"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36
When a person is incarcerated, the only way they can get out of prison is if someone who has the authority to release them lets them out. If they try to get out any other way it is called a "jailbreak". Their crime has not been pardoned and they have not been released. They are a fugitive.
Each and every person born on earth is a "prisoner"-- a prisoner of sin. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) We are all being held captive. The only way we can be set free is if someone who has the authority to do so releases us. Thankfully, there is someone. His name is Jesus. He came to set the captive free and open the prison door to all who are bound. He holds the keys that open the door so that we can be set free from sin's captivity and its punishment.
When Jesus sets us free, He gives us a full pardon and declares us "not guilty". When we try to free ourselves, it is called a jailbreak. So many are trying to break out of the prison of sin through their own goodness, good works or religious deeds. It won't work. You are still a guilty person. Only Jesus has the authority to release you and forgive your sins. There is no other way.
If you are still in the prison of sin, if you are still being held captive, there is nothing you can do to get out on your own. But Jesus is waiting to set you free if you will but call upon Him and turn to Him. He has the power and the authority to set you totally free.
Have a great day. The only way out of prison is by being released by someone who has the authority to release you. The only way to get out of the prison of sin is through Jesus- He alone has the authority to set the captive free.
For further reading:
Romans 5:12
Ephesians 2:8,9
John 10:9
Titus 3:5
Revelation 1:18
Luke 4:18
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