Thursday, February 6, 2025

"Humbly Come"

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."  Hebrews 4:16

What an amazing privilege it is to be able to come into the very presence of God and make our request and petitions to Him.  But there is a way that we enter into His presence.  The word boldly doesn't mean with arrogance or cocky.  It means with confidence.  Too often we have this mentality, and are taught, that because of "who we are in Christ", God has to give us an audience when we come to Him, He has to acknowledge us, we can enter because we are "somebody" in Christ.  Not, true.  That is pride.  We can't go with a "prideful" attitude-- remember God hates pride. 

God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  When we go to Him in prayer, we can be confident that He will receive us, that we have His ear and that He will answer our prayer.  But that is not based on our own merit.  It is not because we are so deserving or so special.  It is because of Jesus.  Jesus gave us access to the Father.  He opened the door that gives us the ability to enter into the presence of the Father-- He is the Door.  Whatever we ask in His name, not our own, the Father will answer.

When we enter His presence, we must remember who we are coming before-- our Father which are in heaven.  We must remember He is God and He is to be feared and held in awe.  I talk to Him like my "friend who sticks closer than a brother", but I never forget Who He is.  Jesus said there was none who was born of women greater than John, but when John saw Jesus coming to the Jordan River, he exclaimed that he wasn't even worthy to untie His shoes. 

Rejoice and thank God for this wonderful privilege you have been granted to come into His presence and offer your requests.  But don't act as if you deserve to be there.  Don't get arrogant.  Don't think that you are "entitled" to it and God owes you this audience.  He gave you access; He wants you to come, He won't turn you away, but you didn't earn that right.  It was given to you through Jesus.  Therefore, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God when you come into His presence.

Have a great day.  We have access into the presence of God, only because of Jesus. 

For further reading:
1 Peter 5:5,6
John 16:23; 1:27,30
Matthew 6:9: 11:11
Proverbs 18:24

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