A couple of nights ago I had a dream. Like some of my dreams there were a lot of oddities in it. But there were parts that made me believe that this dream was spiritual in nature and the Lord is saying something through it that I am to share.
The dream began with me and a few others in a house. Among the others was a child. While I was there in the sky there appeared two very large figures that were black and had form but no distinct features. It was obvious that they were demons and they were talking about chaos. They disappeared and in their place was a huge black swirling cloud-- like a tornado without the funnel. It was directly overhead and not very high in the sky. I told the person with me that we had to leave because there were demonic things happening that looked like a dragon. At that point, over our heads, fairly close overhead, appeared a dragon that was big and black and made up of thousand of pieces of things that could not be made out but gave it its form. From there, I was going to take the child to someplace safe-- didn't know where that was but we were going-- because I knew the child was in danger. As we started to leave there was a man with me and I told him to take the child because he was stronger and would have a better grip on her. As we were heading out of the house, a car pulled up over on our left side. I sensed that the people in it were demonic. I went to the car and began to say, "In the Name of Jesus", to them. I kept repeating-- "In the Name of Jesus". The next scene we-- the child, man and myself-- were in another place. Like a house with a hallway. Coming down the hall toward me was someone that I knew who had died years ago. I sensed the presence of a demon again. I went to this "person" and said, "In the Name of Jesus". I drew a line on the floor right in front of them indicating that in the Name of Jesus they better not come any closer. I kept repeating, "In the Name of Jesus", over and over. The rest of the dream was sketchy, and like I said full of oddities, so I won't share any more.
What I believe the Lord is saying through this dream is that we are in a time where demonic forces of darkness are everywhere. We have to be on guard. But also, as children of the Most High God, He wants us to know that we don't have to be afraid. Although the demons were plotting, they were very large, the sky was stormy, the dragon was flying directly overhead, demons were on one side of me, they were out in plain sight, and everywhere I went, I was not afraid. I wanted to get the child to safety, but there was no fear in me. The Lord does not want us to be afraid. We must remember that we have not been given a spirit of fear. We have been given the Holy Spirit and He is not afraid of ANYTHING!!!! So we don't have to be either. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. In each encounter with the demons in my dream, I went to confront them. I didn't wait for them to come to me. Just as David went out to meet Goliath and took the battle to the enemy, we too have to take the battle to the enemy. We can't stand in fear on the sidelines like the army of Israel did. They stood back because of fear. David had no fear because his trust was in God. Our trust has to be rooted in the Lord as well. When it is, the enemy can't make us fearful or intimidate us. The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.
The second thing I believe He is saying is-- ALL power in heaven and earth is given unto Him/Jesus. We are in a time of spiritual warfare, use His authority that you have been given. There is power in the Name of Jesus! In His Name demons are cast out. At His Name every knee shall bow! In the dream my only response to the demons was to say, "In the Name of Jesus". I kept saying it. As I kept saying it, the demons didn't react the way I expected them to. I thought they would flee, turn tail and run, or melt like wax. They didn't, but I kept saying it anyway. I didn't let up. What did happen was that they didn't come any closer or proceed any further. So, the message in this is-- don't think that just because you don't see what you expected, it doesn't mean that Jesus is not powerful!! He is Omnipotent!! Keep trusting in the power of His Name. The demons have to bow at the Name of Jesus. Keep standing upon and speaking and using His Name. The demons tremble in fear when Jesus comes near!!!
Have a great day. Don't be afraid. The Greater One is in you if you have made Him your Savior and Lord. Stand firm upon the power that is in His Name.