The Lord spoke a word to me yesterday morning that I want to share with you today. The word was "marketing". He told me that they (we pretty much know who "they" are) are marketing this pandemic. The word marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying and selling of a product or service; it includes advertising, selling and delivering products to consumers or other businesses; something that is referred to when pitching a new product to the general public; increasing awareness.
So, what are they marketing? What are they selling? What do they want you to "buy"? First, they are marketing fear. Fear has been the biggest product they have promoted. They are also marketing panic. They have pushed this product of panic through the news, through social media, etc. People panic when they think about leaving their houses or meeting someone who isn't wearing a mask. They panic that they may not have enough toilet paper or that they will end up bankrupt, and so on. They are also marketing their products that take advantage of the fear and panic. Every commercial is selling something you need to survive this pandemic. Division is also being marketed. The Bible says a "house divided against itself cannot stand". Have you ever heard-- divide and conquer? People are so divided on the issues-- reopen the country, don't reopen the country; wear a mask, don't wear a mask; it's not that serious, it's very serious; you are being selfish and not thinking about others; it's not selfish to take care of my family, etc. Families are being divided, friends, fellow employees and even churches are being divided. At the same time though they are marketing unity. They are trying to bring us all into the same mindset, goals and agendas. They are marketing the New World Order as a way of bringing us into this unity. They want us to be "one big happy family"-- "we are the world, we are the children". After all, we are all in this together. (No, we aren't.) They want us to embrace their ideology of oneness. So they are pitching this agenda and trying to get us to buy into this "new product".
The "product" that they are marketing that I believe the Lord wants me to primarily address is-- fake hope and false security. They are making all these claims that if we stay inside our homes, wear masks, take the vaccine, do as they say, follow their orders, comply with their plans, stay six feet apart, only congregate in groups of ten or less, then you and your loved ones will be safe. You won't have to worry about getting the virus and you will be protected. Wrong! This is what the Lord wants to say to you-- you cannot put your hope and rest your security on man! They can't keep you safe or secure. No one can, even you. Let me move completely away from talking about the pandemic now. If you are looking for hope and security in any area in this world, it can't be found in things that are temporary. You can't put your hope or security in the government, in another person, in a check, in your business or finances, or a vaccine, in medicine, in a financial institution-- or anything else in this world. This world is temporary. It won't last forever. You and I won't last forever here on this earth. Our bodies are only temporary housing that will one day go back to dust. Our security here and now and for eternity has to be placed in the Lord Jesus Christ. If we put it in anything else, it is like a foolish man who builds his house upon the sand. Only Jesus can give you hope. Only Jesus can give you true security. He is the Rock. He is unmovable, unshakable, solid and eternal.
Are you anchoring your hope on the words and promises of man? Are you trusting them for your security? Are you "buying" the products of hope and security that man has marketed? What they give may give you some momentary sense of security but that is all. It is temporary and not eternal. True security here and now and in eternity can only be found in Jesus. Turn to Him and surrender to Him. Let Him give you hope-- lasting hope. Let Him give you security-- real security.
Have a great day. Jesus is your only hope of true security.
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