Friday, May 29, 2020

"With You Everywhere"

"With You Everywhere"

"...lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:20b

It seems as though the Lord has me frequently talking about the fact that He doesn't not leave, forsake or abandon His people. This morning I am impressed to talk about it again. My mind was thinking about the various people in the Bible, the things they went through and the places they found themselves in. Each one had their own trials, each one had their own testing, each one went through difficulties, but in each situation in life they were never alone- the Lord was with them.

Look at Abraham- he journeyed to a strange country away from family or friends, but the Lord was with Him. Noah lived during the time of the greatest outpouring of God's judgment, yet he didn't go through it alone- God was with him. Joseph was enslaved and imprisoned in a foreign country, but the Lord was with Him too. Daniel and his friends were taken captive and forced to serve their enemy- they weren't alone either, the Lord was with them. Because of King Saul's pursuits David was forced to live on the run and in caves. Yet, he was never alone, the Lord was right there with him. Then there was also Moses who lived in Egypt and in the wilderness- he wasn't alone, God was with him also.

How comforting to know that it doesn't matter where you are or the circumstances that brought you to that place, you are not alone. The Lord is with you whether it is in your own home or enemy territory. He is with you whether you find yourself in a place by your own choice or against your will. He is with you wherever you may be. He is not restricted by space. There are no boundaries placed on God- although men try to draw a line to keep Him out or from coming any closer. He is with you everywhere you go.

Let this word encourage you this morning if you are in one of those places-- you are not alone. And even if you are not, read this word, hide its message in your heart, get the truth of it deeply embedded in your spirit because you never know if, or when, you might be.

Have a great day. You are not alone.

For further reading:
Genesis 12:1
Genesis 6:11,12,17-19
Genesis 39:1,2
Daniel 3:25
Exodus 3:1-4
1 Samuel 18:12
Hebrews 13:5

Thursday, May 28, 2020

"Abundant Living"

"Abundant Living"

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Jesus is the giver of life, because He is Life. He gives us eternal life. Those who put their trust and faith in His redeeming work at the cross will live forever with Him in heaven and never die. But He also gives us abundant life before that time comes in the "here and now".

While abundant life is a gift from God, it is something that is "walked" out each day in our lives. It is walked out by living in obedience to God's commands. I am free to enjoy abundant life when I live according to the dictates of God's word. His word is a place of safety. It establishes boundaries that keep me protected- protection is part of abundant living. His word is a place of peace. Walking in His word brings peace of mind and heart. Having peace is having abundant life.

Abundant life is not some "feeling" it is the "state" of the believer that comes as a result of a wonderful promise/provision from the Lord, but it is manifested in our lives as long as we stay within the confines of God's word.

Have a great day. Abundant life is a gift from God but we have to walk in His word in order to enjoy it.

For further reading:
John 14:6
Romans 6:23
John 11:25
Isaiah 26:3
Psalm 119:165

Wednesday, May 27, 2020



"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

I have heard this scripture repeated several times over the last few days through different people. This morning as I was praying for a word to share with you, I heard it again. So when the Lord repeats Himself He is trying to tell us something.

Fear does come. It comes in many ways and many forms. It comes through a threatening report. It comes when we lose our jobs, when our health breaks, when our marriage is on shaking ground. It often comes unexpectedly and when we least expect it. It comes on a bight, sun shiny day as well as in the dark and trying times. It tries to attach itself to us. It tries to defeat us. Its goal is to destroy us.

We are living in a time of uncertainties, we never know what we might wake up to. Uncertainty is a breeding ground for fear. BUT, it is also a breeding ground for faith. The times when you aren't certain about what may happen should increase your faith instead of making you fearful. These times are opportunities to draw near to the Lord and develop your faith. Abraham faced an uncertainty, and the unknown, when God called him to leave his father's house and just begin walking. Did Abraham know where he was going? Did he know what was ahead? Was his path clear to him? Did he fear or did he have faith?

Faith remembers that God is still in control, it remembers that He doesn't leave you nor forsake you, it remembers that He is the provider. Faith remembers that God is trustworthy and loves you. Faith remembers who God is and His faithfulness to His promises. Fear does not! Whatever you are going through, no matter how uncertain it may be, you can either give into fear and let it steal, kill and destroy; or you can give into faith and let it give you peace, joy and grace.

Have a great day. Uncertain times in our lives are a breeding ground for either faith or fear. Which will it produce in you?

For further reading:
Genesis 12:1
Hebrews 11:8
Psalm 23:4
Psalm 27:1
Psalm 118:6
Isaiah 43:1,2

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"Voices- Part 2"

"Voices- Part 2"

"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before." Philippians 3:13

Yesterday when we talked about all the voices that are out there, we neglected to talk about the voices from the past. None of us are perfect, or have lived perfect lives. I am sure that we all have done things in the past that we shouldn't have done, aren't proud of or regret. Because the devil is the accuser he often brings up our past and tries to use it against us. He reminds us of the mistakes we made. He reminds us of the thing that haunts us. He won't let you forget it. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. He wants to destroy your peace of mind and your future by not letting you forget "what you did".

If you know Jesus as your Savior, your past is forgiven once you repent and turn to Him. It doesn't matter how bad you have been, how much evil you have done, or what horrible thing lies in your past. I am not saying that you may not be having to face some consequences for what you did, but Jesus washed away the guilt and condemnation of that thing-- and all your sins. So don't let the enemy try to put it back on you.

The Lord's plan for you is to give you a hope and a future. Living in the guilt of the past will rob you of that future. It will rob you of abundant living. It will keep you defeated-- and the enemy knows that. He wants to stop you so that you can't go forward. But you don't have to let him. If you have been "tormented" by those "voices from the past", it is time today to get free from their guilt. Give them over to Jesus once and for all. Receive His word that says you are forgiven instead of the word of accusation from the devil.

Have a great day. Don't listen to the voice of accusation concerning your past- they are lies. Listen to the voice of Jesus- His words are the words of truth.

For further reading:
Psalm 103:12
Romans 8:1
Jeremiah 29:11
John 10:10

Monday, May 25, 2020



"There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification." 1 Corinthians 14:10

We are living in a time when we are bombarded by "voices". They come from every direction-- through the news media, through various forms of entertainment, through close acquaintances, through the internet, social media and many other places and people. It seems as if the voices are being intensified, and the truth is, they are.

Daily we have to deal with these voices, among which are the voices of humanistic wisdom, logic, reason and man's opinions. We have to battle the voices of fear and discouragement, lies and deception. There is also the voices of pride, selfishness, anger, frustration, criticism, confusion and condemnation. From the time we wake up in the morning, until we go to bed at night, and even after we go to bed those voices continue speaking to us through our thoughts and dreams.

Many voices are helpful and we should listen to them. We should heed those that are warnings. But the enemy is trying to use the "voices" to cause us to miss God's voice and stop hearing Him altogether. Remember in the Garden of Eden, Eve heard the "voice" of the serpent and his enticing words and gave into his "speech". She listened to his "voice" and ignored the "voice" of the Lord which had already spoken to them not to eat from the tree.

Satan has no new tricks, he keeps using the same ones over and over again. He wants you to listen to these other voices. He wants you to heed them and stop listening to the voice of God. For this reason it is imperative that you spend quiet time alone with the Lord each and every day. You must pull yourself away from all these other voices and listen to the voice of the Lord- listen to Him through reading His word, through prayer and by His Holy Spirit. He is speaking as much as the other voices are, He just isn't speaking as loudly-- His is more of a "still, small voice".

Have a great day. There are a lot of voices out there, but the voice of the Lord is the main one we need to be listening to. If you aren't spending time with Him you aren't hearing His voice.

For further reading:
Genesis 3:2-8
Proverbs 7:21
Colossians 2:4
1 Kings 19:12
Matthew 11:15
Mark 1:35

Friday, May 22, 2020

"Fitness Conscience"

"Fitness Conscience"

"For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." 1 Timothy 4:8

People have become very health and fitness conscience. So much so that it's become a million dollar industry. People spend hours at the gym working out. They spend big bucks on diet programs. Fitness trainers are more in demand. This is a good thing. We need to be more health conscience. We need to take care of our bodies- especially if we are Christians because they are the temple of God's Holy Spirit.

But on the other hand it concerns me when I see people who are more concerned about taking care of their body than they are their soul. Our body houses our soul so we should keep it healthy, but what thought are you giving to your soul which is eternal. Do you spend more time taking care of the outside than the inside? Are you feeding your body the proper nutrients that it needs yet you are starving your spiritual man? Are you making sure your body receives plenty of exercise but you have not exercised your faith in Jesus Christ to receive salvation?

I hope I have made it clear that we should eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest, have a healthy lifestyle and take care of our bodies, but at the same time what have you profited if you have neglected the most important part of you. We are a spirit, soul and body, therefore, each one needs our attention and care, but the part of you that will live on forever requires the most attention.

Have a great day. Don't neglect your eternal soul, and take care of your body.

For further reading:
Mark 8:36
1 Corinthians 6:19; 3:16,17
2 Corinthians 4:16
Hebrews 9:27

Thursday, May 21, 2020

"Peace, Peace"

"Perfect Peace"

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."  Isaiah 26:3

Yesterday we were warned of the danger of allowing fear to take hold of us.  This morning I want to give you a word of hope so that you don't stay in fear. Peace is an antonym of fear.  How do we keep fear from consuming us?  How do we have peace?  How do we walk in peace?  First, is by abiding in the Prince of Peace-- Jesus.  You have to abide in Him and have Him abiding in you.  Without Him, there is no peace.  There may be temporary moments where things seem to be a little peaceful, but it will not last.  When troubles or conflicts comes, this false peace will leave you.  Only the peace that Jesus gives will continue.  (John 14:26)  Therefore, you must turn to Jesus in repentance of your sins and invite Him to be your Savior and Lord. 

Secondly, the verse says that He will keep us in perfect peace when our minds are stayed/steadfast on Him. In other words as we keep our minds on Him-- not on the world events, not on the news reports, not on what some doctor says, not on what some expert says, not on what we read on social media, not on this pandemic, not on your finances, not on your business, and not on the government or what politicians are doing-- we will have perfect, true and lasting peace.  

We have to keep our minds on, and renewed with, God's Word, His promises, His presence, His faithfulness, His goodness, His covenant, His unfailing truth, His love and His mercy.  Our minds must be constantly thinking on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, that have virtue and praise attached to them. (Philippians 4:8)  We have to cast our fearful thoughts down and replace them with the Word of God.  (2 Corinthians 10:5)  As we do this-- keep our minds renewed, focused and unwavering, filled with His Word and those things that are above, not the fears and cares of this world-- we will have peace, peace of mind and heart. It is interesting that the words "perfect peace" are both the same word in the original Hebrew.  So, the Lord is saying to us, that if we keep our minds on Him, we will have perfect, perfect; we will have peace, peace because trust and peace will outnumber and overtake the fear.   

Have a great day.  Overcome fear with peace.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"There Is No Turning Back"

"There Is No Turning Back"

This is one of those messages that is written with a heavy heart.  But it is also a warning.  Please heed and turn to the Lord in repentance and seek His help, grace and strength. 

Many of you have given into fear because of this virus.  You are allowing it to affect you in every area of life-- your relationships, your finances, your activities, your education, your religious practices, and so on.  You are being dictated to by it.  Your whole life is consumed with it to the point that you are being held prisoner by it.  You have totally adjusted your entire life to accommodate it-- the fear.  I am not only talking to those who aren't Christians but many of you Christians have bought into the fear as well.    

The Bible says that fear is a spirit.  "For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)  This means that fear is a spiritual entity.  It is not some emotional or mental state of mind.  It is a spirit that is out to destroy you.  (If you don't think spirits are real and the devil is real, then you are totally deceived.)  The primary way it tries to destroy you is by making you believe something that is a lie.  It will tell you something is harmful when it is not.  It will tell you that you are going to lose everything, you are going to die, you aren't going to make it-- whatever lie it can conjure up to make you believe it.  

The Lord wants me to warn you to release the fear, let go of it, stop letting it consume you, give the fear to God, repent of it, and seek Him.  If you continue to hold on to it, if you continue to let it take more control over you, if you continue to buy into it, you will reach a point where there is no turning back.  The fear will control you and make you its slave.  You won't be able to escape it and it will cause you to say and do things and give into things that you never thought you would have.  The fear will take away all rationality and sensibility.  

When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, there was no turning back.  They believed a lie and ate.  They then became the prisoner of sin. Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of soup out of fear that he was going to die of starvation.  Once he did, there was no turning back.  He became servant to his younger brother.   Samson played Delilah's games one too many times.  As he lay his head in her lap and slept, there was no turning back.  It was too late.  He became a prisoner of the Philistines.  Moses struck the rock out of anger because of the people.  This was an act of disobedience.  Once he struck it, there was no going back.  As a result, he did not get to go into the promise land after leading the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years.  In each of these examples, their actions had consequences.  Their actions took them to a point of no return-- they could not undo what they had done, they couldn't be free of it, there was no turning back. 

With a heavy heart, I am compelled to warn you that if you don't get free of this fear you will keep going deeper and deeper into it until you reach the point where it will be too late to turn back.  Please don't keep embracing fear.  Don't let it persuade you through its lies.  If you keep following it, it will destroy you in the end.  The Lord offers you freedom, liberty and peace.  Will you please accept it?  He offers it to you through love-- perfect love will cast out fear. (1 John 4:18)

Have a great day.  If you keep going down the path of fear, you will reach a point where you will not be able to turn back. 


Tuesday, May 19, 2020



The Lord spoke a word to me yesterday morning that I want to share with you today.  The word was "marketing".  He told me that they (we pretty much know who "they" are) are marketing this pandemic.  The word marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying and selling of a product or service; it includes advertising, selling and delivering products to consumers or other businesses; something that is referred to when pitching a new product to the general public; increasing awareness.

So, what are they marketing?  What are they selling?  What do they want you to "buy"?  First, they are marketing fear.  Fear has been the biggest product they have promoted.  They are also marketing panic.  They have pushed this product of panic through the news, through social media, etc.  People panic when they think about leaving their houses or meeting someone who isn't wearing a mask.  They panic that they may not have enough toilet paper or that they will end up bankrupt, and so on.  They are also marketing their products that take advantage of the fear and panic.  Every commercial is selling something you need to survive this pandemic.  Division is also being marketed.  The Bible says a "house divided against itself cannot stand".  Have you ever heard-- divide and conquer?  People are so divided on the issues-- reopen the country, don't reopen the country; wear a mask, don't wear a mask; it's not that serious, it's very serious; you are being selfish and not thinking about others; it's not selfish to take care of my family, etc.  Families are being divided, friends, fellow employees and even churches are being divided.  At the same time though they are marketing unity.  They are trying to bring us all into the same mindset, goals and agendas.  They are marketing the New World Order as a way of bringing us into this unity.  They want us to be "one big happy family"-- "we are the world, we are the children".  After all, we are all in this together.  (No, we aren't.)  They want us to embrace their ideology of oneness. So they are pitching this agenda and trying to get us to buy into this "new product".   

The "product" that they are marketing that I believe the Lord wants me to primarily address is-- fake hope and false security.  They are making all these claims that if we stay inside our homes, wear masks, take the vaccine, do as they say, follow their orders, comply with their plans, stay six feet apart, only congregate in groups of ten or less, then you and your loved ones will be safe.  You won't have to worry about getting the virus and you will be protected.  Wrong!  This is what the Lord wants to say to you-- you cannot put your hope and rest your security on man!  They can't keep you safe or secure.  No one can, even you.  Let me move completely away from talking about the pandemic now.  If you are looking for hope and security in any area in this world, it can't be found in things that are temporary.  You can't put your hope or security in the government, in another person, in a check, in your business or finances, or a vaccine, in medicine, in a financial institution-- or anything else in this world.  This world is temporary.  It won't last forever.  You and I won't last forever here on this earth.  Our bodies are only temporary housing that will one day go back to dust.  Our security here and now and for eternity has to be placed in the Lord Jesus Christ.  If we put it in anything else, it is like a foolish man who builds his house upon the sand.  Only Jesus can give you hope.  Only Jesus can give you true security.  He is the Rock.  He is unmovable, unshakable, solid and eternal. 

Are you anchoring your hope on the words and promises of man?  Are you trusting them for your security?   Are you "buying" the products of hope and security that man has marketed?  What they give may give you some momentary sense of security but that is all.  It is temporary and not eternal.  True security here and now and in eternity can only be found in Jesus. Turn to Him and surrender to Him.  Let Him give you hope-- lasting hope.  Let Him give you security-- real security.  

Have a great day.  Jesus is your only hope of  true security.  

Monday, May 18, 2020



"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16

Not only is "all" scripture inspired by God, but "all" scripture is profitable for us. It is profitable to those who will heed its words and obey them- "all" of them. There is no profit when we "pick and choose" the ones we like. The word of God is not like a "buffet" at a restaurant that you can pick your favorite food and leave the rest.

I see so many Christians who live their lives like that. They only choose to apply to their lives the commandments that make them feel good, that make them comfortable, that fit into their lifestyle or that don't get in the way of their agenda, but they leave off the others. They leave off the "thou shalt not's" when it conflicts with something that they want to do. They leave off the ones that call for personal sacrifice in areas that they aren't willing to surrender. They leave off the ones that go against the standard that they have set for themselves. They leave off the scriptures that take away their right to do their own thing.

The profit that is in the scriptures comes as you meet the conditions that are in them. If you aren't meeting the conditions because you have discarded them from your life, if you ignore them and choose to replace them with "your will", if you neglect them, then you will not gain the profit that is within them.  As I have already said, the profit comes from heeding, obeying and living our lives by them, because the blessings, promises and benefits, are attached to them.

Have a great day. All scripture is profitable, but only as we choose to obey, adhere to and allow our lives to be governed by them.  Otherwise, we don't receive the profit from them.

For further reading:
John 5:39; 15:7
James 1:22
Proverbs 4:20-22
Matthew 7:26

Friday, May 15, 2020

"In Disguise"

"In Disguise"

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14

Quiet a while back I received a message on my computer warning about a virus that was going around. It disguises itself in two ways- by saying it comes from a friend and by appearing to be a YouTube video. This warning made me think about our adversary, satan, who does the same thing.

Often his attacks against us aren't "out in the open"; he comes to us in disguise. He always presents himself and his destructive plans as something they are not. He did this back in the Garden of Eden. Disguised as a serpent he beguiled Eve into disobeying God.

What's the disguise? He often comes as something "familiar", something unsuspecting, something that we may even feel comfortable around. Like friends and familiar- he will use them to come against us. He comes as an "angel of light". He comes as a wolf in sheep's clothing. He comes in the form of entertainment, or something that looks "tall, dark and handsome", it could be something that seems so innocent, or even something that may have pleasure attached to it.

Why the disguise? So that we won't recognize him. If he were to come against us in a way that was easily recognizable- like Goliath came out against David on the battlefield- we would defeat him. He knows that we have power over him through Jesus Christ. But if you don't recognize your enemy how can you defeat him?

It is no secret or big mystery that satan comes many ways, and all his ways are through deceptive disguises. But that is not the main point this morning of this message. The main point is- do you recognize him when he does? It may not always be easy to spot a "fake", but it is possible. And it is possible for us to spot him when we stay in God's word- which exposes all that is false- and keep an open ear to the Holy Spirit's warnings.

Have a great day. We don't have to be deceived by satan's disguises. He can't hide behind a disguise from God and if we stay close to God through reading His word, prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit, he can't hide from us either.

For further reading:
1 Peter 5:8
Matthew 7:15
Hebrews 11:25
Genesis 3:13; 2 Corinthians 11:3
Ephesians 6:12
Luke 10:19

Thursday, May 14, 2020

"All The Need"

"All The Need"

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Aren't you glad for God's promise to supply all your need, regardless of what it is? We have needs in every area of life- spiritual, physical, emotional, material, etc. I am glad that the Lord didn't say He would take care of only my spiritual need, or just my physical need, and so on. I am also glad that His promise to meet all my need was not a "one time" offer- like a coupon, once you use it the offer was no longer good.

For example: I had a spiritual need- salvation- and He made a way through His Son Jesus Christ at the cross to meet my need. But He is also continuing to take care of the spiritual needs that I have- the need for transformation into His image, the need for help in denying myself, the need for the Fruit of the Spirit to be produced in me, the need to learn how to yield to the Holy Spirit's guidance in my life. The same is true for our physical needs- sickness often strikes more than once. Material needs are the same way- they come on a daily basis. All of our needs make a "repeat performance" in our lives. But when they do, the promises of God still remain true.

Whatever your need is today, it doesn't matter how many times you have gone to God with this same need, you can still go to Him with it again. His promise to supply it is still in force.

Have a great day. We don't exhaust His offer to supply our need no matter how many times we need Him to meet them.

For further reading:
Exodus 16:21
Matthew 6:8,11
James 1:5

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

"The Evil Gets Worse"

Coffee Break 

"The Evil Gets Worse" 

"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.  But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." 2 Timothy 3:1,13

Last night I went to bed burdened about the things that are happening in our nation.  My burden was primarily for the state of the nation and the evil that is being perpetrated against us-- by the enemy from without and within.  I was also burdened for those who don't know Jesus Christ as their Savior; for those who are backslidden; for the prodigals.  So, I am sitting here making another appeal to you to PLEASE get right with the Lord.  Surrender your heart and life to Him and follow Him in absolute surrender.  Don't play games, the stakes are too high-- your eternity. 

The things we see happening are prophesied in the Bible.  Evil men are getting worse and worse.  They are deceived deceivers.  They are lying to us in broad daylight.  They aren't even trying to keep it a secret any longer or do their wicked deeds under cover.  It is in the wide open and people are closing their eyes to it.  They are laying out their plans to destroy us.  Events are accelerating at such a rapid pace that you can't keep up with it all.  The agenda of the wicked is not wasting time, it is pushing forward-- full speed ahead.  (Because satan knows his time is short.)  

There is one of two things that is going to happen.  Either God will show us mercy for a short season or, because of our iniquities, He will allow us to be turned over into the hands and plans of these evil people.  One of the two will happen.  There will come a time when the Bible will be fulfilled and things will happen as the Lord has said.  This could be the time.  The stage is being set for the rise of the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, the Tribulation.  But we must never lose sight of the fact that when those things happen, they are also setting the stage for the return of Christ to get His Bride.  So, the latter gives us hope. Should this be the time of the fulfillment of all things, it means that the Bride is going home, the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ, and the devil and all his accomplices will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever.  

Should this be the time of the fulfillment of all things and we face the events that have been prophesied or should the Lord show us mercy for a little longer-- either way, PLEASE surrender your life to the Lord.  Again, stop playing games, stop playing church, stop depending on the church and religious deeds to save you.  Only Jesus can save you.  If this evil is allowed to continue, you will never make it through it without Jesus.  He is the ONLY safe place!! Don't put off your salvation.  If this is the appointed time, things are going to really get bad.  If the Lord shows mercy and it isn't, you don't want to miss being part of the Bride and enjoying eternal life.   

Please, please, don't wait.  Surrender your life to Jesus.  


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

"Always Means Always"

"Always Means Always"

"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:20

"I am with you always." What a comforting thought! This is not just wishful thinking, this isn't just hope so, this isn't just a verse, but it is a promise from God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. It's a promise that means just what it says-- "I am with you always!"

What does always mean? It means, simply, "always". It doesn't mean some of the time, part of the time, 99% of the time. It doesn't mean in the good times only. It doesn't mean just in times of sunshine, prosperity, blue skies. It means in times of darkness, distress, trials and tribulation. It means in times of want, need, suffering, pain, conflict, opposition. It means when you face the giants, the furnace, the roaring lions. It means when you are in the wilderness as well as the valley, the desert and the mountaintop. It means He is with you in the storm, in battle, in the depths of the sea, when it is so dark that you can't see. It also means when you are in the pig pen or the prison as well as the palace.

The dictionary definition of always is this: every time; on every occasion; without exception; all the time; continuously; uninterruptedly; in any event; at any time; forever. I think that pretty much sums it up. The Lord is with you always- not only when you feel like He is, and not only when your world seems to be at peace, and not just when you have a need that only He can meet. But He is with you ALWAYS!

Hold on to that "truth" because you won't always "feel" like He is there. Therefore, you need to make this truth an anchor for your soul and the bedrock of your confidence, so that you won't feel persuaded to believe at certain times that He is not there.

Have a great day. He is with you always-- all the time and forever.

For further reading:
Joshua 1:5; 3:7
Hebrews 13:5
Proverbs 18:24
Psalm 23:4

Monday, May 11, 2020

"Stay Obedient"

"Stay Obedient"

"And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:" Genesis 4:4

When we are living for and serving the Lord, we don't always see instant rewards to our obedience and act of service. This is when the accuser of the brethren comes and tries to tell us, "What's the use? There is no profit in what you are doing. Look at you, you are making all these sacrifices for God and they are to no benefit. God doesn't even notice."

Don't buy into his lies. I want to encourage you this morning that God does take notice of your faithful obedience. He sees and knows exactly what you are doing, even when it seems that He doesn't.

The blessing comes to those who are faithful and remain faithful. So continue to remain faithful in your giving of time, money and talents to the Lord. Stay faithful in what He has called you to do. Don't disregard your obedience to His word. Your obedience is your highest form of worship. And the Lord is seeking those who will worship Him, not only in spirit but in truth-- by being obedient to His word. Besides if He never blessed you for even one act of obedience, He has blessed you with more than you could have ever hoped for when He blessed you with eternal life through the sacrifice of His own Son.

So, "keep on keeping on". Remain faithful in your obedience to the Lord. Your labor is not in vain, you will be rewarded. And remember that we don't serve Him and sacrifice our lives in obedience for Him based on what He "will" do for us in return. We base it on what He has already done for us. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

Have a great day. God always honors those who honor Him through their obedience.

For further reading:
1 Corinthians 15:58
John 4:23,24
Ecclesiastes 11:1
Matthew 25:14-26
Genesis 4:1-7
2 Timothy 4:7,8

Friday, May 8, 2020

"The Gingerbread Man"

"The Gingerbread Man"

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18

The Bible says that the Lord uses foolish things to confound the wise.  Well, He spoke to me through one of those "foolish" things the other morning. Let me share it with you.   

He reminded me of the children's fairy tale, "The Gingerbread Man".  I had to look the story up because it has been years since I read it.  The story starts off with an old man and his wife.  The wife made some gingerbread and cut it in the shape of a gingerbread man.  When the gingerbread was finished baking, it jumped out of the oven and started running. (He wasn't going to let them eat him.) The old man and woman started chasing it.  The horse, the cow, the pigs and the chickens all ran after him.  The more they chased him the more he would say, "Run, run as fast as you can.  You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man".  Finally, he got tired and wanted to rest.  A little further he came to a river.  He wanted to cross.  While he was trying to figure out a way across, he heard a voice.  It was a fox.  The fox offered to take him across.  The gingerbread was suspicious and reluctant, but after continuing to listen to the fox's convincing words he decided to let the fox take him across the river.  He jumped on the fox's back and began to cross the river.  After a while the fox told him to get further up on his neck because his back was hurting.  The gingerbread man complied.  Then the fox convinced him to get on his snout because his neck was hurting, which he did.  The the fox tilted back his head and gobbled the gingerbread man down. 

The gingerbread man was full of pride.  He bragged that no one could catch him and no one was going to eat him because they weren't able to run faster than he could.  But then, he met a fox.  The fox used cunning, crafty and convincing words to persuade the gingerbread man to trust him.  The fox had plans to eat/destroy him all along.  He deceived the gingerbread man into believing he was only out to help him.  The same thing that happened to the gingerbread man can happen to us.  Pride will deceive you into believing that "it won't happen to me".   

Pride goes before destruction.  Pride makes you vulnerable to deception.  It causes you to let down your guard.  It gives place to the deceiver.  And it will destroy you in the end.  We must pray and repent individually and as a nation of pride.  Pride got satan kicked out of heaven.  Pride was one of the sins that God destroyed Sodom because of. (Ezekiel 16:49)  God opposes the proud. (James 4:6)  

Ask Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal any pride that may be lurking within.  When He shows you, repent!!  Don't hold on to it.  Surrender it to the Lord.  Ask for forgiveness and turn from it.  

Have a great day.  Don't be like the gingerbread man.  Repent of pride.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

"New Paths And Old Paths"

"New Paths And Old Paths"

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

The Israelites were getting ready to go into the promised land and make it there new home. These were people who had either lived in Egypt or the wilderness their entire lives. They were getting ready to leave familiar surroundings and enter into a new place- a place they had never been before. They didn't know what to expect, they didn't know what lie ahead of them, they didn't know what might come their way, they didn't know what they might face. But before they entered the Lord gave them this word of encouragement and promise- "I will be with you wherever you go."

Life takes us down many roads, including places we have never been before as well as old familiar paths. The promise that the Lord made to the Israelites is the same promise He makes to us today- "I will be with you". Perhaps you are embarking on a new venture today, remember, the Lord is with you. Perhaps your path today is a familiar one, one you have been down many times, you aren't excluded, He is with you also.

He was with the children of Israel everyday the entire forty years they were in the wilderness. What a wonderful thought! God didn't leave them out there by themselves. He didn't abandon them. He didn't say,"You got yourselves into this mess, so I will see you in forty years". No, He was with them every minute of every day- He placed His "tent" right there in the middle of their tents.

Are you on a "new" path today? Are you going down the path of divorce or maybe you are a newly wed? Are you getting ready to have your first child and are a little nervous? Are you starting a business or moving into a new position? Are you stepping out in faith to answer the call of God? Are you relocating to another city, which means new friends, new surroundings, perhaps a new school? Be encouraged and comforted this morning, the same God who has been with you in the old familiar places promises to be with you still-- wherever you go.

Have a great day. Whether we walk down old familiar paths or brand new ones, we don't walk them alone... the Lord is with us wherever we go.

For further reading:
Joshua 1:5; 3:7
Hebrews 13:5
Numbers 2:17
Matthew 28:20

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

"You Have To Do It"

"You Have To Do It"

"Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no." Exodus 16:4

While the children of Israel were in the wilderness for forty years the Lord provided bread (manna) for them daily. Each morning when they woke up they were to go out and gather it. "They" were to gather it. God did not gather it for them. He didn't place it in their pots and vessels. He provided it but it was up to them to gather it.

Why do we think, or act like, God is going to do it all for us and we have no part to play in the matter? For example, God gave us His word- the Bible- but it is up to us to read it so that we will know what is written within its pages. God isn't going to just supernaturally put all this Bible knowledge in your mind. Also when we are in a battle, God is the one who gives the victory and provides the weapons, but we have to go out and fight. God didn't just supernaturally strike Goliath dead when he came out and taunted the army of Israel. Yes, God did bring the giant down, but David had to go out and face him, he had to pick up the weapon he was provided, he had to take the sword and cut his head off.

I could go on and on with example after example this morning to explain the point, but you know what I am saying. God provides everything that we need but we have to do something too. Even though the manna was on the ground, it wasn't going to get into their houses unless they went out and picked it up. There are some things that you are waiting on God to do for you but He isn't going to do them. He has already done what He is going to do, the rest is up to you.

Have a great day. God provides all we need but we have to do our part in receiving what's provided.

For further reading:
2 Timothy 2:15
Matthew 10:7
1 Samuel 17

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Please Repent and Turn To The Lord

(I don't usually send out two words in the morning, but I feel so compelled to do so this morning.)

Please Repent and Turn To The Lord

I have been using this time of being at home to do just what the Lord has called the church to do.... repent, return to Him and seek His face.  Over the past several weeks He has been speaking to me and showing me things.  I haven't shared too much of it because I didn't know exactly how.  But I will tell you this, so far, everything He has shown me has either come to pass or is coming to pass.  

Having said that, I want to say that there are several other things that He has shown me-- I know that they will come to pass too.  So, it is with heavy heart, a burdened soul and tears that I make this appeal to you this morning:

People, get right with God if you aren't!  Turn from your ways.  Turn from your plans and agenda and surrender your life to Him.  Turn in repentance and receive Jesus as your Savior and then follow Him as your Lord.  It is time for the prodigals to return home.  It is time for the backslider to get up and repent.  It is time for those of you who are playing church to stop playing and repent and become the church.  It is time for you to come into a relationship with the Lord. Just because you once knew Him doesn't mean it is well with your soul now.  Just because you believe in Him doesn't mean that you are saved.  Just because you attend church doesn't mean you are right with God. In the Book of Revelation the Lord tells us plainly that if we are lukewarm He would spew/vomit us out of His mouth.  Many of you think that you are alright with God but you are lukewarm. Repent of your sins, of your compromise, of your neglect of God, of being religious only, of your backsliding, and turn to God while you still have the chance.  You can't have God and the world both. 

Again, there are things the Lord has shown me but I am not sure that I am at liberty to share them.  But I am at liberty to tell you that He does not want you to perish.  He does not want you to go to hell.  He wants you to have eternal life.  He wants you to live with Him throughout eternity.  He loves you so much that He paid the price and took the punishment for your sins on the cross.  Don't put off making sure that your soul is right with God.  He is coming-- sooner than we think.  Not everyone will go with Him when He does.  Actually, the Bible tells us that the number will be fewer than many.  Please be one of them.  Please surrender your life to Jesus.  Please don't put it off.  Please turn in repentance today.  

"Frustrating Grace - Part 2"

"Frustrating Grace - Part 2"

"What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid." Romans 6:15

Yesterday we said that good works and deeds don't save us and they don't keep us saved. We are saved by God's wonderful grace and it's His grace that keeps us afterwards also. When we try to work hard enough to "stay" right with God, then we are "frustrating" (taking lightly and making of none effect) the grace of God.

Now, having said that, on the other hand we don't want to frustrate the grace of God by taking our responsibility to "work out our salvation" lightly either. Just because we are kept by grace doesn't mean that we can neglect and take for granted our salvation. It doesn't mean that we can live "loose" "careless" lives and do whatever we want to do. It doesn't mean that we have nothing to do to help maintain our relationship with the Lord.

In any relationship there are responsibilities on each party. There are things we have to do... and good works are some of them. Like I said yesterday, the good works of Bible study, prayer, church attendance, etc., all help to strengthen our relationship with the Lord because they help us to get to know Him better. Our good works also testify to others of the goodness of God. And they are also an evidence to the faith that we profess to have. "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works." (James 2:17,18)

The bottom line is this: grace, not good works, saved us and keeps us saved; but good works can't be neglected because they are the "fruit" that grace produces in our lives.

Have a great day. Grace gives us what we can never work hard enough on our own to receive. But after we have received the gift of grace our works are the evidence of that grace.

For further reading:
Philippians 2:12
Hebrews 2:3
Ephesians 2:8,9

Monday, May 4, 2020

"Frustrating Grace"

"Frustrating Grace"

"I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." Galatians 2:21

Are you frustrating the grace of God by reducing your Christian life to religious practices instead of loving relationship? We usually think about grace and works in regard to receiving salvation. There are those who try to obtain the salvation of God through doing good deeds and religious acts- thinking that what they do will be good enough to save them. The rich young ruler tried to receive eternal life through good works. Some today try to receive eternal life through membership in a denomination, baptism, church participation. It can't be done. We can never do enough good works to earn our salvation. This is why it is a free gift given by grace- God's unmerited favor bestowed on us.

What I am talking about this morning is not in regard to getting saved, but after we receive salvation through faith in Christ. In the verse above Paul was referring to not frustrating the grace of God after he was saved. He was writing this to all born again believers. So what does he mean and what is he saying to us?

I don't have enough time to explain the whole matter, but there is one area that I want to touch on. If your walk with the Lord is more about a list of "dos and don'ts", if it's more about "doing" than "being", if it is more about "duty" than "desire" than you are frustrating (making it nothing- treating it lightly) the grace of God. Jesus died to bring us back into right relationship with God. Yes, good works should be accompanying our lives, but it's a relationship that He is after. Yes, we should be doing good works, but not in order to "keep our salvation" or "stay right" with God or be "good enough". If grace saved you, then grace will keep you- not your works.

The "works" of Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, tithes and offerings, visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, and so on are not done to make sure that I am "right" with Him or "acceptable". They are part of making my relationship stronger. They help me know Him better. And when what I learn about Him is practiced in my life, it helps others know Him better too.

I am getting too lengthy so let me sum this all up. Your works didn't save you to begin with and they don't keep you saved afterwards. They are an evidence and overflow of a relationship that you have with Him. So don't frustrate grace and enjoy the wonderful relationship that you are allowed to have with the Heavenly Father because of the grace of God that came through the cross of Jesus.

Have a great day. Don't reduce your Christian life to religious practices instead of a loving relationship.

For further reading:
Luke 18:18-24
Ephesians 2:6-10
Galatians 3:1-3
James 2:17-26

Friday, May 1, 2020

"In The Battles"

"In The Battles"

"Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident." Psalm 27:3

Ever feel like the enemy has set up camp at your house? Do you feel like every weapon he has is aimed right at you? Do you feel like all his forces have assembled together to attack you?

Sometimes the attacks of the enemy come in multiples. He doesn't just attack you in one area and work to take you down in it before he moves on to another area. It seems he is attacking you in every area of your life- in your relationships, finances, health, etc.- all at the same time.

The Psalmist was going through the same thing. His enemies were coming against him without letting up. He was going through battle after battle but he found the key to victory. He put his confidence in the Lord. His confidence was not in his own ability to handle the enemy. It was not in his own strength or know how. His confidence was not in a person. His confidence was not in his natural resources. His confidence was in the Lord.

He was confident that the Lord was with him. He was confident that the Lord was able to handle the situations. He was confident that Lord was able to keep His promises. He was confident that the Lord loved him and was on his side. He was confident that the Lord was with him and would not abandon him in his time of need.

Where and in whom does your confidence lie this morning? Can you say like the Psalmist, "My heart will not fear because of my confidence in the Lord." ? Our confidence comes in knowing that the Lord is with us even in the battles. We start getting worried and fearful during these times when we feel we are alone. You are not alone this morning, you are not by yourself. The Lord is with you, and He is with you in everyone- not just one or some.

Have a great day. Don't lose your confidence in the Lord during the battle or battles.

For further reading:
Psalm 27
Hebrews 13:5
Psalm 118:6
Psalm 124