Wednesday, November 30, 2016


"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee".  Isaiah 26:3
Most temptations and spiritual attacks come against us subtly.  If they came with flashing neon signs and loud shouts we would be more apt to recognize them for what they are.  But the enemy doesn't usually come like that.  He comes with a question-- "did God say?  If you are the Son of God turn these stones to bread".  He often comes with suggestions-- "if you eat it will make you wish like God".  He comes to try us in the everyday affairs and tasks of life.  I have become aware of one of the biggest weapons he uses--- frustration.  Frustration is defined as: the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

Lately, I have found myself battling this "weapon" every time I turn around.  Things don't go right.  Things aren't going according to plans.  Other people are changing your plans.  Things aren't always as you were told or appear to be as you understood them to be.  Your bank statement won't balance.  Your vehicle won't crank.  A major appliance breaks down.  You have a deadline and every hindrance imaginable is interfering with you meeting it.  You gave it your best and your best wasn't good enough.  You can't get anyone to cooperate with you or help you.  What you ask someone to do, they did it wrong now you have to go back and redo it.  You lose your job.  You can't seem to get over an illness.  You can't find your other shoe and you are running late.  All of these things when not going the way you want them too-- smoothly-- have a way of frustrating you. 

The reason we must guard against frustration is because it steals our joy and our peace.  Without joy we have no strength-- the joy of the Lord is our strength.  So we become weak and give into the frustration and start getting upset, annoyed, angry and worried.  We start loosing our temper and say and do things we shouldn't and that we will regret later.  When we lose our peace, confusion and frustration become our guide.  Therefore, we can't make wise decisions.  We can easily go in the wrong direction and do the wrong thing.  We are being led more by our emotions and own understanding therefore we are more apt to make mistakes and misjudge the situation.  At that point we are operating more in the flesh than in the spirit and can hide our lights under a basket and do things that are unbecoming to our Christian testimony.  

Be on guard for frustration.  Look to the Spirit of God to help you recognize this weapon and ask for His help in overcoming it so that it will not overcome you. 

Have a great day.  Don't get frustrated.      

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Helper, Keeper and Preserver"

"The Lord is thy keeper..."  Psalm 121:5a

The Psalm that this verse is taken from only has eight verses in it.  Twice it lets us know that the Lord is our helper. Three times it talks about the Lord being our keeper.  And three times it tells us that He will preserve us.  So, the Lord is our helper, keeper and preserver.  

Some would said that if He is my keeper then why did this or that happen to me.  Why didn't He keep me from being hurt?  Why didn't He keep His hand on me in the difficult trial I went through?  Why didn't He keep me from losing everything?  Why didn't He deliver me, or heal me, or provide for me?  Why did/does bad things happen to me if He is my keeper?  The "keeper" should have "kept" it from happening.

The fact that the Lord did not keep you from some hardship doesn't change the fact that He is your keeper.  He doesn't always keep us "from" those times, but He keeps us "in" them.  If you noticed when the psalm said He was our keeper, it is "wedged" in between Him being our "helper" and our "preserver".  Helper is on one side and preserver is on the other side, and keeper is in between.  What the Lord is letting us know is that He will help us in our trials; He will keep us in our trials; and He will preserve us in our trials.  He will help us when we go through them.  He will keep us when we go through them.  He will preserve us when we go through them. 

Rejoice if you are going through a difficulty because the Lord will be there to help you make it through it.  He will keep you from being destroyed by it.  He will preserve you and not let it get the best of you-- you will make it through it.  Let Him help you, keep you and preserve you.

Have a great day.  The Lord will help you, keep you and preserve you in your time of trial and need.   

Monday, November 28, 2016

"Adapt To Change"

"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Corinthians 12:9a
My mother in law went to be home with the Lord on Thanksgiving Day.  She was in the hospital for two days prior to her passing.  While the family was at the hospital my granddaughter and I were at home getting ready for the holiday.  Within those two days our Thanksgiving plans were changed five times.  With all the change taking place it became a teachable moment for Lexi, and myself.  I want to share what we learned with you because life is full of changes.
Changes in life happen as a result of choices we have made.  Sometimes we go through changes that are out of our control.  Some changes happen because they are part of the cycle of life.  When they come, we have to learn how to adapt to them and handle them the correct way.   We have to learn to "go with the flow" of what is happening and not allow them to frustrate us, aggravate us, make us angry, worried or fearful.   
When God created the Chameleon lizard, He gave it the ability to change colors and adapt to its surrounding.  It seems so effortless for it to change and become a part of what is happening around it instead of being in turmoil.  Would the Lord do that for this tiny creature and not do the same for us?  No.  God has given us the ability to adapt to life changes through His Holy Spirit.  Is it always easy?  No.  Is it possible?  Yes.  The Holy Spirit will give us the grace and peace that we need to change and adapt.  We don't have to allow a change of plans to upset us when they happen.  If we will allow the Lord to help us through the change, we can make the transition in peace.
Have a great day.  The grace of God will help us to adapt with peace when life brings changes.   

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

"Lifestyle Of Thanksgiving"

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you".  1 Thessalonians 5:18

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.  For a Christian Thanksgiving is not just another holiday or an event on a calendar.  It is our lifestyle.  Each day is-- or should be-- a day of thanksgiving.  Our lives should show "thanks living". 

Having a life of thanksgiving doesn't mean that everything in your life is worthy of thanks.  It doesn't mean that it is problem free.  It doesn't mean that things aren't going wrong.  It doesn't mean that your life is going the way you planned.  No, we encounter fiery furnace trials, lion's dens, enemies from without and within, giants, Job situations, Joseph treatment (betrayal and false accusations), impossibilities, Red Seas before us and a pharaoh's army behind us.  Some times we face grief and heartache.  Sometimes we have plenty to take care of our needs and at other times our resources just won't stretch any further.  Some times our bodies are healthy and at other times they are racked with pain, sickness, disease and suffering.  

You may be going through problems and trials but it a life of thanksgiving rejoices in God's goodness in spite of it.  A life of thanksgiving may be hurting physically but says-- it is well with my soul.  It can sing and praise the Lord even in the fire.  It can sleep in peace in the lion's den.  It believes to see the salvation of the Lord as it stands before the sea.  It holds on to the Lord's faithfulness in the midst of the storm.  It knows that all things work together for good.  And its highest praise proclaims-- though He slay me, yet I trust Him.

Don't just celebrate an event or a special occasion.  Let your whole life daily be a celebration of thanksgiving to the goodness, mercy and love of the Heavenly Father.

Have a great day.  Live a life of thanksgiving.       

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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

"Like The Prodigal"

"I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee."  Luke 15:18

In the story of the prodigal son what we tend to remember most are the bad things about him and the story-- his rebellion and hate for his father, his waste of his inheritance and the pig pen.  But while he did much "bad" there is one "good" thing that he did.  He repented and returned to his father's house. 

He could have stayed in the pig pen.  He could have stayed in the country he now dwelt in.  He could have thought, "What's the use?"  But he didn't.  He didn't let the shame, the pain, the condemnation, pride or anything else keep him from going to his father.  He went to the father with a repentant heart and the father received him back as his son and even threw a party on his behalf.

There are many today who have wondered away-- either through rebellion or neglect-- from the Heavenly Father.  They have gone their own way.  They have turned their backs on Him.  They have stopped having a relationship with Him.  They have given over to some sin that keeps them in bondage.  Many would like to "return home" to the Heavenly Father's house but are allowing what they have done-- shame, guilt, pride, embarrassment, condemnation or even a misunderstanding of the Father's love and forgiveness and so on-- keep them from returning to Him.

If this is you, don't let anything keep you from going to the Lord in repentance.  Don't think that what you have done is too bad and that there is no way He could forgive you.  He loves you.  He is waiting for you.  He desires for you to return.  He knows your shame, your guilt, all the awful things you have done, your rebellion, your sin and your desire to return.  He gave a promise in His Word that "whoever comes to Him He would never cast out or turn away". (John 6:37) 

Have a great day.  If you have been like the prodigal son and left the Father, be like him again and return to the Father. 

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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc
.Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Monday, November 21, 2016

"The True God"

"And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him".  1 John 4:16
I grew up watching the old original Star Trek with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock.  I still like to watch them sometimes.  The other night I was watching an episode where they encountered the ancient Roman god Apollo.  On the program Apollo demanded worship and used force to make them comply.  He was selfish, self-centered and hateful.  As I watched the program something stood out to me about the characteristics of this false god.  I want to share it with you because every false god that has been worshipped from the time after the fall of mankind in the garden until now all have the same characteristics.   
These are the characteristics of false gods:  They demand your worship and if you don't give it to them they threaten you with pain or death.  They also take away your free will.  It is either serve them or else.  You have no freedom of choice.  You become a mindless "robot" doing their bidding.  Thirdly, they do not show any love.  They are filled with hate.  Look back in history.  Baal forced worship.  Molech demanded child sacrifice.  The Roman gods took revenge on their subjects if they didn't obey them.  Today certain religious groups kill in the name of their god.
I talked about this to show you the difference between the true and the false and remind you that there is ONLY One True God.  A true God does not demand worship.  The True and Living God desires a relationship with us.  He doesn't force us into one.  He gives us free will to love Him and serve Him.  He didn't take away our free will.  He give us choice.  The choice is up to us individually.  He gave mankind the choice to obey or disobey in the Garden of Eden, even though He knew he would disobey.  The greatest difference between the True and false is LOVE.  The false gods demonstrate hate.  The True God demonstrates love.  Even while we were yet sinners-- enemies rebelling against God-- He sent His Son Jesus into the world to be the sacrifice for our sins.  Even when we rebelled against Him through disobedience He came to our rescue.  He didn't demand our sacrifice in order to please Him, He was our sacrifice.  He loved us so much that He didn't spare even His Only Begotten Son for us.  He is love.
Why are you serving false gods?  Why are you serving and worshipping those who aren't real but are demanding and full of hate?  There is a true God who loves you beyond your ability to comprehend.  He gave Himself for you so that you could have abundant and eternal life.  He is the only One who has given instead of taken.  He loves you and is worthy of your love, devotion and worship.
Have a great day.  There is only One True God, and He is Love. 

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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.

Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Friday, November 18, 2016

"Too Much Jesus"

"When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory".  Colossians 3:4
One of my young customers and her mother were looking at some bracelets at the store yesterday.  Her mother picked up a bracelet that was made up of crosses.  She asked her daughter if she liked that one.  Her daughter replied, "It is too much Jesus".  What?!  The mother almost came unglued and immediately, along with others who were standing by, said "you can never have too much Jesus".
I am not sure what the girl meant by that but I can't help but think that that is exactly what is wrong with the world.  People in the world, even people in the church and even some professing Christians think you can have too much Jesus-- or that you don't need that much Jesus.  They have the mentality that a "little Jesus will do you".  Wrong!
You can't have a little bit of Jesus-- that is an impossibility.  Why?  Because that is the same thing as being lukewarm.  You can't have just enough Jesus to get by.  You can't have some of Jesus and think you are going to enter into heaven.  It doesn't work that way.  He has to be ALL.  He has to dwell in you-- all of Him.  
Don't believe the lie that says you don't have to have all that Jesus, you are being fanatical, a Jesus freak and going overboard.  No, according to Him you do have to have a lot of Him-- all of Him and He has to have all of you.  He has to become your life, your breath, your movement, your wisdom, your thoughts, your guidance, your everything and in all areas of your life. 

Have a great day.  You can never have too much Jesus. 
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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.

Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Thursday, November 17, 2016

"Keep Your Weapons Checked"

"...and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:"  Ephesians 6:17b

A friend and I were talking today about hunting.  To say he loves to hunt is an understatement... he LOVES to hunt!  In our conversation he made a remark about how some people never check their guns out before they go hunting with them after having them stored in the off season.  He said that before he starts hunting when a new  season opens, he takes his weapon out and checks it.  He went on to say you never know if the sites are off, or there may be some rust in the barrel or debris.  He always makes sure it is in good working order before he uses it.  When he said that, the Holy Spirit spoke something to my heart. 

There are so many Christians who don't make sure their spiritual weapons are in good working order-- namely the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God  They just "fling" it out there when they need it.  They haven't checked to make sure they even know it, or what it means.  They don't read it daily.  They haven't hidden it in their hearts.  They haven't let it produce faith in them.  They haven't memorized it.  They aren't keeping their minds renewed with it.  They aren't heeding it or obeying what it says. 

You can't just pull out God's Word and quote it when you need it if you haven't taken care to make sure it is hidden in your heart and you are abiding in it.  The Bible says that if you abide in the Word and the Word abides in you then you can ask (use it) what you will and it shall be done. (John 15:7)  You have to do something with it-- abide in it and let it abide in you. The Word of God works in our lives where faith is.  Faith comes by hearing the Word.  If you aren't hearing it, or doing the things we listed above, you can't have the faith that you need to come against your enemy.  In other words, your spiritual weapon won't be in good "working order" for you.

Have a great day.  Your spiritual weapons must be kept in good working order so that when the enemy comes you won't miss.  You do this by keeping God's Word fresh in your life daily. 

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"The Potter's Process"

"Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?"  Isaiah 45:9

Yesterday we talked about something I learned at the "potter's house" about how every object is unique and that uniqueness is defined by the way we react to the fire.  This morning I want to share something else that I learned. 

When you and I see a piece of finished pottery, we assume that it was always like that.  Not so.  There is a process that it has to go through in order to become that object. 

First the potter decides what he is going to make.  He takes a big lump of clay, cuts off the amount he wants to use, puts it through a press, and cuts out the image.  If he wants to decorate it he may emboss it with a design.  That design has to be pounded into the clay.  Sometimes the potter will put the object on a wheel and spin it and form it with his hands.  When he gets it to look like he wants it to look, he may need to take a sharp instrument and trim off any excess.  It then has to set for days to dry some.  Next he will  put it in the kiln to fire.  After it comes out, he can glaze/color it and then put it back in the fire.  (I am sure there is more to the process than I have explained-- this was my observation and a quick lesson.)

This brings me to you and me.  We are the clay.  The Lord is the Master Potter who is making something beautiful and of honor out of our lives.  In order for us to get from His decision about what type of vessel He wants us to be and the time we actually "arrive" there  is a process.  It doesn't happen overnight.  It isn't a "quick fix".  It takes time.  It takes work.  It takes yielding to the Potter.  It takes the pounding, the cutting, the molding, the spinning and the fire.  The "potter's wheel" for Joseph was betrayal in his own home, a pit, sold into slavery in Egypt, separation from family, loneliness, false accusation by his master's wife, prison and chains.  But after the process the vessel he was intended to be shone forth.  He was purposed by the Master Potter to be a ruler and saver of His people.  The process brought him to that place.  There are no shortcuts to becoming the vessel the Lord intends for you to be.  It takes a process.  But when the process is finished you will be a beautiful vessel fit for the Master's use.

Have a great day.  There is a process you must go through in order to be and do what the Lord has planned for you.

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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.

Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"Reaction To The Fire"

"Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels".  Jeremiah 18:3
Recently, I had the opportunity to go to a girl's night out where we got to make a piece of pottery.  I had a wonderful time making and learning about the process of turning a lump of clay into a beautiful object.  The lady (Gwen) who hosted the night out was so knowledgeable and interesting.  She shared many things about working with the clay that I had never known.
The one thing that she taught us that amazed me the most is what I want to share with you this morning.  After the pottery piece has dried you put a glaze/color on it.  Gwen showed us several pieces of pottery that were completely finished to help us pick out the glaze/color that we wanted to use on our piece.  What amazed me was the fact that she showed us several pieces that were the same and had been painted with the same glaze color yet they did not look the same.  The color was the same but when they were finished they looked like they had been done with two different colors.  After you put the glaze/color on you put the piece in the kiln and fire it until the color bakes into the clay.  Gwen explained to us that the reason the color looked different was because of how the piece reacted to the fire.  It was the fire that brought out each one's own unique color.
I thought about Jesus being the Master Pottery and we are the clay.  He is making you into a vessel of honor.  How you "look" in the end depends on how you come through the "fire".  The fire I am referring to are the trials and situations we go through.  Didn't Job say that when he was tried he would come forth as gold? (Job 23:10)  How is gold purified-- in the fire.  
Don't fear the fire. Don't shrug back from the trials.  Just like the fiery kiln at the potter's house produces the beautiful colors of the clay vessel, the fire of trials, tribulations, afflictions, etc. are producing in you the beautiful colors of God's plan for your life.  He is making you into a vessel that will glorify Him.  Like the pieces of pottery that Gwen showed us each one is unique.  No two were alike although they had each been painted with the same glaze and gone through the same fire.  You may face the same trials as someone else but how you respond to them will determine how you look in the end.  How you "react" to the fire will make you unique from anyone else. 
Have a great day.  The fire is what brings out the beautiful colors of God's plan for us.  How you react to the fire determines your uniqueness.
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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.

Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Monday, November 14, 2016

"Where Are You Searching?"

"In him was life; and the life was the light of men".  John 1:4
Everyone is searching for something.  Some are searching for the meaning of life.  Some are searching for love.  Others are searching for happiness, joy, peace and contentment.  There are some who are searching for their purpose-- why are they here.  The answer to their search is not hard to find unless you are searching in the wrong place.
Most are searching in exterior/outside sourcesThey are searching for happiness through material things.  They are searching for love in that "right" person.  They are searching for contentment and peace through education, wealth, accomplishments, through feeling good about themselves, as well as a whole list of other places and things. 
If you are looking for peace, joy, contentment, etc., through the things the world has to offer, you are looking in the wrong place.  You are looking to something that only gives you a temporary answer.  It will last for only a short while and then it will be gone. 
There is only one place to find your true answer.   It is found in Jesus Christ.  He gives peace-- a peace that passes understanding and establishes your heart and thoughts.  He gives joy-- fullness of joy.  He gives contentment-- you will never thirst again.  He gives the meaning of life-- He is life, and life is found in Him.  He will show you the purpose of your life-- He has plans for you. 
Where are you searching today to find your answers?  If you are searching in the world, through material things, through temporary sources you will have to search again and again and again.  If you will come to Jesus and let Him be as well as show you your answer, your search will stop.  You will find what you are looking for.
Have a great day.  Whatever you are searching for in life, is found in Jesus Christ. 
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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.

Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Friday, November 11, 2016

"Following Whose Knowledge?"

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children". Hosea 4:6
Without knowledge we can be destroyed.  For example, if you are driving down the road and you don't know the bridge is out, you could be destroyed/killed.  But the knowledge the verse is talking about isn't just any knowledge it is the knowledge of truth.  A lot of people have knowledge but their knowledge is rooted in falsehood and untruth. 
The knowledge this verse is referring to is truth according to the Lord.  If you don't know the truth according to God's Word you will be destroyed because you will spend your life in opposition to Him.  If you don't know what God desires concerning situations, circumstances or issues then you will wind up destroyed because you aren't following Him.  You will be living your life after your own flawed knowledge, after your emotions, after intellect, after philosophy, after your own opinions and the opinions of others, after the customs of the day and based on false reasoning.  Therefore, you will be like Saul, "kicking against the pricks" (opposing God).   
If you don't have knowledge based on His Word you will be destroyed because you will wind up like those in Matthew chapter seven who thought it was well with their souls based on their good works.  God's Word says that His requirement for access into eternal life is to be born-again.  Good works don't save you, faith in Jesus Christ does.  The Bible teaches us that God is seeking a relationship with us not a religious formality.  Many will say to Him then, and are saying to Him now, that they are His followers but they aren't because they have rejected His truth and leaned to their own understanding and knowledge.  
We must know the truth, that is what sets us free.  We must know the truth according to God's Word not according to any other resource.  We must know the truth, we can't assume we do there is too much at stake.  It is a matter of life and death.  It is the difference between being destroyed and being saved.  
Have a great day.  If you don't know the truth, according to God, you will be destroyed.  Your knowledge won't save you, following His will.   
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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.

Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Thursday, November 10, 2016


"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices".  2 Corinthians 2:11
Satan has devices-- evil purposes-- that he uses against us.  The Bible tells us that we should not be ignorant of them.  But we will remain ignorant if we don't realize, or remember, that the Bible also tells us that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness-- against satan.  (Ephesians 6:12)
So, the first step in order to not being ignorant is by realizing who the real enemy is-- not people, not one another, but satan.  The second step is being aware that he has "wiles" that he plots against us-- schemes, deceits, strategies, plans and trickery. (Ephesians 6:11)
Since we are aware that he has plans, devices and strategies that he uses to steal, kill and destroy us with, how can we know what they are?  Don't be ignorant of the fact that he always "gives his own plan away" or "over plays his hand".  One way I have discovered that I can recognize that it is satan and one of his devices at work is through a "buzzword".  Anytime you start hearing the same word repeated over and over against in regard to conflict, you can be sure he is behind it.  For example, two words that have been repeated over and over again for the last several years are racism/racist and bully/bullying.  Attached to them you will always find conflict, destruction, division, discord, disunity and death.  Because of those "buzzwords" we are no longer ignorant.  We know that satan is behind it and using it as a device against us.
Be wise, don't be ignorant.  You have an adversary who goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  He has plans and devices that he is using against you.  It is him, it is not a person.  You can be wise by recognizing that it is him by certain signs and one of those signs are "buzzwords".  When you hear certain words over and over again and nothing good is coming from them, don't be ignorant, know it is satan behind it.  Therefore, his weapon and device has been exposed, so fight the good fight of faith against him.
Have a great day.  We are not ignorant of satan's devices.  We can recognize some of the devices that he is using against us if we will just listen for a "buzz word".      
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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.

Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

"You Can Stay Free"

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."  Galatians 5:1

Once Jesus has set you free from sin and the bondage of sin, it doesn't mean that that bondage won't try to come and reclaim your life.  The enemy of you soul is out to destroy you.  Your own flesh wants to destroy you.  They will work together to try to get you to submit and return back to them.  But you don't have to give in. 
When you were set free from besetting sins, it was not just an act of seer will that delivered you.  It was not your education that delivered you.  It was not your ability that delivered you.  It was not you; you did not deliver yourself.  Jesus delivered you and He delivered you completely.
You do not have to give into the temptation to return to bondage.  You do not have to fall back prey to the sins that once had you bound-- anger, hated, jealousy, fornication and other immoralities, addiction, or any other thing.  When Jesus delivered you, He (as has already been said) delivered you completely and enabled you to stay delivered.
If you are being tempted to return to what you were once delivered from, look to Jesus who delivered you to begin with.  Look to Him for strength.  (His strength is made perfect in your weakness.)  Look to Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith.  Stand firm in the victory that you have been given in Him.  Remember, the Greater One is in you than is in the world.  You don't have to give in or go back.  You don't have to let it back in.  You are more than a conqueror through Christ over what you were delivered from and over it being able to return.
Have a great day.  Stand firm in the freedom that Christ Jesus has given you.  You can because His freedom is complete and His ability to stand free is complete as well.