"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29
Tomorrow we have elections here in the United States. It has been said that this is the most important election in our nations history. If the liberal party is voted in and has the majority rule in this nation there is no doubt that we will lose so many of the freedoms that we have enjoyed since it's conception- especially our Christian freedoms. Therefore, the main issue is not who will win the election, but what will you do depending on the outcome.
As followers of Jesus we have to remember that we are "kingdom" people before we are "government" people. We have to remember that we are first and foremost answerable to God. That we are commanded to live according to His rule and authority over our lives. How does that play out in the reality of living in this natural world? It plays out in choice. You must choose from your heart who you are-- a Christian first.
Before you read any further, don't misunderstand, I am not talking about rebellion against authority or government, I am saying that when the laws of the land conflict with the laws of God you must make the choice that it is better to obey God, and when the laws of the land don't conflict with the laws of God you must still make the choice that it is better to obey God and not get complacent and "at ease in Zion".
Having said that, let me say, while I would love to live in a nation where I could continue to worship the Lord freely, pray to Him in public, testify of Jesus openly, continue to assemble with fellow Christians on the Lord's day, have laws to protect the unborn, know that marriage according to God's definition is upheld and be able to keep my hard earned money-- I have to decide that even if that is not the case, even if I lose those liberties, I will continue to praise the Lord, pray to Him, lift up His name, fellowship with other believers, continue to give tithes and offerings to the work of the Lord, etc.
The question that we have to ask ourselves is,"What will we do?" Are you still going to serve the Lord regardless of your surroundings, regardless of the direction against God that society is going, even if it is not popular, even if it brings persecution, even if the decree is given as it was in the day of Daniel (no prayer to God) and the three Hebrew children (worship the idol)? The answer should be... "I will continue to do the same thing I have been doing". My heart belonged to God before and it still belongs to God regardless of who is in office, regardless of majority rule, whether godly or evil men rule in the nation, whether I legally have the freedom to worship or not and I will continue to give Him my heart, devotion and service.
Have a great day. As followers of Jesus we must decide and determine that He has our hearts no matter what is going on around us.
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