"Where Is My Church?"
Before you start reading, I will warn you that it is going to be lengthy, and it is not an easy nor comfortable message. As I was in prayer this morning, the Lord began to speak to me. I am sharing it with you because it is a message to the Body of Christ.
I started my prayer burdened because of the lack of faith and the amount of fear and unbelief that I am seeing in the Body of Christ, or at least in those who profess to be Christians. I am no ones judge. I have just gone through a situation that tested my faith and pushed me into a newer, deeper level of trust than I have ever exercised before. I have to confess that it showed me just how little faith I really have. (It is one thing to have faith in the sunshine when all is well, and another to step out in obedient faith when things are dark and chaos is all around.) My heart was exposed so that I could see it for myself and I have had to repent. So, I understand where many are coming from and why the "fear" is taking them over.
Then after I repented the Lord spoke this to me: For years the body of Christ has asked the question, "Where is the God of Elijah?" (2 Kings 2:14) Where is the God who parted the sea? Who healed the sick and raise the dead? Who did great and mighty miracles for all to see? Where is He? Why aren't we seeing miracles, signs and wonders? We have been crying out to see the same things that the Prophet Elijah saw and did, and the double portion that the Prophet Elisha saw and had. Elisha asked this question of God and waited for God to answer. God answered by parting the Jordan River.
Now God is the One Who is asking a question, "Where is My Church?" (The church of the Lord Jesus Christ.) Where are those who have been empowered to be My witnesses? Where are those who will do greater works? Where are those who have been delegated power and authority over all the powers of the enemy? Where are those who know Me and are to do exploits? Where are those who love not their lives unto death? Where are those who show forth the praises of their God? Where are those who tread on serpents and scorpions? Where are those who have been given the keys of the Kingdom? Where are those who shine as lights in a dark world? Where are those who have the authority to bind and loose in heaven and earth? Where are the righteous who are bold as a lion? Where are those who do not fear the face of man? Where are they?
He showed me where they/we are through the story of David and Goliath. (Read it for yourself- 1 Samuel 17) Church this is where we are. There are three characters in this story-- the Israelite army, David and Goliath. Goliath came out daily to the Israelites and taunted them. Church the enemy is "in our face". The enemy is coming out daily against us with its threats just like Goliath came out and taunted the Israelites. The pandemic, evil politicians, riots, bullies, wicked organizations, Socialism, Marxism and Communism, division and fear are coming against us. Where are we? Hiding like the Israelite army was. This is the answer that God sees when He ask the question, "Where is My church?" He sees us hiding, trying to stay out of sight, talking about the situation only, cowing down in fear, being intimidated, not making a move, being passive and hoping for some miraculous rescue or escape.
Church it is time to decide if you are going to be like the Israelite army or like the third character-- David. David was not passive. He did not hide in fear. He wasn't intimidated though the giant was bigger. He was bold. He had complete faith and trust in God. He would not let this giant blaspheme his God. He was fearless. He did not back down. He had faith in God's ability to bring down this giant.
The Bible says that the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. It doesn't say we sit back on feathery beds of ease and hope for the best. I am NOT advocating violence-- please hear me. I am NOT telling you to pick up a weapon and use it. (Our weapons are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of even strongholds.) Our weapons are spiritual weapons because our battle is a spiritual battle. I am not telling you to go beat people up, it's not that kind of violence the Bible is talking about. (We don't fight against flesh and blood (people), but principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness.) Jesus Himself said that if you live by the sword you will die by the sword. What I am saying is that we need to be like David, he drew near to the giant-- he didn't wait for him to draw near. He went out and met Goliath. He didn't stand on the sidelines watching like the army did. It's time we stop hiding in fear and cowing down when the battle is in front of us. It's time to stop being wishy-washy, lukewarm or compromised. It's time to stand up for the Lord and on His side. If you are a Christian, the Greater One lives in you. The worse that can happen is that you die-- if you're right with God that is your passage way into your eternal home. Plus the Bible tells us not to fear him who can destroy only the body but He who can destroy both body and soul in hell. We are in a battle just like David, the Israelite army and Goliath. We keep saying we are in a battle to protect our country and freedoms (we are), but we are in a greater battle. We are in a battle for the eternal souls of mankind. If we keep cowing down, if we keep hiding in fear, souls will be lost-- they will remain prisoners of the devil and sin. Hell will get fuller and fuller enlarging its mouth with the eternal souls of people. Church, stop being fearful. We are suppose to be crucified with Christ, taking up our crosses daily. We have lost our Holy Ghost backbone and it's time to repent and get it back!! Get out in the battle. Get in the trenches. Pray and pray and pray, then put action and faith behind your prayers--- stand boldly and proclaim the gospel. Reach the prisoners. Reach the wicked. Reach your family. Reach your friends. Reach your co-workers. Reach the strangers. Reach people and don't let anything/anyone stop you. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. The end time harvest will never be gathered if we are too afraid of getting into the harvest field-- afraid of a virus, afraid of rioters, afraid of unjust laws, afraid of the words, opinions and actions of men. Jesus wasn't afraid, and He lives in us. The disciples weren't afraid, and they turned their world upside down-- even in persecution, may I add. Be fearless. Remember the Lord is with you. He will strengthen you. He has empowered you by His Spirit. He will fight for you. David didn't go out and fight the giant in his own strength and might, he went out in the Name of the Lord. The Name that is above all other names. Are you going to be like the Israelite army-- they were called by the name "army" but didn't act like it? We are called Christians but are we acting like it? Are you going to be like David-- strong in the Lord and the power of His might and fill the earth with the knowledge of the Lord like the waters that cover the sea? How will you answer the question that God is asking, "Where is My church?".
The Israelite army was distracted by the giant's size, his threats, intimidation and fear. They were distracted from their identity-- they were the Israelite (God's chosen people) army (soldiers). They were distracted from God's identity-- the Almighty, Ruler, Creator, All Powerful God, the One who promised victory and fought the battles for them. Are we being distracted by fear, threats, bullying and intimidation from our identity-- children of the Most High God, more than conquerors? Are we being distracted from remembering the identity of God (Who He is)-- the One who is still in control and able to work all things together for the good?
It is time to pray up, step up, speak up and stand up for the sake of the lost, for the sake of the Kingdom and for our own sake.
1 Samuel 17
2 Kings 2:14
Matthew 11:12
2 Corinthians 10:4
Habakkuk 2:14
Isaiah 5:14
Luke 10:19
Ephesians 6:10
Philippians 2:9
1 John 4:4
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