Tuesday, February 18, 2025

"He's Really There"

"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."  Matthew 28:20

The Lord keeps laying it on my heart to share with you that the Lord is with you.  He has not left you nor forsaken you.  Just because you don't think that He is there, or just because you don't feel like He is there, does not change the fact, or the truth, that He is there with you.

When Joseph was thrown into the pit by his brothers, I am sure he wondered where God was.  When he was taken from his home, from his country, when his freedom was taken away from him and he was sold into slavery, there is no doubt he wondered where God was.  When Joseph was being falsely accused, I imagine that he wondered why God didn't intervene and defend him by revealing the truth.  When he was in the prison, he wondered if God had forgotten him, if He even remembered he was alive, or did He see him through the prison bars. 

You may be in the same place as Joseph.  You are being mistreated.  You are being abused.  You are suffering because of someone's hatred or jealousy toward you.  You may be going through a pit.  You may feel like you are being held captive by some besetting sin.  You may be in such a dark place that you wonder if you will ever see daylight again.  You may be living with a debilitating disease in your body.  And through it you are wondering the same-- God, where are you?  Lord, are you there?  Have you forgotten me?

While sometimes we have to walk through dark places, valleys and deserts, your being in that place is no indication and should never be received as proof that the Lord has left you, forsaken you, is not aware of you and is not with you. 

Life happens.  And what life brings is not always "good".  Sometimes it is worse than bad.  But regardless, God is still with you.  He is there.  Never let your circumstances convince you otherwise.  Joseph may not have always felt that God was with Him.  It may not have always looked like He was there.  But look at the end.  The evidence that God really was with Him all along was clearly seen at the end-- the palace.

Have a great day.  The circumstances you are going through may be making you wonder if God is with you, but rest assured He is.

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