When we receive Christ Jesus as our Savior and Lord, there is an "accepting" that takes place. We accept the fact that we are sinners. We accept the fact that there is an eternal punishment that awaits us because of our sins. We accept the fact that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves from that punishment. We accept the fact that Jesus came, died and rose again to save us from our sins and take our punishment. We accept the fact that faith in what He did is the only way to receive forgiveness and eternal life.
There is also a "denying" that takes place. We then deny ourselves. We no longer rule our own lives. We don't live the way we want to live. We don't follow our own fleshly lustful desires. We aren't the head of our own lives any more. We surrender our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and then follow Him-- His will, His plan, and His desire for our lives.
This is where many people have an issue. They want to be the "lord" of their own lives. They want to do what they want to do. They don't want to have to deny their own agenda. They don't want someone else telling them what they can and can't do. They want to be their own "boss".
Salvation and Christianity just doesn't work like that. You can't have Jesus as Lord and yourself as Lord. The two of you can't govern your life at the same time. You can't serve Him and your flesh. You can't follow Him and self both just as you can't be hot and cold at the same time.
Is it too selfish of a request, is it too demanding, is it too unreasonable for the One who gave His life for you to ask you to give your life to Him? He was beaten for you. He was punished for you. He was mocked for you. He DIED for you! If He died for you and purchased you from eternal punishment with the price of His own blood, it is only reasonable that you "should not henceforth live for yourself, but for the One which died for you."
Have a great day. Jesus died for you. It is only reasonable that you should live for Him.
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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