- Amplified Bible)
Take heart this morning in whatever you may be going through. Jesus knows what it is like. He understands what you are going through. He is with you in it. He was victorious over it having gone through it Himself. He will help you, guide you, and walk with you through it. Be of good cheer, because He has overcome.
Have a great day. What you are going through is nothing new. Jesus has already gone through it and will be with you helping you to go through it as well.
For further reading:
John 16:33

Friday, January 26, 2024

"The Right Conditions"

"He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." Ecclesiastes 11:4 

This verse in "plain" English means-- if you wait for all the right conditions, you will never do anything. Human nature is to wait until everything in our lives is "perfect". Sadly, many feel this same way when it comes to starting a relationship with Jesus. They are waiting until they have raised their families, are financially stable, gotten an education, lived their lives, when they feel better or have straightened up their lives. Jesus addressed this in one of His parables. A man made a great supper and sent his servants to invite the people to come. Each of the guests made excuses as to why they couldn't come. One bought a piece of land and had to go see it. Another had bought some oxen and had to go look at them. The other had just got married and had to stay with his wife. These all missed out on the supper. You can't wait for the "perfect" conditions/time, you have to accept the invitation when it comes, waiting will be too late.
We also tend to wait for all the right conditions before we will do what the Lord calls us to do. Jesus addressed this too. There was a man who said that he would follow Jesus, but wanted Jesus to let him go bury his father first. Jesus' reply was to let the dead bury their dead. Jesus wasn't being cruel or heartless. He was telling the man not to wait, do it now while you have the opportunity, not when you have all things taken care of and in order.
The bottom line to what we are saying is this: we are waiting for "when" before we will either give our lives to Jesus, follow Him, or do what He has called us to do. We are waiting for "when" we are old, "when" we are smarter, "when" we have lived, "when" we have made a lot of money, "when" we have got it all together... "when" all the conditions in my life are right.... then, I will. 
If we wait on all the right conditions- when we think it is the right time- we will always be waiting and never do it. We must seize the opportunity when it comes to us. We must follow Him today. We must give our lives to Him now. David couldn't wait to kill Goliath until he was grown and a well trained soldier. That would have been the "right condition" in our way of thinking, but not in God's. He would have missed the perfect plan of God waiting on what he thought was the right time and perfect conditions. 
Have a great day. Don't wait for all the right conditions before you give your life to the Lord and follow Him. There will never be a right condition or time. Therefore, do it now. 
For further reading:
Luke 14:18-20
Matthew 8:19-23

Thursday, January 25, 2024

"It Makes No Sense"

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." Isaiah 55:8 

God has a way of doing things and we have a way of doing things. God's ways don't always make sense to us. How much sense did it make to march around the walls of Jericho for seven days without saying a word? How much sense did it make to go out to battle against a hundred thousand with only three hundred men? How much sense did it make to build an ark when there was no rain; or strike a rock to get water? None of it makes any sense to our natural understanding, but that is just it, God doesn't work from our understanding, He works from His own. 
When God is working in your life and you know that it is Him, but what He tells you makes no sense- you can't figure it out- what do you do? You listen to the words of Mary, "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." It doesn't have to make sense to us, we don't have to understand it all, we won't always understand it-- that is why it is called "faith". Our part is to do what He says-- trust and obey. When we do the task God's way, we will be victorious in the outcome. Everyone in the Bible who followed the Lord and did what He said- though it made no sense to them- was victorious and achieved the desired outcome, it was only when they did it their way that they failed. So whose way are you going to follow? 
Have a great day. God's ways don't always make sense to us, but if we will follow His instructions, we will be victorious in the outcome.
For further reading:
John 2:5
Isaiah 55:9

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

"You're Hanging Yourself"

"So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king's wrath pacified.: Esther 7:10

When a person has jealousy, anger, bitterness or unforgiveness toward another person, they wind up building a "gallows" toward that person. A gallows was not only used for execution by hanging, it was also a means of torture before execution. When we have these "oughts" toward another person, we think that we are "torturing" them. Yes, your feelings toward that person do have an effect on them, but they aren't the ones that you hurt the worse.
Haman built a gallows to hang Mordecai in, but instead he was the one who was hung in it. Having something against another person does hurt and bind that person in a sense, but it hurts us more. Eventually, we will be the ones who are "hung" by it. How so? For one, the most important one, it will hinder your relationship with the Heavenly Father. It will open a door to the enemy to come into your life. It will harden your heart. It will begin to steal your joy and peace. It will bring you under condemnation. It will delight your adversary the devil. We wind up hard-hearted. We are actually torturing ourselves.
The nature of Christ is love. If Christ is in us, so is His love. Love and unforgiveness have no room to coexist together. Love and bitterness, anger, malice, jealousy can't ever be "roommates". You can't say you love God and hate your brother, or your neighbor. You can't receive the forgiveness of God and refuse to forgive others-- even those who trespass against you. 
If you are holding onto unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, jealousy, etc, (any ought) toward another person-- whether it be founded or not--you must repent and release that person from your feelings toward them. But more importantly you will be releasing yourself before you wind up being hung in your "own gallows".
Have a great day. If you have ought, in any form-- unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, etc.-- against anyone. Repent of it, or you will be hung in the gallows of ought that you have built.
For further reading:
1 John 4:20
Matthew 6:12-15; 18:21-35

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

"The Beginning Of Life"

"Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him." Psalm 2:12 

"Kiss the Son", literally means-- submit to Jesus. But how can I? What if He calls me to do something I can't do? What if others reject me or make fun of me for submitting my life to and following Him? What about my own will? What if He ask me to give up my plans, desires, ambitions and dreams? So? What if He does? We act as if that is a "bad" thing. We act as if that is the "end of the world". We act as if once we do life is over for us. On the contrary.
Submitting and surrendering our lives to Jesus doesn't "end" our lives, it only "begins" them. "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." (Matthew 16:25) In other words, when we "lose" or "give up" our life (desires and will) and surrender it to His desire and will, we will "find our lives" That is when we truly start living. Up to that point we are existing, we are surviving, we are only enjoying life in a small measure and not to the fullest. Solomon discovered this. He tried to enjoy life in every way possible-- entertainment, adventure, education, projects, art, relationships, wealth, etc. And he concluded that life lived apart from God is "vanity" (meaningless).
Do we really want to live? Then submitting to the Lord is the only way to truly do that. It is in submitting to Him that we finally find abundant life. When we submit and surrender our lives to Him, we are putting our trust in Him to do us good and what is best for us. (And He will.) As we do, we will be blessed. The word blessed is literally translated- O happy man! We become genuinely "happy" with and in life. 
Everyone is looking for happiness in life. Everyone is looking for joy, peace and fulfillment. It is obtainable. But you can't obtain it your own way. It is obtained in submitting your life to Jesus alone. Do you really want to live? Then submit, surrender and trust the Lord with your life.
Have a great day. You don't start really living until you surrender your life to Jesus. 
For further reading:
John 10:10
Ecclesiastes 2

Monday, January 22, 2024

"Wood For The Sacrifice"

"And build an altar unto the Lord thy God upon the top of this rock, in the ordered place, and take the second bullock, and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the grove which thou shalt cut down." Judges 6:26

When Gideon destroyed the grove/altar/high place that his father had built to worship Baal, he then built an altar to the Lord. The Lord told him to offer a burnt sacrifice upon the altar. Interestingly, He told him to use "the wood of the grove which he cut down". 
For us, these groves represent the altar that we set up in our lives to our own god-- flesh/self. When we come to Christ in salvation, or through rededication, this altar is torn down and one to Him is erected. We too are to take the "wood from the grove" and use it on the altar of God. What does that mean? An altar is a place of worship. Wood represents humanity. Wood also represents the fuel for the fire. Simply put, it means that we are now to give ourselves as an instrument in worship to Him. It means that we become a living sacrifice to be consumed by Him. It means that we are now engaged in His service and doing that which brings Him glory-- and no longer self. It means our lives through our sacrifice, help to "fuel" His glory in our lives. 
Is your life a living sacrifice to God? Are you worshipping Him by presenting yourself at His altar daily? Are you allowing Him to consume your fleshly desires, ambitions, motives and will each day? Are you engaged in His service? Is your life "fueling" His worship, praise and glory? If not, then today place your life on the "altar" of the Lord and give Him your whole self. 
Have a great day. When we stop worshipping our flesh, then we become living sacrifices in worship to God. 
For further reading:
Romans 12:1

Friday, January 19, 2024

"Cut Down Your Grove"

"And it came to pass the same night, that the Lord said unto him, Take thy father's young bullock, even the second bullock of seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that is by it: And build an altar unto the Lord thy God upon the top of this rock, in the ordered place, and take the second bullock, and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the grove which thou shalt cut down." Judges 6:25,26

The children of Israel were living in sin against the Lord-- they were serving Baal and other gods. Because of this sin against God, they were living under the oppression of the Midianites. They cried to God for deliverance, and He raised up Gideon to deliver them. 
One of the things the Lord told Gideon to do was destroy the high places and groves that his father had built. These were places of worship to these false gods. As I thought about these groves three things came to mind. 
First, we see the answer to how we turn from God and get cold in our relationship with Him. These groves didn't just appear, someone had to build them. It took some time and effort to build them. When we turn from God and get cold in our walk with Him, it didn't just happen in an instant. It is a process. It started with missing one day of prayer, going a day without reading our Bible, missing a church service, watching a program we shouldn't watch. Then it becomes two days, then three days. Pretty soon, because of neglect of the things of God and attention to our own desires, we have built a "grove" and established an "altar" to something other than God in our lives-- self. 
Secondly, we see our answer on how to come back to that relationship with God that we once had. It happens by "tearing the grove down". It always takes longer to build a "grove" to the flesh-- it doesn't just happen overnight-- than it takes to reestablish one to God. It took Gideon's father some time to build the grove, but it only took Gideon one night to destroy it. How do we destroy it? By repentance. We turn to God and repent of our neglect of Him and worship of the flesh. When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We are instantly brought back into right relationship with Him. 
Thirdly, once we have repented, we don't just tear down the "grove", we must rebuild the altar of God in its place. How do we do this? "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works." (Revelation 2:5) Make God your priority, seek Him first, do the first works, don't follow the lust of your flesh, give attention to reading the word of God, praying, praise, worship and His house.

Have you turned from the Lord? Is there a grove and altar to your flesh that you are worshipping at in your life? Repent today and turn back to the Lord and reestablish your relationship with Him-- and worship Him only.

Have a great day. If you have turned from God and are worshipping something besides Him, tear down that altar and turn back to worshipping Him.
For further reading:
1 John 1:9
Judges 6

Thursday, January 18, 2024

"The 'Seed' Of Greatness"

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." Luke 1:35

"That Holy Thing" which was placed inside the womb of Mary was The Son of God. The "seed" of His person was placed inside her womb. When we think about that, we usually think about that "seed" as just Jesus. But inside that "seed" was Jesus the Christ, but was also the Creator of the Universe, the One who spoke all things into existence and holds all things together by the power of His word. Inside that "seed" was salvation, deliverance, healing, holiness, grace, mercy, all wisdom, all knowledge, all power, joy, peace, strength, glory, etc. Inside that "seed" was the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, the Faithful and Just One, the Alpha and Omega. Everything He is was inside that little "seed" inside her womb. She was impregnated with all that would ever be needed for her and the entirety of mankind. 
When we receive salvation, this same "seed" is placed in us. We don't have Jesus developing in our wombs, but He comes into our spirits. Yet, we don't realize what that means. We don't understand what is truly inside of us. Mary didn't understand. She understood that she was carrying the Son of God who was to be called Jesus, the One who would save His people from their sins. But she didn't understand that in her womb, inside of Him, was all, plus more, that we have talked about. 
When we hear people say, "Inside of you there is greatness". We think that the greatness is the "thing", or "things", that God is going to do through us. That is not what that means. When Christ Jesus is in us, HE is that greatness. I said earlier that we don't realize and understand what is in us. Christ in us means power, victory, grace, wisdom, the Creator.... all the things that I listed that was in the "seed" in Mary's womb is in us. Jesus the risen, living, Holy God who was, is and is to come is inside of us. 
That "seed" inside Mary's womb grew and developed and was then manifested in the world. We need to humble ourselves and decrease and let Jesus who is inside of us "grow" to the point where we are so transformed that it is "no long I but Christ that lives in me". We need to surrender to Him until we get to the place where He is manifested in this world through us because we have been so transformed that they no longer see us but Him.... because inside of us is all that the world needs. 
Have a great day. When Jesus is inside of you, everything He is and has is inside of you too. 
For further reading:
Colossians 1:27
Galatians 2:20
John 14:23

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

"Pick Up That Snake"

"And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it." Exodus 4:3 

When the Lord gave Moses the call to deliver the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage, He told him to throw his rod down on the ground. Moses did and that rod became a snake. The scripture says that Moses fled from before it--- in other words, he ran away from it. 
Even though the Lord saw that Moses ran from it out of fear, He then told him to pick it up. Why would He require Moses to pick it up if He knew he was afraid? Because God had a plan for Moses that was bigger than his fear. In that plan God had planned to be Moses' strength and wisdom in accomplishing the purpose He called him to. God was going to be with him, he didn't have to fear. 
What has God called you to do but you are running from it? Are you afraid to pick it up? Fear has taken hold of you because it looks fearful. Is it something you would rather not have to do? Are you afraid that it might destroy you-- your will? God sees your fear but that doesn't exempt you from His call. He is telling you the same thing He told Moses-- "pick it up". If you will pick it up, He will be with you as He was with Moses. He will strengthen, guide, give you wisdom and everything else that you need to accomplish His plan and purpose. When Moses picked it up, it didn't bite him. Instead, it because a rod again and a mighty instrument that God used in his hand to bring deliverance and show forth miracles. Your fear is unfounded, it will not "bite" you. God called you to pick it up because He intends to do great and mighty things for His glory through His call. So don't be afraid to pick it up. 
Have a great day. Don't run from the call of God out of fear, instead, pick it up.
For further reading:
Exodus 4:1-5
Romans 11:29

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

"Loving Him With Your Mouth"

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." Matthew 22:37 

Did you notice that Jesus didn't say to love the Lord thy God with thy mouth? Many people say they love Jesus, but their heart isn't in it. Jesus said that there are those who "draw near Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him."
They say they love Jesus, but they don't keep His commandments. They don't do the things that please Him, they don't live according to His word, they don't follow His will, they don't serve Him. The true sign that we love Him is that we keep His commandments. "If a man love me, he will keep my words." (John 14:23) If we love Him, we will live by His word and it will be evident in our lifestyle.
They say they love Him, but they never commune with Him. They only go to Him in prayer when they have a problem, are in need, need His help or are facing a difficult situation that they can't solve. They don't talk to Him when things are good and all is well. They neglect the place of prayer day in and day out. They have no fellowship with Him. They don't enjoy spending time in His presence just because of who He is. 
They say they love Him, but they rarely go to His house. They show up occasionally, when it is convenient for them. Going to God's house is not a priority for them. (I am not talking about those who can't go for one reason or other. I am talking about those who say they love Him but just don't go.) On the other hand, there are those who do go to His house out of religious duty, because it is the thing to do. They are there to make a "showing". They are there to fulfill some responsibility, but afterwards never give another thought about God.
They say they love Him, but they never read His word. The Bible lays on a table somewhere collecting dust-- if they even know where it is, or even have one. How can you say you love Him and not want to get to know more about Him? How can you say you love Him and not want to read His letters to you?
Jesus doesn't want your "lip service", He wants your heart. He wants what you say to line up with what is truly inside of you. If you love Him with all your heart, soul and mind, it will be evident in your life and it will come out of your mouth. And when you love Him from your heart, your life will back up what your mouth says.
Have a great day. Anybody can say they love Jesus, but if they do their life will back up what they say. 
For further reading:
John 14:15
Isaiah 29:13
Matthew 15:8
Mark 7:6

Monday, January 15, 2024

"Just Pray"

"Is any among you afflicted? let him pray." James 5:13a 

Are you suffering hardship and trouble? Then pray. What? That's your answer to what I am going through? Don't tell me to pray, I need help, I need an answer. I have a problem and you tell me to pray! Prayer is such a novel idea. Prayer is too simple.
Isn't that how we often are? We want answers and help but we won't go to the place where we can get it. We will go to this person and that person. We will seek a word from someone. We will look to the arm of the flesh. We run here and there looking for our answer, but neglect to pray about it. I didn't tell you to pray-- God's word did. 
God gave us our answer-- pray. When we pray, we are going to the One, and only One, who can give us an answer. When we pray, we are going to our true source of help. When we pray, the Lord steps into our situation and guides us through it. When we pray, we get the wisdom of heaven backing us up. When we pray, we are turning to God and as we gaze upon Him that thing that was so "monumental" pales in comparison to who God is. When we pray, the burden is lifted. 
We are looking for the answer, help and solution to our trouble but if we are neglecting to pray, we will continually struggle looking for the answer. If we neglect to pray it will only get worse because confusion will come in, frustration will come in, fear will come in and the problem will escalate like a snowball and pretty soon you don't only have your original problem but a bigger problem. The Bible says that you have not because you ask not. It also says to ask that you might receive. 
Do we really want an answer? Do we really want help? Do we think that God doesn't have an answer or that He can't help with this problem? Do we think that we are smart enough, wise enough, or strong enough to do it on our own? Do we save God as a "back up plan" if nothing else we try works? God has your answer, He knows how to solve the problem, He knows what you need in times of trouble, He knows how to comfort and strengthen, how to guide and direct and He has told you how to get it--- pray. Will you believe Him? Will you trust Him and do what He says or keep "beating your head up against a wall" looking for your own solution and help?
Have a great day. Pray may seem like too simple an answer, but it is the answer!
For further reading:
John 16:24
Matthew 7:7,8

Friday, January 12, 2024

"Rise Up Mighty Warrior"

"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19

In my prayer time this morning I heard the Spirit say -- rise up mighty warrior-- over and over again. It is time we use the power and authority that the Lord has given us in the situations that we face. It is time to stop "rolling over and playing dead". It is time to stop wallowing in self-pity. It is time to stop throwing up our hands in defeat. It is time to stop murmuring and talking about the situations and problems and start doing something about it. 
The Bible says that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. It is not taken by whining and crying and complaining. It is taken by faith and boldness. It is taken by recognizing that you are a mighty warrior with God-given authority and the anointing to set captives free, to open prison doors to those who are bond, to turn the battle to the gates, it treads on serpents and scorpions, to thwart the plans of the enemy, and to see your King exalted. 
It is time to pick up your armor and put it on. It is time to take the sword of the Spirit- the Word of God- and use it. Stand on God's Word, hold fast to His promises, step out in faith, claim His truths, apply them to the situations. Then stand upon them. Dig your heels into the "ground" and declare, "No matter what comes I will not be moved, because God is for me so who can be against me". Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You are already more than a conqueror. Jesus already defeated the devil and destroyed his works. Jesus has delegated His authority to you in the here and now to use while you are on earth. He has given you the keys of the kingdom-- authority. 
It is time the church stop acting like weaklings. It is time we stop living without power. It is time we stop caving into every trial, test and temptation that comes our way. It is time we stand up, stand firm, be bold and trust in our Mighty Warrior King whose strong right arm has already won the victory. 
Have a great day. Rise up mighty warrior!
For further reading:
Matthew 11:12; 16:19
Ephesians 6:10-18
1 John 4:4

Thursday, January 11, 2024

"Strength Through The Word"

"Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net." Luke 5:4,5 

When Jesus wanted to use Simon's boat to preach from, He found Simon washing his nets. When Jesus told him to launch out into the deep and let down his nets, Simon answered that they had been out there all night. Fishing in those days was a very physical and tiring work. I am sure they were sleepy because they had been up all night and exhausted because of the work. When Jesus said to launch out into the deep waters, they didn't have motors on their boats, they had to grab the oars and row. 
When Jesus tells us to do something, it may be at a time when we are tired or weary. It may be at a time when our strength is gone. He doesn't always wait until we are refreshed and energetic. Sometimes we are called to go from one battle to another, from one work to another.
What gave Simon the strength to row out into the deep? "Nevertheless at thy word." It was the words of Jesus. When we are tired, when we feel we can't go on, when we feel that the task is just too great, we can gain renewed strength through God's word. His word brings strength and refreshing. It brings energy. It brings life. It wasn't Simon's strength; it was the strength he gained through Jesus' words. The Lord's strength is perfected in our weakness. He imparts His strength to us, which often comes through His word. 
You may be feeling tired and weary. You may feel you can't go on. You may feel as if you just can't do it. But listen to God's word-- listen to what He says to you. His word will empower you to do any task He calls you to do. Hold fast to His word-- it is your strength. And when His strength is imparted to you-- you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you.
Have a great day. Our strength and ability to do any task comes through the power of the Word of God. 
For further reading:
Philippians 4:13
2 Corinthians 12:9
Psalm 119:28

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

"Great Things"

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord." Isaiah 54:17 

I am expecting great things this year. I am expecting God to do some great and wonderful things in and through my life. But when we think about "great", that does not mean the absence of trouble and trials. Joseph had a dream- a great dream. He expected great things in his life, he expected God to take him into some great places but look at what happened to him. His brothers betrayed him. He was sold into slavery. He was falsely accused and thrown into prison. 
"Great" doesn't mean there won't be weapons formed against you. Weapons of jealousy and betrayal, weapons of hate, weapons of violence, weapons of fear, weapons of lies, weapons of temptation, weapons of sickness and disease, weapons of a financial nature, and so on. But those weapons cannot prosper. God knows how to take what is meant for evil and work it together in such a way where it will produce good and bring about the "great". 
When you see a weapon forming, don't get discouraged, don't give up or give in. As in the case of Joseph it was the weapons that were formed against him that took him into his God given destiny. Each weapon he encountered took him one step closer. (They formed, but they did not prosper.) 
The enemy thinks he is holding the weapons. He thinks his weapons are more powerful. He thinks his weapons will destroy you. God has a weapon too and knows how to direct it in such a way where the enemy's weapons are rendered useless. Goliath had a weapon that looked mightier, but God directed a small stone to bring him down. So don't fear the enemy's weapons, they will not prosper against you. Trust God and believe that He will destroy the enemy's weapons by causing them to bring about good instead of destruction. 
Have a great day. When weapons form against us, we do not have to fear them. God has a way of keeping them from destroying us and He knows how to cause them to bring about something great in our lives. 
For further reading:
Romans 8:28
Genesis 50:20

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

"Do The Pressing"

"And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years...When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment." Mark 5:25,27 

As we have just entered into a new year make this your year to press past the pain of last year; press past the failures; press past the negativity of men; press past the fears; press past the things that have held you in bondage; press past the cares and distractions of this life; press past your weaknesses; press past your shortcomings; press past guilt and condemnation; press past besetting sins that would hinder you and press into Jesus. 
Be like the woman with the issue of blood and do not let anything stop you from getting to Jesus. He was her one goal. She was determined. She persevered until she reached Him and touched Him. Too often we are sitting back and waiting on the Lord to "zap" us or do some supernatural thing that will instantly change and transform us, our lives and our situations. Only the Lord can do the miracle, only He can bring about the change that is needed, like with this woman, she could not heal herself, it took a miracle from Jesus to give her healing and deliverance-- that is the part that we can't do. But the part that we are to do is press, launch out, seek, repent, ask, turn from, look to, pursue and so on. 
"And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague." (verse 34) Had the woman stayed in her home, had she not got out to where Jesus was, had she not pressed through the crowd, she would have continued to have the disease and more than likely died with it. It was faith and action that brought her healing. "Faith without works is dead." (James 2:20) It was Jesus' power activated by her faith that brought her healing. When faith reached Him, He took notice. Don't just sit by waiting and hoping, make a step, step out and get to Jesus. Press through whatever stands in the way. When you do, He will notice, and He will touch and change your life.
Have a great day. It is time you press through all the things that would keep you from getting to Jesus. When you do, you will reach Him and He will take notice and forever change your life.
For further reading:
Mark 5

Monday, January 8, 2024

"Launch Into The Deep"

"Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." Luke 5:3 

For weeks the Lord has been speaking something to my heart, I would like to share it with you. The word I have been hearing is-- get out of the shallows. 
The Lord is calling His people, as He did Peter, to launch out into the deep. In Ezekiel God gave the prophet a vision of waters coming into a house. Those waters started off as ankle deep in depth and continued to rise until they were deep enough to swim in. The people of God- His children, the church- have been hanging around the shallow areas of this great river. We have been wading in "ankle deep" waters content and not pressing out any further. The time has come when we can't do that anymore. If we are going to be light and salt in this dark and thirsty world, if the commission that the Lord commanded us to do is to be fulfilled, if we are going to have the fullness of God in our lives, we are going to have to launch out into the deep. 
The deep river to swim in is simply God Himself. He is the River-- and He said out of us would flow rivers of living water. What does it mean to launch out into the deep and how do we do it? It means to submerse yourself in God. It means to draw near to Him. It means to surrender yourself and will to Him. It means to desire as Paul did to know Him and love Him with all your heart. 
We have hung around the shallow places because they are comfortable, they don't require much of us, or we have been afraid to go deeper. When you are in shallow water, you feel in control because you can "touch bottom" or easily make your way back to the safety of land. Going out into the deep you lose that control and power. You can't touch bottom and all you have surrounding you is water. You are, in a sense, at the mercy of the water. That's where the Lord is calling us-- surrender to Me, trust Me. 
This is a word to all of us-- launch out into the deep. Some of you have never made that step before, you have been in the shallows your whole Christian life-- a little reading of the word, a little prayer, a little church, a little service, etc. For some of you it is a call to get back into the deep. The word for launch is also translated-- return. You were once out there. You were once serving God, loving God, surrendered to God, anointed powerfully of God, but you started turning back toward the shallow areas- for whatever reason- and that is where you have been for a long time. God's plan for you is that you do not stay there. He is calling you to return to the deep waters- the same call that He gives in Revelation when He admonishes the church of Ephesus to return to their first love and do the first works again. It is not too late. He is calling you to return. He is calling you to move out into a deeper relationship with Him. Don't be afraid Jesus is in the "boat" with you. He didn't get out of Peter's boat at the shore, He went out into the deep with him. 
Have a great day. Are you wading around in the shallow areas or swimming around in the deep waters of God?
For further reading:
Luke 5:1-11
Revelation 2:4,5

Friday, January 5, 2024

"There's Already A Plan"

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 

You never can tell about a day. We don't have the ability to see into the day and know what is going to happen in it. We just have to live it minute by minute as it unfolds before us. Sometimes that unfolding brings good things into our lives. Sometimes it brings tragedy, heartache, pain, or bad reports. Who can know? God does. He knows what lies ahead each day. He sees the end of the day at the beginning. Actually, He has already seen the end of each day that has yet to be before the foundation of the world. He foresees the future from the past.
Knowing this should bring us great comfort because that means that though things may happen in a day that take us by surprise, nothing takes Him by surprise. He has already seen it. And not only has He seen it, but He has also made provision ahead of time for it. God doesn't come up with a plan for the events that happen in our life as they happen. He doesn't try to decide what to do on the spur of the moment when faced with the situation. He doesn't try to figure out the best route to take when the situation presents itself. He has already decided, planned and figured out what to do. For example, He saw the fall of man before He ever created mankind. It was at that point that He came up with the plan of redemption, not at the fall when they disobeyed and ate from the tree. 
Whatever you are facing today, God has already seen it in the past, and He has already made a provision for it. He isn't trying now to come up with a solution, He already has one. So, trust that He has seen ahead what you are going through, it isn't taking Him by surprise, and He already has a plan to work all things together for your good through it.
Have a great day. Because God has already seen this day before it ever got here, He knows what will happen and He already has a plan in place to take care of it. So, trust Him. 
For further reading:
1 Peter 1:18-21
Revelation 13:8
Hebrews 4:13

Thursday, January 4, 2024

"Give Him Strength"

"Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength." Psalm 29:1 

I understand how we give God glory-- we do it by showing Him honor, respect, reverence, by testifying of His greatness and showing what marvelous things He has done in our lives. But how do we give Him strength? How can we who are so weak, frail and powerless on our own, give God who is already stronger than the strongest strength? How can we add to the perfect strength He has? How can we make Him any stronger than He already is? 
Lest we misunderstand, the verse isn't saying that God has some weakness and He needs us to help Him and give Him some added strength. Neither is it implying that we can "help" God out by sharing our strength with Him. He is Omnipotent-- All Powerful, All-Strong. 
How do we give strength to God? By acknowledging our weakness. The Bible says that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. It says for the "weak" to say they are strong-- strong in the Lord and the power of His might. When we acknowledge that we need Him, that we can't make it without Him, that we are weak without Him, that we just can't do it without Him, then we are "giving" Him our strength.
Have you ever been around- or had- a child who insist that they "can do it"? You knew the task was too large for them; you knew they weren't able to do it; you knew that they didn't have the know how or ability to do the thing that they insisted that they were able to do. No matter how unable they were to do it, they kept telling you they could. When we try to do something in our own strength, we are not giving God strength. Giving our strength to God means that we surrender what ability and strength we may have to Him and acknowledge that without Him we can't do it. 
Are you struggling trying to do a task in your own strength? Are you insistent that you can do it by yourself without God's help? Then you are not giving your strength to God. Surrender your "crown of strength" to the All Strong God and let Him give you His perfect strength to accomplish the task. By doing so, not only are you giving up your strength to Him, but you are also giving Him glory at the same time. "Give unto the Lord glory and strength."
Have a great day. Surrender your little strength to God and He will give you His perfect strength. 
For further reading:
Joel 3:10
2 Corinthians 12:9
Ephesians 6:10

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

"It Came To Pass"

"And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us." Luke 2:15 

"And it came to pass". I thought it was interesting that this phrase is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. It speaks of something that is proceeded by something else-- an event proceeded by another, a revelation of something previously hid before hand but now revealed, an understanding of something that may not have been clear before, or a promise that was given and is now coming to pass.
In the verse above, "and it came to pass", the promise that the Lord made at the fall to send one who would bruise the head of the serpent had come to pass. His arrival in the earth had finally come after all the thousands of years of waiting. 
We have all experienced the "it came to pass" times. Times when we have heard a word from the Lord but then had to wait. Times when He has given a promise, and we haven't seen it come to pass. There is a timing to when "it came to pass". "Though the vision tarry wait for it". But when it does come it usually comes like it did for the shepherds-- suddenly and at an unexpected time. They were keeping watch over their flocks by night, as they had done every night, and without prior notice or warning the angel of the Lord came to them, and then suddenly the angels were there proclaiming this wonderful thing that had "came to pass".
As I said earlier we have all experienced these times when "it came to pass", and we will again. So don't get discouraged while waiting for "it to come to pass". God has a timing, God has a plan, God is orchestrating and putting all things in place. Though it tarry it will come and it will come at the appointed time for it "to come to pass".
Have a great day. "It will come to pass" in God's appointed time--suddenly and unexpected. 
For further reading:
Luke 2:8-16
Genesis 3:15
Habakkuk 2:3

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

"Your Petition"

"And the king said unto Esther at the banquet of wine, What is thy petition? and it shall be granted thee: and what is thy request? even to the half of the kingdom it shall be performed. Then answered Esther, and said, My petition and my request is; if I have found favour in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my petition, and to perform my request, let the king and Haman come to the banquet that I shall prepare for them, and I will do tomorrow as the king hath said." Esther 5:6-8

When Esther had a petition, there were many people in the palace she could have gone to with that request. There were servants, the king's advisors, guards, etc. in the palace. But it would not have done her any good to go to them. They were unable to grant her petition. There was only one out of the many in the palace that could-- the king. 
When you have a petition, who do you take that request to? Who are you seeking out to grant it? Are you going to your spouse or another family member? Are you going to another brother or sister in Christ? Are you going to your pastor? Are you going to another person? Or are you going to the King? The king was the only one who had the power and authority to grant Esther's petition. Our beloved King of kings is the only One who has the power and authority to grant our request. Esther had advisors around her-- thankfully, we do too. But they only advise, they don't grant. 
If this king-- being a mere man, and evil-- knew how to give the good gift and petition that she requested, how much more does and will our Heavenly King give us the good thing that we are petitioning for. Take your request and petition to the One who has the power and authority to grant it. Don't be "running around the palace" looking to others to give you what only He can.
Have a great day. Take your petition to the King, He is the only One who can grant it.
For further reading:
Esther 5
1 Samuel 1:17,27
Matthew 7:11