"So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God." 2 Chronicles 5:14
How wonderful to have the glory of the Lord come in and fill the house of God in such a dramatic, powerful, and obvious way. There was no doubt that His glory was there filling the house. It was so powerful that the priests could not even stand to minister. I have been in a few services like that- sadly, they are far and few between. How glorious it would be if this happened every time we went to His house.
It is possible. He desires to do so. This was Old Testament and He did it in response to the people's worship and praise. If He did it then under the Old Covenant, how much more does He desire to do it under the New Covenant- after the cross, in the dispensation of grace.
Yes, we would love to have this type of manifestation when we assembly together in God's house, but least we forget, His glory resides in every born-again believer. The glory that covered Adam's nakedness was removed when he sinned through disobedience to God's command not to eat of the tree in the garden. But Christ Jesus brought, not only reconciliation of mankind back to the Heavenly Father, but He also restored God's glory upon and in us.
So now we are the "house of God"- the temples of the Holy Spirit- who carry God's glory around with us wherever we go. The glory of God that was manifested that day in our verse above, should be manifested in our lives daily. God should be revealed through us. People should see His glory radiating from us through love. They see His glory through His goodness being demonstrated in us. And they see it through His nature and character shining brightly in our lives.
Is His glory being revealed in you? Is it shining forth? Is it so evident that there is no denying that God is in you? Does that "cloud" of loving-kindness, goodness, love, mercy and grace surround your life? You are the vessels that carry the glory of God, don't hide it but let it be seen.
Have a great day. We are the temples of God where His glory resides. Is His glory being seen in you?
For further reading:
1 Corinthians 3:16
Exodus 33:18,19
John 17:22,23
2 Corinthians 3:18
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