"One thing thou lackest"-- in other words,
"Something is missing." I have figured out what is missing in the
lives of many believers. The answer is pretty simple-- we say a lot but do very
little. What do I mean by that? We sing about worshipping the Lord, but rarely
worship Him. Worship is not a song you sing in a Sunday morning service about
worshipping God. It is a lifestyle. When was the last time you found a secret,
quiet place alone with God and just spent unrushed time loving on Him, pouring
your heart out in adoration to Him, being intimate with Him? Do you do it at
all outside of church? Do you do it once in a while? Do you do it a couple of
times a week? Do you do it everyday (which is the correct answer)?
Another area that is missing concerns the Word of God.
You may read it, you may confess it, you may quote it but are you living it?
You may can quote verses like, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness", but are you seeking first His Kingdom? Are you putting it
first? Is doing the work of the Kingdom, following its King, abiding by its
government your priority? Does it come before the cares of this
The Bible constantly repeats that we are "doers"-- not
hearers only, and certainly not professers only. When we talk about the things
of God but don't do them, something will always be missing. The fullness that
God desires for us to have will be missing-- the fullness of joy, peace, wisdom,
revelation and victory will all be in a state of lack. The key to remove the
"lack" is to start doing what is missing instead of just talking about it.
Have a great day. We will always lack when we only talk
about the things of God instead of applying them to our lives.
For further reading:
James 1:22John 15:7
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by
Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking
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