Tuesday, January 31, 2023

"Sudden Storms"

"And there arose a great storm of wind..." Mark 4:37a 

When a line of storms come through our area, there are warnings on all the weather channels that they were coming. We are told to expect them and that we should be prepared to take the necessary steps to be safe. So these storms don't take us unaware.
Although we usually have warnings that a storm maybe coming, that is not always the case. Some "storms" hit our lives suddenly without warning. We may be going about our business as usual, enjoying the day, then we get a call that tragedy has struck. Or we get a bad report from a routine medical test. Or we go to work like we have for years and the boss tells us he has to let us go. Some storms we never see coming, they just come upon us without warning. 
Those storms may take us by surprise, but they never take the Lord by surprise. He sees them long before they get to you. And not only does He see them, but He already "prepares" for them-- just like we prepare for the storms when the weather announcer warns us. The Lord-- Jehovah-Jireh (God our Provider) -- has seen ahead and made provision for the storms that come upon your lives. He has a more than sufficient supply of grace prepared for you. His goodness and mercy are waiting to follow you through the situation. His strength is ready to be poured out in your weakness. His power is available. His wisdom is there. His own presence will go with you and His comfort will not forsake you.
So, you don't have to fear the storm when it comes suddenly upon you. Remember that Jesus is not only with you in the storm, but He has already prepared everything that you need to get through it.
Have a great day. There are some storms that we have advance warning about, but then there are others that take us by surprise. But none of them take Jesus by surprise, He sees them coming and makes provision for them for us.
For further reading:
Psalm 23:6
2 Corinthians 12:9
Genesis 22:14

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