"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection,
and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;"
Philippians 3:10
"That I may know Him." Paul desired to know the
Lord Jesus as deeply as a person could. Jesus desires that we know Him on a
deep level as well. But many "think" they know Him because they know what the
preacher says about Him, what a family member (perhaps a parent or grandparent)
says about Him, because of what another person says about Him or what society
says about Jesus. Some think they know Him because they know "facts and
figures" and Bible stories about Him.
There is a difference in knowing someone in a personal,
intimate way and knowing about them. I know some facts about many people, but I
don't know them. I may know who someone is but not know them in a relationship
sort of way. For example, I know who the president is- I know facts about him,
I know what he looks like and recognize his picture when I see it. But I don't
know him- never even met him. There are others that I know more personally. I
know my daddy. I can tell you just about anything you want to know about him.
I have known him all my life and have shared my life with him. But even that
knowledge is still some limited. For example again, I have a relationship with
him but I still don't know him the way my mama knows him. I know him on
a personal level, but not on an intimate level like she does.
Where are you at in your "knowing" Jesus? Do you only
know about Him based on knowledge? Do you know Him in a relationship? Or do
you know Him in intimacy- as a husband and wife know each other? This is the
"knowing" that He desires for us to have. This was the "knowing" that Paul
desired to have. Jesus desires it so strongly that He died on the cross so that
we could have this type of relationship with Him. He desires it so much that if
we refuse it He will say to us on the day when we stand before Him, "Depart from
Me, I never knew you".
He offers you so much more than just a knowledge
of Himself. He is offering you a relationship with Him, yet He is offering much
more, He is offering you Himself. In essence, He is doing the same thing a man
does when he proposes to a woman to marry him. Will you accept His
Have a great day. Do you know Jesus? Do you know about
Him, do you have a relationship with Him, or do you know Him
For further reading:
Matthew 7:23
John 3:16; 15:13
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
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