Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"There Is No Turning Back"

"There Is No Turning Back"

This is one of those messages that is written with a heavy heart.  But it is also a warning.  Please heed and turn to the Lord in repentance and seek His help, grace and strength. 

Many of you have given into fear because of this virus.  You are allowing it to affect you in every area of life-- your relationships, your finances, your activities, your education, your religious practices, and so on.  You are being dictated to by it.  Your whole life is consumed with it to the point that you are being held prisoner by it.  You have totally adjusted your entire life to accommodate it-- the fear.  I am not only talking to those who aren't Christians but many of you Christians have bought into the fear as well.    

The Bible says that fear is a spirit.  "For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)  This means that fear is a spiritual entity.  It is not some emotional or mental state of mind.  It is a spirit that is out to destroy you.  (If you don't think spirits are real and the devil is real, then you are totally deceived.)  The primary way it tries to destroy you is by making you believe something that is a lie.  It will tell you something is harmful when it is not.  It will tell you that you are going to lose everything, you are going to die, you aren't going to make it-- whatever lie it can conjure up to make you believe it.  

The Lord wants me to warn you to release the fear, let go of it, stop letting it consume you, give the fear to God, repent of it, and seek Him.  If you continue to hold on to it, if you continue to let it take more control over you, if you continue to buy into it, you will reach a point where there is no turning back.  The fear will control you and make you its slave.  You won't be able to escape it and it will cause you to say and do things and give into things that you never thought you would have.  The fear will take away all rationality and sensibility.  

When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, there was no turning back.  They believed a lie and ate.  They then became the prisoner of sin. Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of soup out of fear that he was going to die of starvation.  Once he did, there was no turning back.  He became servant to his younger brother.   Samson played Delilah's games one too many times.  As he lay his head in her lap and slept, there was no turning back.  It was too late.  He became a prisoner of the Philistines.  Moses struck the rock out of anger because of the people.  This was an act of disobedience.  Once he struck it, there was no going back.  As a result, he did not get to go into the promise land after leading the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years.  In each of these examples, their actions had consequences.  Their actions took them to a point of no return-- they could not undo what they had done, they couldn't be free of it, there was no turning back. 

With a heavy heart, I am compelled to warn you that if you don't get free of this fear you will keep going deeper and deeper into it until you reach the point where it will be too late to turn back.  Please don't keep embracing fear.  Don't let it persuade you through its lies.  If you keep following it, it will destroy you in the end.  The Lord offers you freedom, liberty and peace.  Will you please accept it?  He offers it to you through love-- perfect love will cast out fear. (1 John 4:18)

Have a great day.  If you keep going down the path of fear, you will reach a point where you will not be able to turn back. 


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