Doing What You Hear
"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." James 1:22
Thank you all for your prayers for my husband during his surgery. The whole ordeal was a longer process than we had anticipated. It truly was a trying time. It still isn't behind us yet. The recovery and after care that he needs consumes the biggest portion of our time each day and will due to the medicines he has to be given for several weeks. But hopefully, I will be able to resume sending out the devotional again daily.
Have you ever noticed how when you teach/preach a particular message, or even hear one, you seem to find yourself in a position where you are "living it". That's how it has been with this whole ordeal concerning his surgery. The last message I sent out was concerning our thoughts and how they will manipulate our emotions. Well, I can promise you that our hospital stay certainly was an emotional roller coaster because of all we had to deal with.
It's one thing to preach/teach/hear a word, it is another to walk it out and apply it to your life. But if we are going to live a victorious life, if we are going to stay strong, if we are going to hold fast to our confidence in the Lord, if we are going to stay in peace, then we have to do what James said-- be doers of the word and not hearers only. Real peace, joy, strength, wisdom, faith, victory come from applying and walking in the word that we hear. When we don't, the circumstances we face will discourage us, they will steal our joy, they will rob us of our peace, we will feel helpless and defeated, we will be in confusion, we will respond in wrong ways and make wrong decisions based on our emotions instead of the truth of God's Word.
So when you hear a word, take that word to heart, hide it in your heart. It is like "ammo" in your spiritual weapons so that when the trial arises, and it will, you will already be prepared and know how to handle it.
Have a great day. Heed the word you hear and apply it.
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