"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.... A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak". Ecclesiastes 3:1,7
When the Lord had the children of Israel march around the walls of Jericho, He told them to keep silent and not say a word. On the seventh day He told them to march around Jericho seven times and on the seventh time they were to shout. When they shouted, the walls came down and they were able to go into the city and destroy their enemy.
There is a time for us to keep silent, but there is also a time for us to speak. When it comes to petitioning the Lord, it is time for us to speak and make our request known. After we have asked there is a time for us to keep silent and give Him a chance to speak to us.
When we are in the presence of our enemies, there is a time to keep silent-- like the Israelites did for seven days. But there comes a time when we can't keep silent before our enemies and we have to "shout unto God with the voice of triumphant" for giving us victory over our enemies.
Some of us need to do more "shouting". We need to shout at the enemy. We need to shout at the mountain. We need to shout at the storm. We need to open our mouths and "do/say something". Jesus spoke to the devil in the time of temptations in the wilderness-- He spoke God's Word. He shouted at the sea to "shut up and hold its peace".
There is something "therapeutic" about a shout. There is something freeing about a shout. There is deliverance in a shout-- deliverance from pride, interbitions, intimidation and hurt. There is something that brings victory in a shout. When the Israelites shouted, God intervened, did something supernatural in bringing the walls down, and gave them the victory. It happened when they shouted, not before.
Have a great day. Your victory is in the shout!
Coffee Break is a Christian devotional that is intended to help you in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ... and if you don't have a relationship with Him, we want to help you find out how to have one.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017
"The Encounter That Changes"
"..... as many as touched him were made whole." Mark 6:56b
One thing that is lacking today is an encounter with Jesus. This is why, in my opinion, there is no life changing transformation taking place in those who profess to be "Christians". It is hard to tell them from those in the world. It is hard to tell the difference, when there should be a distinct difference. A difference as different as day and night, light and dark.
We have substituted an encounter with Jesus for an encounter with church and religion. We equate them as the same thing. But it is not. We can encounter them and stay the same as we always have been. But we can't encounter Jesus and stay the same-- our lives will be forever changed.
Everyone in the Bible who had an encounter with Jesus was changed, they were transformed and their lives were altered forever. Peter's life changed. The woman with the issue of blood had a life change. Zacchaeus was changed. Saul, when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, was forever changed. Blind Bartimaeus was changed. Everyone in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost was changed when they encountered the Holy Spirit of God. And the list goes on.
Is your life no different? Are you the same as you have always been, yet you profess to be a Christian? Could it be that you have had an encounter with "church" or "religion" but not an encounter with Jesus Christ the Head of the Church, the Savior of your soul? If that is the case, you can call out to Him today and He will come and give you that life changing encounter with Himself. Has it been a long time since you have had an encounter with Him? We can have multiple encounters. We have to have an encounter with Him daily to keep us changing.
Have a great day. Have you had an encounter with church or with Jesus? Only an encounter with Jesus will transform your life.
One thing that is lacking today is an encounter with Jesus. This is why, in my opinion, there is no life changing transformation taking place in those who profess to be "Christians". It is hard to tell them from those in the world. It is hard to tell the difference, when there should be a distinct difference. A difference as different as day and night, light and dark.
We have substituted an encounter with Jesus for an encounter with church and religion. We equate them as the same thing. But it is not. We can encounter them and stay the same as we always have been. But we can't encounter Jesus and stay the same-- our lives will be forever changed.
Everyone in the Bible who had an encounter with Jesus was changed, they were transformed and their lives were altered forever. Peter's life changed. The woman with the issue of blood had a life change. Zacchaeus was changed. Saul, when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, was forever changed. Blind Bartimaeus was changed. Everyone in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost was changed when they encountered the Holy Spirit of God. And the list goes on.
Is your life no different? Are you the same as you have always been, yet you profess to be a Christian? Could it be that you have had an encounter with "church" or "religion" but not an encounter with Jesus Christ the Head of the Church, the Savior of your soul? If that is the case, you can call out to Him today and He will come and give you that life changing encounter with Himself. Has it been a long time since you have had an encounter with Him? We can have multiple encounters. We have to have an encounter with Him daily to keep us changing.
Have a great day. Have you had an encounter with church or with Jesus? Only an encounter with Jesus will transform your life.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
"Living Up To The Name"
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold." Proverbs 22:1
When you look at the names of people in the Bible, their names have specific meanings. Some people lived up to their names like Jacob. His name meant deceiver-- he was until the Lord changed it. Some people did not live up to their names like Eli the priest. His name meant Jehovah is high. His life, lack of godly character and slothfulness concerning the things of God did not reflect the meaning of his name.
When we are born-again, we are given a name. That name is "Christian". The meaning of the name Christian is: follower of Christ; Christ-like. If you are a Christian, are you living up to the name/meaning? Are you truly following Christ? Is your life a reflection of who Christ is? Do you act, talk, treat others and live like Christ? Are you kind and merciful like He is? Are you loving, gracious, forgiving, truthful, honest, pure, tender, gentle, moral, giving and so on like He is? When you have the name Christian, do others see Christ in you? Do they hear Him in your speech? Do they see Him in your actions, attitudes and dealings with others?
A sister in the Lord reminded me of this the other day-- if you say you are a Christian (Christ-like) and were put on trial to see if you truly are, would their be enough evidence to convict you? In other words, are you living up to your name? Are you living up to who you say you are, Christian?
Have a great day. If you are a Christian, are you living up to the name?
When you look at the names of people in the Bible, their names have specific meanings. Some people lived up to their names like Jacob. His name meant deceiver-- he was until the Lord changed it. Some people did not live up to their names like Eli the priest. His name meant Jehovah is high. His life, lack of godly character and slothfulness concerning the things of God did not reflect the meaning of his name.
When we are born-again, we are given a name. That name is "Christian". The meaning of the name Christian is: follower of Christ; Christ-like. If you are a Christian, are you living up to the name/meaning? Are you truly following Christ? Is your life a reflection of who Christ is? Do you act, talk, treat others and live like Christ? Are you kind and merciful like He is? Are you loving, gracious, forgiving, truthful, honest, pure, tender, gentle, moral, giving and so on like He is? When you have the name Christian, do others see Christ in you? Do they hear Him in your speech? Do they see Him in your actions, attitudes and dealings with others?
A sister in the Lord reminded me of this the other day-- if you say you are a Christian (Christ-like) and were put on trial to see if you truly are, would their be enough evidence to convict you? In other words, are you living up to your name? Are you living up to who you say you are, Christian?
Have a great day. If you are a Christian, are you living up to the name?
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
"You Have To Be Born Again"
"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3
When Nicodemus came to Jesus, Jesus told him what he had to do to enter into the Kingdom of God (go to heaven). Jesus didn't tell him he had to believe He was from God-- Nicodemus already believed that. He didn't tell him to go serve in the church-- Nicodemus was already doing that. He didn't tell him to become a church leader-- he already was. Jesus didn't tell him to go study the scriptures and read his "Bible"-- he already knew them and did study. Jesus didn't tell Nicodemus to do religious acts-- he was already doing religious acts.
Instead Jesus told him to be "born again". He told him he needed to "come back alive". Nicodemus was spiritually dead-- in trespasses and sin. He, like the rest of us, had sinned and come short of the glory of God. He was dead spiritually through Adam's sin in the garden. Sin and death came upon all mankind through Adam. (In the day that you eat of the tree you shall surely die.) Mankind spiritually died.
How do we come back to life spiritually? We must be born again. That was the message to Nicodemus and it is still the message to us today. The criteria hasn't changed. We still have to be "born again" if we are going to enter into heaven. Jesus doesn't say to us we have to do religious duties. He doesn't tell us that if we want to enter into heaven we have to join the church, shake the preacher's hand, get baptized, repeat a sinner's prayer, serve in the church, give offerings, etc. No, He tells us we have to be "born again". We have to come back alive spiritually. Only spiritually alive people enter into His Kingdom. Nothing, and no one, "dead" enters there.
The ONLY way to do this is through faith in Jesus' work at the cross. Jesus is the Way. Jesus takes away our sins. Jesus is Life. Jesus makes us brand new and a new person. Jesus turns our hearts that were dead in trespasses and sin into a brand new heart that is alive.
Have a great day. The criteria for eternal life is the same today-- you must be born again.
Scripture references:
John 3:1-21; 14:6
Genesis 2:16,17
Romans 3:23; 5:19
When Nicodemus came to Jesus, Jesus told him what he had to do to enter into the Kingdom of God (go to heaven). Jesus didn't tell him he had to believe He was from God-- Nicodemus already believed that. He didn't tell him to go serve in the church-- Nicodemus was already doing that. He didn't tell him to become a church leader-- he already was. Jesus didn't tell him to go study the scriptures and read his "Bible"-- he already knew them and did study. Jesus didn't tell Nicodemus to do religious acts-- he was already doing religious acts.
Instead Jesus told him to be "born again". He told him he needed to "come back alive". Nicodemus was spiritually dead-- in trespasses and sin. He, like the rest of us, had sinned and come short of the glory of God. He was dead spiritually through Adam's sin in the garden. Sin and death came upon all mankind through Adam. (In the day that you eat of the tree you shall surely die.) Mankind spiritually died.
How do we come back to life spiritually? We must be born again. That was the message to Nicodemus and it is still the message to us today. The criteria hasn't changed. We still have to be "born again" if we are going to enter into heaven. Jesus doesn't say to us we have to do religious duties. He doesn't tell us that if we want to enter into heaven we have to join the church, shake the preacher's hand, get baptized, repeat a sinner's prayer, serve in the church, give offerings, etc. No, He tells us we have to be "born again". We have to come back alive spiritually. Only spiritually alive people enter into His Kingdom. Nothing, and no one, "dead" enters there.
The ONLY way to do this is through faith in Jesus' work at the cross. Jesus is the Way. Jesus takes away our sins. Jesus is Life. Jesus makes us brand new and a new person. Jesus turns our hearts that were dead in trespasses and sin into a brand new heart that is alive.
Have a great day. The criteria for eternal life is the same today-- you must be born again.
Scripture references:
John 3:1-21; 14:6
Genesis 2:16,17
Romans 3:23; 5:19
Monday, June 26, 2017
"Calling On Who?"
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
Call unto who? Thank the Lord that He has placed people in our lives that we can call upon for help with matters that we face. But do we call on these people first? The invitation. and admonishment, is to call upon the Lord.
We are so busy calling on others for help that we forget the One who can truly help us. We forget that He has invited us to call. We forget that He has made Himself available to us. We forget just how much He desires to help us and meet our needs.
Who are you calling on in your time of need? Others are the Lord? Are you calling on Him or them first? Have you forgotten that you can call on Him? Do you automatically run to Him or others when you are in need? Do you run to the phone or to the Throne?
Perhaps the reason we don't see more answers to our problems and more needs met is because we are calling on the wrong one for help. People are limited. People are in need just like we are. People can only do so much. But the Lord is more than able to meet the need. He is all powerful. He can do anything but fail. He has all the resources you need. He is unlimited in His abilities. Man is not. So, who are you going to call upon on?
Have a great day. Who are you calling on in time of need?
Call unto who? Thank the Lord that He has placed people in our lives that we can call upon for help with matters that we face. But do we call on these people first? The invitation. and admonishment, is to call upon the Lord.
We are so busy calling on others for help that we forget the One who can truly help us. We forget that He has invited us to call. We forget that He has made Himself available to us. We forget just how much He desires to help us and meet our needs.
Who are you calling on in your time of need? Others are the Lord? Are you calling on Him or them first? Have you forgotten that you can call on Him? Do you automatically run to Him or others when you are in need? Do you run to the phone or to the Throne?
Perhaps the reason we don't see more answers to our problems and more needs met is because we are calling on the wrong one for help. People are limited. People are in need just like we are. People can only do so much. But the Lord is more than able to meet the need. He is all powerful. He can do anything but fail. He has all the resources you need. He is unlimited in His abilities. Man is not. So, who are you going to call upon on?
Have a great day. Who are you calling on in time of need?
Friday, June 23, 2017
"Get To Pray"
"And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples." Luke 11:1
In having a conversation with people about prayer, one of the things you hear most is-- I don't get to pray. What do you mean by- you don't get to pray? They mean they don't get time to pray because they are too busy, have too many other demands on their life and time, they just aren't able to pray. Newsflash: it isn't about "getting to pray", it is about "making time to pray". Another newsflash: the enemy of your soul will make sure you don't get to pray. He will send every distraction and every excuse as to why you can't pray.
When you say that you don't get to pray, it sounds like you are helpless to do anything about it. It sounds like you have no control over the situations that hinder your prayer life and prayer time. This isn't true. You have to make the time. You make time for everything else, why is prayer (your communion with God) any different? If you want to go somewhere, you schedule everything else around it. If you need to leave earlier than usual, you set your clock for an earlier time. If you want to stay up and watch a movie you force yourself to stay awake. If you want to go to an event out of town, you will make the hour or two drive.
We do the things we really want to do and we don't let anything stand in the way. You made time to read this. You made time to go to your job. You made time to go on a trip. You made time to go to the grocery store. You made time for a hobby. Why can't we make time for prayer? It is because it is not a priority in our lives!! If it were, we would do it. We would make sure we "get to pray". We wouldn't let anything stop us. We would reschedule whatever we had to do to include it. We would get up earlier if need be. We would do whatever it took to make sure we got the time.
Have a great day. If you aren't "getting to pray" it may be because it isn't a priority in your life.
In having a conversation with people about prayer, one of the things you hear most is-- I don't get to pray. What do you mean by- you don't get to pray? They mean they don't get time to pray because they are too busy, have too many other demands on their life and time, they just aren't able to pray. Newsflash: it isn't about "getting to pray", it is about "making time to pray". Another newsflash: the enemy of your soul will make sure you don't get to pray. He will send every distraction and every excuse as to why you can't pray.
When you say that you don't get to pray, it sounds like you are helpless to do anything about it. It sounds like you have no control over the situations that hinder your prayer life and prayer time. This isn't true. You have to make the time. You make time for everything else, why is prayer (your communion with God) any different? If you want to go somewhere, you schedule everything else around it. If you need to leave earlier than usual, you set your clock for an earlier time. If you want to stay up and watch a movie you force yourself to stay awake. If you want to go to an event out of town, you will make the hour or two drive.
We do the things we really want to do and we don't let anything stand in the way. You made time to read this. You made time to go to your job. You made time to go on a trip. You made time to go to the grocery store. You made time for a hobby. Why can't we make time for prayer? It is because it is not a priority in our lives!! If it were, we would do it. We would make sure we "get to pray". We wouldn't let anything stop us. We would reschedule whatever we had to do to include it. We would get up earlier if need be. We would do whatever it took to make sure we got the time.
Have a great day. If you aren't "getting to pray" it may be because it isn't a priority in your life.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
"Life Line"
"For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10
This morning another song was on my heart when I woke up. I haven't heard this song since I was a little girl. ("Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line! Someone is drifting away; Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.") As I was singing it to myself an incident that involved my husband, which happened around thirty years ago, came to mind.
My husband and a friend had taken our boat out to a public lake. The boat motor was having some problems so they took it to the lake in order to put it in the water to see if they could fix the problem and get it to crank. While working on the motor, they heard a commotion. An old man had fallen out of his boat into the water. It was obvious the man was in trouble. My husband and his friend tried and tried to get the motor to start so that they could get out to the man-- but it wouldn't. The saddest part was that there was another boat that went right past the man but would not help him. They got within "reach" of him and turned around. Sadly, the man drowned. Later, my husband had to go with the game warden and help retrieve the body.
The reason this song and this incident came to me, I believe, is because we are to be "throwing out a life line" to people who are drowning spiritually. Like another old hymn says, we are to "rescue the perishing". There were two responses that day on the lake to the man who was drowning. 1) Two men who cared and would have helped save him, but were unable to do so because they lacked what they needed. 2) People who could have saved him, were equipped to do so, but just either didn't care, didn't want to be bothered, or didn't want to make the effort.
Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost. He died on the cross to make salvation possible. He commissioned us to reach the lost and take them the "life line" that would save their souls-- the gospel. How many of us are "throwing out the life line"? How many of us want to, we know people who are lost, but we for some reason we aren't able? Maybe we aren't equipped? Maybe we are letting fear stop us, or something else? How many of us know those we come in contact with who are lost, but aren't willing to do anything to reach them? Maybe we don't want to get out of our comfort zone? Maybe we think someone else will do it? Maybe we just don't care that they are drowning/dying? Which one are you?
Have a great day. Are you throwing out the life line?
This morning another song was on my heart when I woke up. I haven't heard this song since I was a little girl. ("Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line! Someone is drifting away; Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.") As I was singing it to myself an incident that involved my husband, which happened around thirty years ago, came to mind.
My husband and a friend had taken our boat out to a public lake. The boat motor was having some problems so they took it to the lake in order to put it in the water to see if they could fix the problem and get it to crank. While working on the motor, they heard a commotion. An old man had fallen out of his boat into the water. It was obvious the man was in trouble. My husband and his friend tried and tried to get the motor to start so that they could get out to the man-- but it wouldn't. The saddest part was that there was another boat that went right past the man but would not help him. They got within "reach" of him and turned around. Sadly, the man drowned. Later, my husband had to go with the game warden and help retrieve the body.
The reason this song and this incident came to me, I believe, is because we are to be "throwing out a life line" to people who are drowning spiritually. Like another old hymn says, we are to "rescue the perishing". There were two responses that day on the lake to the man who was drowning. 1) Two men who cared and would have helped save him, but were unable to do so because they lacked what they needed. 2) People who could have saved him, were equipped to do so, but just either didn't care, didn't want to be bothered, or didn't want to make the effort.
Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost. He died on the cross to make salvation possible. He commissioned us to reach the lost and take them the "life line" that would save their souls-- the gospel. How many of us are "throwing out the life line"? How many of us want to, we know people who are lost, but we for some reason we aren't able? Maybe we aren't equipped? Maybe we are letting fear stop us, or something else? How many of us know those we come in contact with who are lost, but aren't willing to do anything to reach them? Maybe we don't want to get out of our comfort zone? Maybe we think someone else will do it? Maybe we just don't care that they are drowning/dying? Which one are you?
Have a great day. Are you throwing out the life line?
Throw out the life line across the dark wave;
There is a brother whom someone should save;
Somebody's brother! O who then will dare
To throw out the life line, his peril to share?
There is a brother whom someone should save;
Somebody's brother! O who then will dare
To throw out the life line, his peril to share?
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.
Throw out the life line with hand quick and strong:
Why do you tarry, why linger so long?
See! he is sinking; oh, hasten today
And out with the life boat! away, then away!
Why do you tarry, why linger so long?
See! he is sinking; oh, hasten today
And out with the life boat! away, then away!
Throw out the life line to danger fraught men,
Sinking in anguish where you've never been;
Winds of temptation and billows of woe
Will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow.
Sinking in anguish where you've never been;
Winds of temptation and billows of woe
Will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow.
Soon will the season of rescue be o'er,
Soon will they drift to eternity's shore;
Haste, then, my brother, no time for delay,
But throw out the life line and save them today.
Soon will they drift to eternity's shore;
Haste, then, my brother, no time for delay,
But throw out the life line and save them today.
This is the life line, oh, tempest tossed men;
Baffled by waves of temptation and sin;
Wild winds of passion, your strength cannot brave,
But Jesus is mighty, and Jesus can save.
Baffled by waves of temptation and sin;
Wild winds of passion, your strength cannot brave,
But Jesus is mighty, and Jesus can save.
Jesus is able! To you who are driv'n,
Farther and farther from God and from Heav'n;
Helpless and hopeless, o'erwhelmed by the wave;
We throw out the life line, 'tis 'Jesus can save.'
Farther and farther from God and from Heav'n;
Helpless and hopeless, o'erwhelmed by the wave;
We throw out the life line, 'tis 'Jesus can save.'
This is the life line, oh, grasp it today!
See, you are recklessly drifting away;
Voices in warning, shout over the wave,
O grasp the strong life line, for Jesus can save.
See, you are recklessly drifting away;
Voices in warning, shout over the wave,
O grasp the strong life line, for Jesus can save.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
"Who Frees?"
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised." Luke 4:18
Who set Israel free from Egyptian bondage? God did. Who set Joseph free from the prison? God did. Who set the three Hebrews free from the fiery furnace? God did. Who set Daniel free from the lion's den? God did. The Lord is the One who sets captives free.
Joseph tried to free himself from prison by asking the butler to remember him to Pharaoh. It didn't work. Only God could deliver him. You have tried and tried and tried in your own strength, wisdom, knowledge, education, talents and abilities to free yourself from some bondages that hold you captive, but to no avail. Try as we may, there are just some things that are bigger than our ability to overcome on our own.
The bottom line is you can't free yourself. But there is hope. That hope is Jesus. You don't have to stay a "prisoner/captive" the rest of your life. He can set you free. He desires to set you free. He has the power to set you free. He will set you free. Give up trying to do it yourself. Let go of your childish pride that says, "I can do it", "I don't need help". Yes, you do. And He is there waiting for you to let Him deliver you.
Have a great day. Only God can set the captive free.... and He will.
Who set Israel free from Egyptian bondage? God did. Who set Joseph free from the prison? God did. Who set the three Hebrews free from the fiery furnace? God did. Who set Daniel free from the lion's den? God did. The Lord is the One who sets captives free.
Joseph tried to free himself from prison by asking the butler to remember him to Pharaoh. It didn't work. Only God could deliver him. You have tried and tried and tried in your own strength, wisdom, knowledge, education, talents and abilities to free yourself from some bondages that hold you captive, but to no avail. Try as we may, there are just some things that are bigger than our ability to overcome on our own.
The bottom line is you can't free yourself. But there is hope. That hope is Jesus. You don't have to stay a "prisoner/captive" the rest of your life. He can set you free. He desires to set you free. He has the power to set you free. He will set you free. Give up trying to do it yourself. Let go of your childish pride that says, "I can do it", "I don't need help". Yes, you do. And He is there waiting for you to let Him deliver you.
Have a great day. Only God can set the captive free.... and He will.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
"Standing Or Falling"
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1
"Stand fast". "Be not entangled again". There is not enough standing and there is too much falling going on in the body of Christ. We are falling for so much that is false. We fall for every new wind of doctrine that comes through. We fall for erroneous teaching because we are impressed by the "personality preacher" that it comes through. We fall for old wives tales. We fall for fables. If it "tickles our ears" or "appeals to our flesh" we "fall" for it-- we believe it and accept it, and then live accordingly.
As a result of "falling for" some of the things we are "falling for", we are "falling away". We are falling away from the truth, from righteousness, from holiness, from godliness, from victory, from blessings, from God's will, from conviction.
Why is this happening? It happens because we are ignorant when it comes to the Word of God. We don't know what it says. We believe what everyone else says and don't bother to check it out for ourselves. We take the word of men without finding out what God really says on the subject.
I have heard a lot of "strange/far out/ just plain crazy" beliefs and doctrines that men have "conjured up" as truth. They are a long way from the truth, but many believe and think it is the truth.
We have got to know the truth-- and the difference between what is and what isn't. We have to know it, especially in light of the times we are living in. There is so much that is being preached for truth that is not. If we don't know the difference we will "fall" and not "stand".
How do we stop falling and start standing? Read your Bible-- often! Memorize it. Study it. Meditate on it. Check in it to see if what you heard is truth or just enticing words of men's wisdom. It is only the Truth that will make us free-- Thy Word is truth. And it is only the true Word of God that will keep us from falling.
Have a great day. Stand, don't fall.
"Stand fast". "Be not entangled again". There is not enough standing and there is too much falling going on in the body of Christ. We are falling for so much that is false. We fall for every new wind of doctrine that comes through. We fall for erroneous teaching because we are impressed by the "personality preacher" that it comes through. We fall for old wives tales. We fall for fables. If it "tickles our ears" or "appeals to our flesh" we "fall" for it-- we believe it and accept it, and then live accordingly.
As a result of "falling for" some of the things we are "falling for", we are "falling away". We are falling away from the truth, from righteousness, from holiness, from godliness, from victory, from blessings, from God's will, from conviction.
Why is this happening? It happens because we are ignorant when it comes to the Word of God. We don't know what it says. We believe what everyone else says and don't bother to check it out for ourselves. We take the word of men without finding out what God really says on the subject.
I have heard a lot of "strange/far out/ just plain crazy" beliefs and doctrines that men have "conjured up" as truth. They are a long way from the truth, but many believe and think it is the truth.
We have got to know the truth-- and the difference between what is and what isn't. We have to know it, especially in light of the times we are living in. There is so much that is being preached for truth that is not. If we don't know the difference we will "fall" and not "stand".
How do we stop falling and start standing? Read your Bible-- often! Memorize it. Study it. Meditate on it. Check in it to see if what you heard is truth or just enticing words of men's wisdom. It is only the Truth that will make us free-- Thy Word is truth. And it is only the true Word of God that will keep us from falling.
Have a great day. Stand, don't fall.
Monday, June 19, 2017
"Listening But No Knowledge"
"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." 2 Timothy 3:7
The third chapter of 2 Timothy starts off telling us some of the attitudes and characteristics that people will have in the last days. It says they will be high minded, covetous, without natural affection, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, unthankful, unholy, etc. (Take some time to read them all.) The verse this morning is added among them. People would be "ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth". This verse isn't referring to people who don't have "book knowledge". It is referring to "spiritual knowledge".
Many "Christians" sit in church week after week listening to the preaching of the Word of God. They sit in front of the television and listen to every preacher that comes on. They will purchase teaching tapes and download sermons by their favorite preachers, yet, they are "spiritually illiterate". As much Word as they listen to you would think they would be "spiritual giants". But they aren't. There is not much or no evidence of a transformation that the Word brings in their lives. They have no fruit of the Spirit in their lives. They don't apply the Word, live by the Word or obey they Word. They have lots of Bible knowledge but no truth that it gives. (It makes you wonder how this is possible.)
The Pharisees did the same thing. They heard Jesus preach the Word and yet they didn't apply it, live by it or receive what He said. They didn't allow it to change and govern their lives. Not only did they hear the Word preached but it was The Word who was preaching it to them-- and they still didn't get the grasp the truth. (John 1:1,14)
So how do people hear the Word and it not change their lives? It is called a "spirit of religion". A person can be religious with the Word and not have a relationship with the Word. That's how the Pharisees were. The Word is meant to be applied, lived by and obeyed. It is meant for more than to just be read or listened to only.
Where are you with the Word? Are you listening to it or allowing it to change and govern your life? Are you allowing it to mold your thinking, actions and attitude? Are you listening to it but that is all you are doing? Are you learning about it but not gaining the knowledge of the truth?
Have a great day. Are you listening to the Word of God but not going anything further with it?
The third chapter of 2 Timothy starts off telling us some of the attitudes and characteristics that people will have in the last days. It says they will be high minded, covetous, without natural affection, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, unthankful, unholy, etc. (Take some time to read them all.) The verse this morning is added among them. People would be "ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth". This verse isn't referring to people who don't have "book knowledge". It is referring to "spiritual knowledge".
Many "Christians" sit in church week after week listening to the preaching of the Word of God. They sit in front of the television and listen to every preacher that comes on. They will purchase teaching tapes and download sermons by their favorite preachers, yet, they are "spiritually illiterate". As much Word as they listen to you would think they would be "spiritual giants". But they aren't. There is not much or no evidence of a transformation that the Word brings in their lives. They have no fruit of the Spirit in their lives. They don't apply the Word, live by the Word or obey they Word. They have lots of Bible knowledge but no truth that it gives. (It makes you wonder how this is possible.)
The Pharisees did the same thing. They heard Jesus preach the Word and yet they didn't apply it, live by it or receive what He said. They didn't allow it to change and govern their lives. Not only did they hear the Word preached but it was The Word who was preaching it to them-- and they still didn't get the grasp the truth. (John 1:1,14)
So how do people hear the Word and it not change their lives? It is called a "spirit of religion". A person can be religious with the Word and not have a relationship with the Word. That's how the Pharisees were. The Word is meant to be applied, lived by and obeyed. It is meant for more than to just be read or listened to only.
Where are you with the Word? Are you listening to it or allowing it to change and govern your life? Are you allowing it to mold your thinking, actions and attitude? Are you listening to it but that is all you are doing? Are you learning about it but not gaining the knowledge of the truth?
Have a great day. Are you listening to the Word of God but not going anything further with it?
Friday, June 16, 2017
"Buffet Or Menu?"
"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." James 1:22
It is amazing to me how many Christians treat the Word of God like it is a "buffet". I am one of those people who like going to a restaurant that has a buffet because I like having a choice of variety and can pick only the food items that I enjoy the most.
Many Christians act like, and think, they can do the same thing with the Word of God. They like a "pick and choose" option. I have news for you this morning, you can't do that with the Word of God-- there is no "pick and choose" option. You only get what's on the menu-- that is the only choice you have.
You can't decide you like the parts about blessings but not the parts about obedience. You may like the part where the Lord promises to provide all your needs, but not the part where He says to bring your tithes and offerings into the store house. You may like the part where it says that He will make your enemies your footstool, but not the part that says to "turn the other cheek, go the second mile, forgive seven times seventy".
Just because you don't like certain parts does not exempt you from obeying it. You don't get to choose. God chooses for you. A good parent will choose vegetables over candy to give to their child for a meal because it is better for them. The Lord makes the same choices for us because it is better for us. For example, we don't like to forgive someone who hurts us, but forgiveness is not an option-- God chooses for us to forgive. By obeying the Word to forgive, we actually free ourselves from anger, resentment, bitterness and open up the door to God's forgiveness toward us.
Like I said earlier, the Word of God is not a buffet. God has chosen the "menu". But He has given us free choice. If we don't want to obey and do what He has chosen for us. Then we can choose not to. But we will not benefit from it, will miss out on what He has for us, we will be in disobedience, we will reap the consequences and we will live a less than abundant life.
Have a great day. God's Word is not a buffet.
It is amazing to me how many Christians treat the Word of God like it is a "buffet". I am one of those people who like going to a restaurant that has a buffet because I like having a choice of variety and can pick only the food items that I enjoy the most.
Many Christians act like, and think, they can do the same thing with the Word of God. They like a "pick and choose" option. I have news for you this morning, you can't do that with the Word of God-- there is no "pick and choose" option. You only get what's on the menu-- that is the only choice you have.
You can't decide you like the parts about blessings but not the parts about obedience. You may like the part where the Lord promises to provide all your needs, but not the part where He says to bring your tithes and offerings into the store house. You may like the part where it says that He will make your enemies your footstool, but not the part that says to "turn the other cheek, go the second mile, forgive seven times seventy".
Just because you don't like certain parts does not exempt you from obeying it. You don't get to choose. God chooses for you. A good parent will choose vegetables over candy to give to their child for a meal because it is better for them. The Lord makes the same choices for us because it is better for us. For example, we don't like to forgive someone who hurts us, but forgiveness is not an option-- God chooses for us to forgive. By obeying the Word to forgive, we actually free ourselves from anger, resentment, bitterness and open up the door to God's forgiveness toward us.
Like I said earlier, the Word of God is not a buffet. God has chosen the "menu". But He has given us free choice. If we don't want to obey and do what He has chosen for us. Then we can choose not to. But we will not benefit from it, will miss out on what He has for us, we will be in disobedience, we will reap the consequences and we will live a less than abundant life.
Have a great day. God's Word is not a buffet.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
"Who Is Your Lord?"
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24
I turned on the television last night and caught the last 30 seconds of a sermon. Although I didn't hear the whole message what I heard quickened in my spirit. I don't know if this is what the whole message was about or not, but I feel impressed to share what I got from those last few seconds.
The minister was having the congregation repeat-- "Jesus is Lord". Then he said something to the effect of-- don't let fear lord over you, etc. What I want to ask is this: Who is your Lord? Whoever you give the "rule" of your life to; whoever you give the preeminence; whoever controls you is your lord. We could also say, instead of whoever, whatever.
You can't serve two masters. You can't have two lords. You can only have one or else your "house is divided". Division leads to double-mindedness. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Perhaps this is why your life feels like it is "out of sorts". Perhaps this is why your life feels "wishy-washy". Perhaps this is why you can't seem to get any peace or order in your life. You are trying to serve two masters. You are trying to serve two lords.
Who is the lord of your life? Is Jesus? Or is fear? Does fear set your course and direct your steps? Or is worry your lord? Does it cause you to make decisions that are detrimental? Does it cause you to take the wrong path? If so, it is the lord of your life. What about depression? Anxiety? Guilt? Condemnation? Grief? Pain? A besetting sin? An addiction? Selfishness? Who, or what, is lording/ruling your life-- "calling the shots"; dictating your actions, controlling your thoughts? Is it Jesus or something else?
Have a great day. Who is the lord of your life?
I turned on the television last night and caught the last 30 seconds of a sermon. Although I didn't hear the whole message what I heard quickened in my spirit. I don't know if this is what the whole message was about or not, but I feel impressed to share what I got from those last few seconds.
The minister was having the congregation repeat-- "Jesus is Lord". Then he said something to the effect of-- don't let fear lord over you, etc. What I want to ask is this: Who is your Lord? Whoever you give the "rule" of your life to; whoever you give the preeminence; whoever controls you is your lord. We could also say, instead of whoever, whatever.
You can't serve two masters. You can't have two lords. You can only have one or else your "house is divided". Division leads to double-mindedness. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Perhaps this is why your life feels like it is "out of sorts". Perhaps this is why your life feels "wishy-washy". Perhaps this is why you can't seem to get any peace or order in your life. You are trying to serve two masters. You are trying to serve two lords.
Who is the lord of your life? Is Jesus? Or is fear? Does fear set your course and direct your steps? Or is worry your lord? Does it cause you to make decisions that are detrimental? Does it cause you to take the wrong path? If so, it is the lord of your life. What about depression? Anxiety? Guilt? Condemnation? Grief? Pain? A besetting sin? An addiction? Selfishness? Who, or what, is lording/ruling your life-- "calling the shots"; dictating your actions, controlling your thoughts? Is it Jesus or something else?
Have a great day. Who is the lord of your life?
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
"Always There"
"...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:20b
This verse doesn't really need any commentary, explanation, elaboration or definition. It is pretty plain. It is self-explanatory. The Lord is with you always-- even if you go to the end of the world, He is still there.
Sometimes the things we go through shroud His presence. We can't see His presence because it is hid behind our situation. The fire of the furnace blocks His presence from view because of the intense heat. The depth of the pit we may be in hides His presence from view. The size of the waves in our storms cover His presence from sight. The height of the mountain that is looming over us appears much bigger than He is.
Why does it seem like He is not with us in those times? Why can't we see His presence? Because we are focused on the heat of the fire, the depth of the pit, the waves of the storm, the height of the mountain-- therefore that is all we can see. We can't see that His presence is with us.
Let me make this plain this morning-- no matter where you are, no matter what you are facing, no matter what you are going through, the Lord is there. He is with you. He is with you always, everywhere, even when you can't see Him for looking at the size of your problems.
Have a great day. The Lord is with you always.
This verse doesn't really need any commentary, explanation, elaboration or definition. It is pretty plain. It is self-explanatory. The Lord is with you always-- even if you go to the end of the world, He is still there.
Sometimes the things we go through shroud His presence. We can't see His presence because it is hid behind our situation. The fire of the furnace blocks His presence from view because of the intense heat. The depth of the pit we may be in hides His presence from view. The size of the waves in our storms cover His presence from sight. The height of the mountain that is looming over us appears much bigger than He is.
Why does it seem like He is not with us in those times? Why can't we see His presence? Because we are focused on the heat of the fire, the depth of the pit, the waves of the storm, the height of the mountain-- therefore that is all we can see. We can't see that His presence is with us.
Let me make this plain this morning-- no matter where you are, no matter what you are facing, no matter what you are going through, the Lord is there. He is with you. He is with you always, everywhere, even when you can't see Him for looking at the size of your problems.
Have a great day. The Lord is with you always.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
"Bitter Or Better"
"And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison." Genesis 39:20
What do you do when you are living for the Lord, keeping His commandments, serving Him, and things still "go wrong"? This was the case with Joseph-- not once but several times. He was serving his father. Doing all he commanded. He was living for the Lord. God was revealing things to him through dreams. He did all the right things, but what did it get him? Slavery and prison. (Not a good outcome, in my opinion.)
So again, what do you do when you are living for the Lord, keeping His commandments, serving Him, and things still "go wrong"? You have a choice. You can either let it make you "bitter" or "better". I am sure there were times when Joseph got angry, frustrated, confused and felt helpless over his situation. I am sure he questioned the Lord about his situation-- after all, he was still human. I am sure he wondered if things would ever change. But he did not let it make him bitter, revengeful or hateful. He didn't get angry with God and stop serving Him. Though he probably questioned, his faith, love and trust in God stayed intact.
Don't let your circumstances make you bitter. Look at the life of Joseph one more time. All that happened to him-- though it looked bad-- was actually working together for his good. It was setting him up for his destiny. It was making him into the person God needed him to be for the plan He had. This might be your case as well when things don't go according to plan or they go in the opposite direction than you thought they would.
Have a great day. Don't let your situation make you bitter. Let it make you better.
What do you do when you are living for the Lord, keeping His commandments, serving Him, and things still "go wrong"? This was the case with Joseph-- not once but several times. He was serving his father. Doing all he commanded. He was living for the Lord. God was revealing things to him through dreams. He did all the right things, but what did it get him? Slavery and prison. (Not a good outcome, in my opinion.)
So again, what do you do when you are living for the Lord, keeping His commandments, serving Him, and things still "go wrong"? You have a choice. You can either let it make you "bitter" or "better". I am sure there were times when Joseph got angry, frustrated, confused and felt helpless over his situation. I am sure he questioned the Lord about his situation-- after all, he was still human. I am sure he wondered if things would ever change. But he did not let it make him bitter, revengeful or hateful. He didn't get angry with God and stop serving Him. Though he probably questioned, his faith, love and trust in God stayed intact.
Don't let your circumstances make you bitter. Look at the life of Joseph one more time. All that happened to him-- though it looked bad-- was actually working together for his good. It was setting him up for his destiny. It was making him into the person God needed him to be for the plan He had. This might be your case as well when things don't go according to plan or they go in the opposite direction than you thought they would.
Have a great day. Don't let your situation make you bitter. Let it make you better.
Monday, June 12, 2017
"Love Covers"
"Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8
"Love covers a multitude of sins". There is no place that we see this truer than in the love that the Heavenly Father has for us.
When Jesus was on earth, He showed us what the Father was like. ("When you have seen Me, you have seen the Father".- John 14:9) He also told us what the Father was like. One story He told, in particular, showed the great love of the Father and how His love truly does cover a multitude of sins. It was the story of the prodigal son.
When the son returned to the father's house, the father ran out and embraced him and covered him not only with a robe but with love. The father loved this son so much that he received him back home unconditionally. His love covered a multitude of this wayward son's sins.
The father's love covered the son's rebellion, it covered his hate, it covered his shame, his guilt, his self-condemnation, his bitterness. It covered his wastefulness. It covered his adulteries and his "loose-living". It covered his bad reputation, it covered the reproach that the son had brought on the family. All the sins that the son had committed where covered-- and forgiven--by the father. Again, what a beautiful picture this is of how the love of the Heavenly Father covers, forgives and cleanses our sins.
Whatever you have done, there is no sin too great, no number of sins that are too many, that the Heavenly Father can't or won't forgive. He loves you more than you can imagine. And His love will cover them all.
Have a great day. God's love for you will cover the multitude of your sins.
"Love covers a multitude of sins". There is no place that we see this truer than in the love that the Heavenly Father has for us.
When Jesus was on earth, He showed us what the Father was like. ("When you have seen Me, you have seen the Father".- John 14:9) He also told us what the Father was like. One story He told, in particular, showed the great love of the Father and how His love truly does cover a multitude of sins. It was the story of the prodigal son.
When the son returned to the father's house, the father ran out and embraced him and covered him not only with a robe but with love. The father loved this son so much that he received him back home unconditionally. His love covered a multitude of this wayward son's sins.
The father's love covered the son's rebellion, it covered his hate, it covered his shame, his guilt, his self-condemnation, his bitterness. It covered his wastefulness. It covered his adulteries and his "loose-living". It covered his bad reputation, it covered the reproach that the son had brought on the family. All the sins that the son had committed where covered-- and forgiven--by the father. Again, what a beautiful picture this is of how the love of the Heavenly Father covers, forgives and cleanses our sins.
Whatever you have done, there is no sin too great, no number of sins that are too many, that the Heavenly Father can't or won't forgive. He loves you more than you can imagine. And His love will cover them all.
Have a great day. God's love for you will cover the multitude of your sins.
Friday, June 9, 2017
"Intimidated Not To Speak"
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Romans 8:1
Yesterday the point of the devotional was to make you aware that the enemy/devil will try to intimidate you through your circumstances to stop sharing God's Word, to stop stepping out in faith and to stop believing what God says. The example I used was myself and how the devil would want to intimidate me to stop talking about the covenant of healing we have with the Lord because of pains in my own body.
This morning I want to make you aware that it isn't just in the area of sickness that he tries to intimidate. It is in every area. He starts by speaking words of condemnation which lead to intimidation, which cause us to keep our mouths shut.
You may be wrestling with your marriage, you may have a rebellious child, you may be having a hard time making ends meet, you may be having a bondage issue, or you may be having one of any number of situations going on in your life. If you are the devil will try to intimidate you so you will not encourage anyone in the Word, the power or the ability of the Lord to work and move in those areas--- after all, who are you to tell anyone else He is the answer when you are having the same troubles.
Be aware of his intimidations and don't let him steal the Word from you. Keep on telling others about God's power even if it isn't manifested in your life at the moment. Keep lifting up Jesus, even when you are "going through" something. Keep on, don't stop, don't be intimidated because like I also said yesterday-- God's Word is Truth.
You may have sickness in your body-- but He is still the Healer. You may have rebellious children-- but He is still the Keeper of your children. You may have lost your source of income-- but He is still the Provider. You may be vexed and in turmoil--- but He is still your Peace. You may be struggling with a bondage--- but He is still the Deliverer. Just because you are going through something, it doesn't change God so don't let intimidation stop you from telling it!
Have a great day. Don't be intimidated to keep your mouth shut!
Yesterday the point of the devotional was to make you aware that the enemy/devil will try to intimidate you through your circumstances to stop sharing God's Word, to stop stepping out in faith and to stop believing what God says. The example I used was myself and how the devil would want to intimidate me to stop talking about the covenant of healing we have with the Lord because of pains in my own body.
This morning I want to make you aware that it isn't just in the area of sickness that he tries to intimidate. It is in every area. He starts by speaking words of condemnation which lead to intimidation, which cause us to keep our mouths shut.
You may be wrestling with your marriage, you may have a rebellious child, you may be having a hard time making ends meet, you may be having a bondage issue, or you may be having one of any number of situations going on in your life. If you are the devil will try to intimidate you so you will not encourage anyone in the Word, the power or the ability of the Lord to work and move in those areas--- after all, who are you to tell anyone else He is the answer when you are having the same troubles.
Be aware of his intimidations and don't let him steal the Word from you. Keep on telling others about God's power even if it isn't manifested in your life at the moment. Keep lifting up Jesus, even when you are "going through" something. Keep on, don't stop, don't be intimidated because like I also said yesterday-- God's Word is Truth.
You may have sickness in your body-- but He is still the Healer. You may have rebellious children-- but He is still the Keeper of your children. You may have lost your source of income-- but He is still the Provider. You may be vexed and in turmoil--- but He is still your Peace. You may be struggling with a bondage--- but He is still the Deliverer. Just because you are going through something, it doesn't change God so don't let intimidation stop you from telling it!
Have a great day. Don't be intimidated to keep your mouth shut!
Thursday, June 8, 2017
"It Is Still Truth"
"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." John 17:17
A few weeks ago I shared with you how I had been encouraging people to believe for and receive their healing. I had been reminding myself, and others, that we have a covenant with the Lord that includes healing. Jesus took a beating on His back for our healing-- "by His stripes we are healed". I also told you that since then I have had several attacks on my body- in about three different areas.
What I shared with you about that was that when we "preach, teach, and stand upon a certain subject/promise" we will be tried in it. When we are tried, the "fouls of the air" come and try to snatch that word (the seed) from us before it can take root in our lives. Well, this morning, I want to say that even since then, my body has been under attack in a couple of other areas. So, what do I do? Do I throw up my hands and say healing isn't for me? Do I quit teaching about healing and encouraging others to receive theirs? Do I just give up? No!
Regardless of what may be going on in my body, I may be experiencing symptoms, I may be suffering pain, I may be taking medicine, but none of that affects or makes void the truth that God's Word is still truth. No matter what may be happening within my body, His Word is still Truth. He said healing is my covenant-- then it is my covenant even if I don't see the manifestation at the moment. He said I was healed by the stripes of Jesus-- I am healed. Fact says-- I may be going through some pain and discomfort, but Truth says-- I am healed because God said I am. Am I going to believe His Word or what the symptoms are saying? Am I going to believe His Word or my body?
The point I really want to make this morning is this-- I don't need to stop "preaching" the healing power of Jesus just because my body may not be well. That is exactly what the enemy wants us to do-- stop speaking the Word; stop speaking the Truth. He is trying to intimidate me to keep my mouth shut. How? By speaking condemning words that say such as this-- how can you tell others that Jesus heals when you are sick? How can you encourage others to believe when you still have sickness in your body?
If the enemy is doing that to you, don't listen to him. Don't be intimidated by him. God's Word is truth-- always has been, always will be, it is eternal, and eternally settled in heaven. What is going on in my body has no bearing on the Truth of God's Word-- it will always be the Truth. What I am experiencing doesn't affect the fact that His Word is still Truth. What I am experiencing doesn't make His Word null or void. His Truth doesn't change just because I don't feel good. It is still Truth! So don't be intimidated, keep preaching the Truth.
Have a great day. God's Word is the Truth--- nothing else-- not even what I am going through.
A few weeks ago I shared with you how I had been encouraging people to believe for and receive their healing. I had been reminding myself, and others, that we have a covenant with the Lord that includes healing. Jesus took a beating on His back for our healing-- "by His stripes we are healed". I also told you that since then I have had several attacks on my body- in about three different areas.
What I shared with you about that was that when we "preach, teach, and stand upon a certain subject/promise" we will be tried in it. When we are tried, the "fouls of the air" come and try to snatch that word (the seed) from us before it can take root in our lives. Well, this morning, I want to say that even since then, my body has been under attack in a couple of other areas. So, what do I do? Do I throw up my hands and say healing isn't for me? Do I quit teaching about healing and encouraging others to receive theirs? Do I just give up? No!
Regardless of what may be going on in my body, I may be experiencing symptoms, I may be suffering pain, I may be taking medicine, but none of that affects or makes void the truth that God's Word is still truth. No matter what may be happening within my body, His Word is still Truth. He said healing is my covenant-- then it is my covenant even if I don't see the manifestation at the moment. He said I was healed by the stripes of Jesus-- I am healed. Fact says-- I may be going through some pain and discomfort, but Truth says-- I am healed because God said I am. Am I going to believe His Word or what the symptoms are saying? Am I going to believe His Word or my body?
The point I really want to make this morning is this-- I don't need to stop "preaching" the healing power of Jesus just because my body may not be well. That is exactly what the enemy wants us to do-- stop speaking the Word; stop speaking the Truth. He is trying to intimidate me to keep my mouth shut. How? By speaking condemning words that say such as this-- how can you tell others that Jesus heals when you are sick? How can you encourage others to believe when you still have sickness in your body?
If the enemy is doing that to you, don't listen to him. Don't be intimidated by him. God's Word is truth-- always has been, always will be, it is eternal, and eternally settled in heaven. What is going on in my body has no bearing on the Truth of God's Word-- it will always be the Truth. What I am experiencing doesn't affect the fact that His Word is still Truth. What I am experiencing doesn't make His Word null or void. His Truth doesn't change just because I don't feel good. It is still Truth! So don't be intimidated, keep preaching the Truth.
Have a great day. God's Word is the Truth--- nothing else-- not even what I am going through.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
"He Is Not A Genie"
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee..." Jeremiah 33:3
I grew up watching cartoons. These cartoons were fairy tales, fables, folklore and mythology. Children now days are growing up on many of the same ones my generation did. Among them were the stories of genies. Genies in bottles or oil lamps. We all remember that if you rubbed the lamp a genie would appear and grant you three wishes. You had better chose your wishes wisely because three was all you got.
Of course we all know genies aren't real. They are folklore and fables. But I can't help but wonder if our "knowledge" of them hasn't influenced the way we perceive God. (Please note that I am not comparing the Lord God to a false, non-existent fable/genie. I am trying to make sure that our outside influences don't affect the way we perceive the Lord.)
Many see the Lord as a magic person who is there to grant their wishes (like a genie). He is not. He is not magical. He is not mystical. He is very real. He is not a fable. He is God. There is no one else like Him, above Him, or besides Him. He doesn't grant wishes. He answers prayer. He bestows blessings upon us. He makes and keeps promises. There is no comparison of Him with anyone, or anything else.
Sadly, many perceive God in the same way we viewed genies when we were growing up- granting only three wishes. They think God limits His goodness and only answers a few prayers. I want to clarify this morning, that the Lord God does not limit how many prayers we can pray, how many requests we make or how often we petition Him. Some think, when it comes to the Lord, that they can ask Him too many requests and "use up" all their prayers. There is no limit. Ask and ask and ask again. He doesn't limit how many times we ask, or how much we ask.
Some also think, that God limits His forgiveness-- three strikes and you are out! He doesn't limit His grace. His mercy is limitless. He is the God of first, second and third, forth and fifth and a thousand chances. We can go to Him asking for grace, mercy and forgiveness and another chance as often as we need to. He will not turn us away but grant us the grace we need.
Don't compare God to anything else. Don't compare Him to the false cartoons you grew up watching. He is God. He is not a genie granting a limited amount of wishes.
Have a great day. God is God. Not some fable that is limited in His goodness.
Of course we all know genies aren't real. They are folklore and fables. But I can't help but wonder if our "knowledge" of them hasn't influenced the way we perceive God. (Please note that I am not comparing the Lord God to a false, non-existent fable/genie. I am trying to make sure that our outside influences don't affect the way we perceive the Lord.)
Many see the Lord as a magic person who is there to grant their wishes (like a genie). He is not. He is not magical. He is not mystical. He is very real. He is not a fable. He is God. There is no one else like Him, above Him, or besides Him. He doesn't grant wishes. He answers prayer. He bestows blessings upon us. He makes and keeps promises. There is no comparison of Him with anyone, or anything else.
Sadly, many perceive God in the same way we viewed genies when we were growing up- granting only three wishes. They think God limits His goodness and only answers a few prayers. I want to clarify this morning, that the Lord God does not limit how many prayers we can pray, how many requests we make or how often we petition Him. Some think, when it comes to the Lord, that they can ask Him too many requests and "use up" all their prayers. There is no limit. Ask and ask and ask again. He doesn't limit how many times we ask, or how much we ask.
Some also think, that God limits His forgiveness-- three strikes and you are out! He doesn't limit His grace. His mercy is limitless. He is the God of first, second and third, forth and fifth and a thousand chances. We can go to Him asking for grace, mercy and forgiveness and another chance as often as we need to. He will not turn us away but grant us the grace we need.
Don't compare God to anything else. Don't compare Him to the false cartoons you grew up watching. He is God. He is not a genie granting a limited amount of wishes.
Have a great day. God is God. Not some fable that is limited in His goodness.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
"Reset My Heart"
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10
Sunday morning while my pastor was praying, he made a request of the Lord to "reset our hearts". That stood out to me as a prayer I should pray regularly.
I have many items around my house that when they aren't working properly I can press the "reset" button and they will once again work correctly. Among those items are my electrical plugs. They have to be reset sometimes in order for the power to flow through them. My curling iron, or hair dryer, has to be reset when they aren't putting out the heat they should be. In order for the power to flow and the heat to be present I have to "reset" them when they need it.
In order for the power of God to flow through us, in order for the warmth of God's love to flow through us, we might have to have our hearts "reset" sometimes. Is your love for God and others growing cold? Then your heart may need "resetting". Is your hunger and thirst for righteousness diminishing? Is your desire for spiritual things waning? Do you feel indifferent about the things of God? Have you lost your joy? Has God's peace left you? Then your heart may need to be "reset".
With my appliances and so forth I just press a reset button. In order to get my "spirit reset" I call out to the Lord. I call out in repentance for letting the cares of this life, my own desires and will, what others think, and so on cause me to grow cold, indifferent and lukewarm. Then I ask Him to reset/refill my heart and make it new again.
Have a great day. Does your heart need to be "reset"?
Sunday morning while my pastor was praying, he made a request of the Lord to "reset our hearts". That stood out to me as a prayer I should pray regularly.
I have many items around my house that when they aren't working properly I can press the "reset" button and they will once again work correctly. Among those items are my electrical plugs. They have to be reset sometimes in order for the power to flow through them. My curling iron, or hair dryer, has to be reset when they aren't putting out the heat they should be. In order for the power to flow and the heat to be present I have to "reset" them when they need it.
In order for the power of God to flow through us, in order for the warmth of God's love to flow through us, we might have to have our hearts "reset" sometimes. Is your love for God and others growing cold? Then your heart may need "resetting". Is your hunger and thirst for righteousness diminishing? Is your desire for spiritual things waning? Do you feel indifferent about the things of God? Have you lost your joy? Has God's peace left you? Then your heart may need to be "reset".
With my appliances and so forth I just press a reset button. In order to get my "spirit reset" I call out to the Lord. I call out in repentance for letting the cares of this life, my own desires and will, what others think, and so on cause me to grow cold, indifferent and lukewarm. Then I ask Him to reset/refill my heart and make it new again.
Have a great day. Does your heart need to be "reset"?
Monday, June 5, 2017
"Reading The Bible"
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
If the largest book in the Bible-- which is Psalms-- and the longest chapter in the Bible-- which is Psalms 119-- the main theme is God's Word, then it speaks to me of the importance of the Word.
We learn from the scriptures that the Word of God is our lamp, a light illuminating our path, it gives direction through life, comfort in sorrow, strength in weakness, it is life, it is health, it is marrow and fatness to our bones, it gives wisdom, it gives hope, it brings freedom and deliverance, it gives peace, it forewarns, it gives grace and mercy, it gives instruction, it is the source of faith, and this is just a few things that the Word is and does.
All this being the case of the importance it is to our lives, why is it that many "Christians" never read it. They don't open the pages of the Bible and read it. They don't apply it to memory. They don't meditate on it. They can't quote it. They aren't hiding it in their hearts. They don't know what it says.
A Christian who does not read the word is like someone trying to drive a car without a motor. It is like a baseball player trying to play ball without a bat. It is like a chef trying to cook without a stove. It is like trying to unlock a door without keys. It is like trying to sing without a voice. All of these is impossible. It is impossible for us to make it through life without the Word of God. It is impossible for us to know the Lord in a deep way without His Word.
Without the Word we have nothing to live by. Nothing to bring us hope. Nothing to encourage our faith. Nothing to sustain our spiritual life. Nothing to stand on when troubles come. Does this describe you? Are you reading the Word? Daily? Is it part of your everyday life?
Have a great day. A Christian who does not read the Word is unheard of.
If the largest book in the Bible-- which is Psalms-- and the longest chapter in the Bible-- which is Psalms 119-- the main theme is God's Word, then it speaks to me of the importance of the Word.
We learn from the scriptures that the Word of God is our lamp, a light illuminating our path, it gives direction through life, comfort in sorrow, strength in weakness, it is life, it is health, it is marrow and fatness to our bones, it gives wisdom, it gives hope, it brings freedom and deliverance, it gives peace, it forewarns, it gives grace and mercy, it gives instruction, it is the source of faith, and this is just a few things that the Word is and does.
All this being the case of the importance it is to our lives, why is it that many "Christians" never read it. They don't open the pages of the Bible and read it. They don't apply it to memory. They don't meditate on it. They can't quote it. They aren't hiding it in their hearts. They don't know what it says.
A Christian who does not read the word is like someone trying to drive a car without a motor. It is like a baseball player trying to play ball without a bat. It is like a chef trying to cook without a stove. It is like trying to unlock a door without keys. It is like trying to sing without a voice. All of these is impossible. It is impossible for us to make it through life without the Word of God. It is impossible for us to know the Lord in a deep way without His Word.
Without the Word we have nothing to live by. Nothing to bring us hope. Nothing to encourage our faith. Nothing to sustain our spiritual life. Nothing to stand on when troubles come. Does this describe you? Are you reading the Word? Daily? Is it part of your everyday life?
Have a great day. A Christian who does not read the Word is unheard of.
Friday, June 2, 2017
"True Love Defined"
"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34,35
If Jesus said that our love would identify us to the world and others that we are truly His disciples, then we need to know the definition of love. (That is, not the world's definition, but the true Biblical definition.)
Love as been defined as a warm fuzzy feeling. It has been equated with sex. It is used when we get emotional over a particular food or other thing that we strongly like. But what does Jesus mean when He says the word "love"?
Love is the character and nature of Jesus. "God is love". When we receive Jesus as Savior He comes into our lives-- this means love comes into our lives. We can't have Jesus apart from having love. And we can't truly love without having Jesus. The two-- Jesus and love-- are one.
Love is an action verb. That means that it is something that we do-- not just say. Love does something. God loved so much that He gave His only begotten Son into the world as a ransom for our sins. Jesus loved us so much that He went to the cross and died for us. A former pastor of mine used to say-- we are more like God when we are giving. He wasn't talking about giving money. He was talking about giving love. God is a giver and He gives because of love.
Just in case we still didn't get it right, the Holy Spirit gave us the definition of love-- the kind disciples should demonstrate-- through the Apostle Paul. In His definition of love He tells us what it is and what it is not.
Love is longsuffering-- it endures a long time; it endures through thick and thin; it endures heartache and hardship without giving up. Love is kind, affectionate; sweet, considerate of others. It does not envy. It doesn't want (covet) what someone else has. It doesn't get angry when it sees someone else being blessed. It doesn't resent or get mad when someone else is receiving something good. It isn't jealous. Love doesn't parade what it does and has. It doesn't have to have the limelight, honor and recognition for what it does. It doesn't get the "big head". It isn't arrogant. Love is not rude, but has good manners. Love doesn't seek its own will or to get its own way. It is always seeking good and the best for others. It is not conceited. It isn't self-centered. It centers on what is the will of God and best for others instead of on itself. Love is not easily provoked. It doesn't think the worst of others and doesn't go around looking for the bad. Love rejoices in truth. It bears all things-- goes the second mile and puts up with a lot. It believes for the best. It hopes, it is not a pessimist. It endures all things-- it won't let anything steal it away, no matter what the difficulty. Lastly, love never fails... it will continue on and withstand the test of time.
So, do you posses love? Does love posses you? Are you acting in love or just talking about it? Do others know you are a Christian because of your love?
Have a great day. You are identified as a Christian by your love.
If Jesus said that our love would identify us to the world and others that we are truly His disciples, then we need to know the definition of love. (That is, not the world's definition, but the true Biblical definition.)
Love as been defined as a warm fuzzy feeling. It has been equated with sex. It is used when we get emotional over a particular food or other thing that we strongly like. But what does Jesus mean when He says the word "love"?
Love is the character and nature of Jesus. "God is love". When we receive Jesus as Savior He comes into our lives-- this means love comes into our lives. We can't have Jesus apart from having love. And we can't truly love without having Jesus. The two-- Jesus and love-- are one.
Love is an action verb. That means that it is something that we do-- not just say. Love does something. God loved so much that He gave His only begotten Son into the world as a ransom for our sins. Jesus loved us so much that He went to the cross and died for us. A former pastor of mine used to say-- we are more like God when we are giving. He wasn't talking about giving money. He was talking about giving love. God is a giver and He gives because of love.
Just in case we still didn't get it right, the Holy Spirit gave us the definition of love-- the kind disciples should demonstrate-- through the Apostle Paul. In His definition of love He tells us what it is and what it is not.
Love is longsuffering-- it endures a long time; it endures through thick and thin; it endures heartache and hardship without giving up. Love is kind, affectionate; sweet, considerate of others. It does not envy. It doesn't want (covet) what someone else has. It doesn't get angry when it sees someone else being blessed. It doesn't resent or get mad when someone else is receiving something good. It isn't jealous. Love doesn't parade what it does and has. It doesn't have to have the limelight, honor and recognition for what it does. It doesn't get the "big head". It isn't arrogant. Love is not rude, but has good manners. Love doesn't seek its own will or to get its own way. It is always seeking good and the best for others. It is not conceited. It isn't self-centered. It centers on what is the will of God and best for others instead of on itself. Love is not easily provoked. It doesn't think the worst of others and doesn't go around looking for the bad. Love rejoices in truth. It bears all things-- goes the second mile and puts up with a lot. It believes for the best. It hopes, it is not a pessimist. It endures all things-- it won't let anything steal it away, no matter what the difficulty. Lastly, love never fails... it will continue on and withstand the test of time.
So, do you posses love? Does love posses you? Are you acting in love or just talking about it? Do others know you are a Christian because of your love?
Have a great day. You are identified as a Christian by your love.
"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth." (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Thursday, June 1, 2017
"Rest While Carrying It"
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Mathew 11:28
This verse is not just a verse, it is an invitation. It is one of the most comforting invitations in the scriptures. It is an invitation from the Heavenly Father Himself. He is inviting you to come to Him. It isn't a command or suggestion or direction to go to your pastor, to go to your friend, to go to some minister, to go to another person, but to come to Him. He invites you to come, not to go elsewhere looking for your help and rest.
In His invitation to come to Him, He invites you to bring with you your heavy burdens, your concerns, your pain, those things that are more than you can bear. He didn't say for you to leave them somewhere else, but He wants you to bring them with you instead.
In accepting His invitation you will find that there is a promise attached to it--- I will give you rest. The promise wasn't that He would completely remove the burden-- although He might. But it is a promise to give you rest while carrying your burden. It is a promise that the burden will no longer be to heavy to bear. It is a promise that the burden will not weight you down, it will not overcome you, it will not crush you under its load, it will not destroy you, it will not be more than you can bear, because His perfect rest will be there to carry the burdensome part of the load.
Are you under a heavy load? Burdens are more than you can bear? Accept His invitation. Go to Him. Let Him give you rest while you are carrying it. That rest is His peace that passes understanding.
Have a great day. The Lord Himself invites you into His presence with your heavy burdens so He can give you rest.
This verse is not just a verse, it is an invitation. It is one of the most comforting invitations in the scriptures. It is an invitation from the Heavenly Father Himself. He is inviting you to come to Him. It isn't a command or suggestion or direction to go to your pastor, to go to your friend, to go to some minister, to go to another person, but to come to Him. He invites you to come, not to go elsewhere looking for your help and rest.
In His invitation to come to Him, He invites you to bring with you your heavy burdens, your concerns, your pain, those things that are more than you can bear. He didn't say for you to leave them somewhere else, but He wants you to bring them with you instead.
In accepting His invitation you will find that there is a promise attached to it--- I will give you rest. The promise wasn't that He would completely remove the burden-- although He might. But it is a promise to give you rest while carrying your burden. It is a promise that the burden will no longer be to heavy to bear. It is a promise that the burden will not weight you down, it will not overcome you, it will not crush you under its load, it will not destroy you, it will not be more than you can bear, because His perfect rest will be there to carry the burdensome part of the load.
Are you under a heavy load? Burdens are more than you can bear? Accept His invitation. Go to Him. Let Him give you rest while you are carrying it. That rest is His peace that passes understanding.
Have a great day. The Lord Himself invites you into His presence with your heavy burdens so He can give you rest.
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