Thursday, October 17, 2024

"Freedom From Life's Dread"

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."  1 Peter 5:7

Did you wake up this morning feeling pressured and overwhelmed by what awaits you today?  Did you dread getting out of bed because you already feel the weight off all that lies before you?  If so, before you face the world, before you face any task, before you head off to work, or go to meet the responsibilities of the day, take time to get alone with the Lord.  Don't face "life" today without having first faced the Lord.

Go into that secret place-- your prayer closet, take some time to go before His presence and cast your cares upon Him.  Acknowledge Him in all your ways-- in all that you have before you--- and let Him direct your steps, thoughts, ideas, appointments, commitments and responsibilities.

It has been said that "he who knees before God can stand before anything and anyone".  When you humble yourself first thing in the day before the Lord and bring Him into the affairs of your life, you will find that you don't have as much facing you as it seemed.  You will find that that "mountain" of cares is actually nothing more than a "mole hill".  You will also gain a peace that passes understanding, the pressures will dissipate, the dread will be replaced with victory, the confusion will give way to a calm spirit and fear will take a back seat.

There is no denying that we all have responsibilities and things that we have to do each day, but the choice of how they affect us and affect our attitude is up to us.  We can face them with peace or with anxiety.  Anxiety comes naturally, but peace in the midst of overwhelming cares comes as we get into the Lord's presence and cast these cares upon Hm.  Which will you do today?

Have a great day.  Are you overwhelmed by what the day holds before you even begin the day?  Then get in the Lord's presence and leave those cares there.

For further reading:
Matthew 11:29, 30; 6:33

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

"The Tower"

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe."  Proverbs 18:10

The name of the Lord is a strong tower to the righteous.  What does that mean?  It means several things.  It means that He is a place of safety for us when we are under attack by the enemy.  It means that if He is the place of safety, it is a well-fortified place-- one that the enemy can't break down, break through or destroy.  It means that in order for the enemy to get to us, he has to go through God first-- we are out of his reach because we are in the Lord.

The Lord is like a well-fortified place of safety to us.  We don't have to fear the enemy, the storm, or the devourer as long as we are in Him.  But it means something else as well.  A tower is an elevated place.  It is a raised place.  It is a place that is high above other places and ground level.  When we are in the Lord, our strong tower, we are elevated above the enemy.  We are able to look down on him.  We can see the battle from a different elevation causing us to see it from a different perspective-- God's perspective. 

This is one reason why we must run into the Lord when we are under attack or facing a battle.  Seeing things from God's perspective sheds a whole different light on the subject.  We see the situation from the eyes of faith, not with our natural eyes that would cause us to fear and become discouraged.  We see that we are over the enemy, not under him or equal with him-- he is under us, under our feet.  We also see that though the enemy rages, though he plots, though he sends out his fiery darts, he can't get up to where we are-- making us well out of his reach.  It also means that we are seeing from an advantage point.  We are able to look out over the whole battlefield, not just one small spot. 

Are you in a battle?  Is the enemy "breathing down your neck"?  Are you feeling like you are losing the battle?  Well, get up to higher ground.  Run into the Lord who is your strong tower of defense and advantage point. 

Have a great day.  The name of the Lord is a strong tower... get in the tower. 

For further reading:
Hebrews 2:8
1 Samuel 17:47

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

"Victory's Yours"

"But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  1 Corinthians 15:57

Those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are not defeated, they are victorious.  We have been given victory.  Jesus secured our victory at the cross and in His resurrection. 

Through Jesus we have victory over besetting sins.  We have victory over the flesh.  We have victory over temptation.  We have victory over the enemy.  We don't have to "give in".  We don't have to be defeated by the trials, problems and circumstances of this life.  Jesus overcame and in Him we overcome. 

Often, we live our lives defeated, downcast and depressed because we don't realize that we have already obtained victory.  We aren't trying to gain victory; the victory is already ours.  We tend to let the circumstances and things that we go through tell us that we have lost or that we can't do it or won't make it.  Well, whose report will you believe?  Will you believe the enemy, the circumstances, the flesh, man's report?  Or will you believe what God has said?  He said you are more than a conqueror.  He said you have power over all the powers of the enemy.  He said you are victorious.

Stop walking around with a defeated mentality and loser attitude.  Child of God, rise up and be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.  You are not defeated... you are victorious... thanks be to God.

Have a great day.  If your faith and trust is in Jesus, you are not defeated but you are victorious.

For further reading:
Romans 8:37
Luke 10:19
2 Corinthians 2:14
John 16:33

Monday, October 14, 2024

"The Three Crosses"

"And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left." Luke 23:33

I was thinking about the three crosses at Calvary-- one for Jesus, the other two for the malefactors who were hung on each side of Him.  The three crosses are symbols and reminders to us. 

They remind us of several things.  They remind us that we are all "malefactors"-- evildoers, sinners.  "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  They remind us that there is none good except Jesus- the One in the middle.  They remind us that whatever punishment we get, we deserve.  They remind us that we are not innocent, even at our best.  We have sinned against and transgressed the laws of God-- and probably the laws of man as well. The two men's death on the cross was punishment for their own sins.  Jesus' death on the cross was punishment for the sins of all mankind-- not His own.

They remind us that not all who have the opportunity to hear the truth about salvation will accept-- some will, some won't.  They remind us that we have to make our own choice concerning our eternity-- it is an individual choice made by each one individually.  Jesus didn't make the choice for either of these men, they made it for themselves.  He didn't force either one to accept Him, and He didn't push them away either.  They remind us of the love and compassion of Jesus who hears the cries of the repentant heart.  It reminds us that as long as we have breath in our bodies, it is not too late for Jesus to save us if we call out to Him.  It reminds us that we are never "too bad" for Jesus to save.   

The three crosses remind us that one day Jesus will do a separation among all people.  This time He will stand in the middle (not hang in the middle) and separate the sheep from the goats, the righteous from the unrighteous.  The sheep (those who like the thief who accepted Him) will be on His right side, and the goats (those who like the other thief who rejected Him) will be on His left side. 

The three crosses remind us that one day those who accepted Him will be with Him forever in His Kingdom.  We will live with Him in His Father's house forever.  We will rule and reign with Him. 

We have focused on the two crosses on each side, but the most important cross was the one in the middle.  Without it there would be no hope, not opportunity to receive forgiveness.  We would all be like the thief who rejected Jesus-- hopelessly lost forever.  But because of the cross in the middle upon which Jesus hung we can have eternal life if we don't harden our heart like the one who mocked Jesus but repent like the other one did. 

Which malefactor on the cross represents you-- the one who rejected Jesus, or the one who received Him as Savior and Lord?

Have a great day.  There were three crosses at Calvary.  Jesus was in the middle and two thieves on each side.  Which thief represents you?

For further reading:
Luke 23 

Friday, October 11, 2024

"Playing Religious Games"

"For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."  Matthew 5:20

So many people are playing games with their soul.  They think if they accumulate enough "religious points" they will make it to heaven.  For example, I was talking with a guy the other day about his salvation.  He told me he had been baptized in water and has the baptismal certificate.  He thought that certificate was his passport to heaven.  He was surprised to find out that it wasn't.  Several years ago, I asked another man about his salvation.  His reply was for me to turn on the television on Sunday morning to a particular channel and I would see him singing in the choir.  What?!  Sadly, he really thought that because he attended church and sung in the choir he was on his way to heaven.

Never once in either of these answers did I hear anything about Jesus.  I said earlier that people are playing games with their souls.  They are playing "religious games".  If you think you can earn your way to heaven, if you think you will win in the end just because you have accumulated some "religious brownie points" you are sadly mistaken and deceived.

The Pharisees and scribes were the religious leaders of their day.  They practiced religious rituals.  They taught others the commands of God.  They could quote scripture after scripture.  They were in the temple every time the doors were open.  But Jesus said they would not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 

Our righteousness doesn't save us-- it is like filthy rags.  Our good deeds don't save us-- they are all wood, hay and stubble that will be burned up.  Our religious knowledge doesn't save-- we know only in part.  The ONLY thing that saves us is faith in what Jesus Christ did for us at the cross.  You may think that is a bold statement.  Well, let me ask you something since you may be the one playing games with your soul.  If you have ever played any sort of game whether it is a board game or a field game, are there numerous ways to win?  Or is there only one?  To win you always have to get to the finish line, get around the board, run the bases in order, etc.  So why do we think there are many ways to get to heaven?

In any game there are rules.  In life there are rules.  If you are going to live life you are going to have to follow the rules.  If you are going to heaven, you have to follow the rules that God has established, or you will not win/go.

Have a great day.  Are you playing games with your soul?     

For further reading:
Matthew 7:21; 18:3
Isaiah 64:6
Titus 3:5
Ephesians 2:8,9