"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not." Lamentations 3:22
As we were entering church Sunday morning, my pastor greeted us with-- so y'all survived. He was talking about the storms that came through and did so much destruction the evening before. I replied-- I survived a lot this week. (Not only did I survive the storms, and thankfully we had no damage, but I survived the flu this past week also.)
After I replied back to him, I could hear the Holy Spirit say-- there's much you survive all the time that you aren't even aware of. Only the Lord knows how many "close calls" we have had that we were unaware of. Only the Lord knows the times when we were in danger but had no clue. There are times that the enemy has plotted to "take us out" but God intervened, and we didn't realize it.
Then there are times we knew the "odds" were against us because of an illness we were dealing with, a terrible situation that we encountered, or a harmful event that touched our lives-- and we made it through, we survived it.
If we survive to see another day, it's because God watched over us, took care of us, made a way for us, opened some doors and closed some doors. If we survived a dangerous situation, it was because God made a way. It was, is and always will be His goodness that made us a survivor.
I need to insert this-- just because bad things happen and some didn't survive, doesn't mean that God isn't good, and He abandoned them. We just have to keep in mind that whatever we do survive, it's because God brought us through. So, we should give Him thanks.
Have a great day. If you survived yesterday, the problems you knew about and the ones you didn't, you should just thank the Lord.
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