Tuesday, December 31, 2024

"I Survived"

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not." Lamentations 3:22

As we were entering church Sunday morning, my pastor greeted us with-- so y'all survived. He was talking about the storms that came through and did so much destruction the evening before. I replied-- I survived a lot this week. (Not only did I survive the storms, and thankfully we had no damage, but I survived the flu this past week also.) 

After I replied back to him, I could hear the Holy Spirit say-- there's much you survive all the time that you aren't even aware of. Only the Lord knows how many "close calls" we have had that we were unaware of. Only the Lord knows the times when we were in danger but had no clue. There are times that the enemy has plotted to "take us out" but God intervened, and we didn't realize it. 

Then there are times we knew the "odds" were against us because of an illness we were dealing with, a terrible situation that we encountered, or a harmful event that touched our lives-- and we made it through, we survived it. 

If we survive to see another day, it's because God watched over us, took care of us, made a way for us, opened some doors and closed some doors. If we survived a dangerous situation, it was because God made a way. It was, is and always will be His goodness that made us a survivor. 

I need to insert this-- just because bad things happen and some didn't survive, doesn't mean that God isn't good, and He abandoned them. We just have to keep in mind that whatever we do survive, it's because God brought us through. So, we should give Him thanks.

Have a great day. If you survived yesterday, the problems you knew about and the ones you didn't, you should just thank the Lord.    

Monday, December 30, 2024

"House Of The Lord"

"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord."  Psalm 122:1

In context this verse is talking about going into the literal house of God- the temple.  When we go to the house of God, the church building, we are not just gathering together with each other, we are going to meet with the Lord and enter into His presence. 

In Psalm 90:1 it says, "The Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations."  The Lord Himself is the "house".  He is the "temple".  The "church" was inside of Him before it came into formation on the earth.  Going into the house of the Lord is more about going into His presence than it is about actually going into a building.

Let me ask you this-- if the "house of the Lord" is more about Him and going into His presence, how glad are you?  How glad are you to meet with Him on an individual level?  How glad are you to enter into His presence in your own prayer closet?  How glad are you to spend time with Him in worship at His footstool?  "I was glad" means to rejoice and be gladden.  Does your heart rejoice at the thought of meeting with the Lord daily in your time of prayer?  Does your heart leap for joy at the prospect of getting to be alone with Him in His presence?

We should be glad when it comes time to go to the church building and assemble with others of like precious faith. But it should cause our hearts to rejoice more at the thought of going into His presence, and that whether we are in a church building, a temple or a prayer closet.

Have a great day.  Does your heart rejoice at the thought of entering into the presence of God?

Friday, December 20, 2024

"The Closing Of Doors"

"And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth." Revelation 3:7

When a door closes to something that we have wanted or believed for, we try to convince ourselves that it is because God has something better for us.  Maybe so, but that isn't always the case.

We tend to think that just because the door is open it has to be God.  If that were the case, why would He shut any doors?  It is because not every open door is God's open door for you.  Sometimes He shuts them because it is simply not His will and you are trying to go through the wrong door, thinking that it is the right door.  When He closes a door, it is for our protection.  If we proceed into it, we could be walking into a trap laid by the enemy. 

Sometimes the timing, on God's clock not yours, is not right.  It was two more years from the time Joseph asked the butler to tell Pharaoh about him and when Pharaoh actually called him out of prison.   

So, when God closes a door, even if you thought the open door was Him originally, don't fret or worry, just trust.  Had it truly been His door in the first place, it would have stayed open because He is not divided against Himself.  Had it truly been His timing, it would have stayed open, and you would be able to walk on through it.

Instead of complaining and getting discouraged when a door closes, perhaps you should be rejoicing and thanking God for either having something better for you or for keeping you from something bad.

Have a great day.  When God closes a door, it is always for our benefit.   

Thursday, December 19, 2024

"The Outcome Of Suffering"

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."  Romans 8:18

Suffering, trials, temptation, sorrow, persecution, pain and tribulation are all part of this life.  Even for the Christian, and perhaps more so.  We are not exempt.  Sometimes we even experience more, mostly because we have become a target for the enemy- the devil- who is out to steal, kill and destroy us.  We are, if we are living as Christ commanded us to live, a great threat to his works and plans.  That being the case, he is out to stop us.  And he will do it by any means possible.  He doesn't "fight fair".  He has one goal in mind-- "take you down" and "take you out". 

If you are "under the gun", if you are on his "radar", if you are in his "sights" then rejoice.  Don't whine.  Don't complain.  Don't get a "poor me" complex.  Don't have a "pity party".  Wait a minute.  You are telling me to "rejoice" when I am persecuted or suffering or in tribulation?  That makes no sense.  No, I am not telling you this, God's word tells us to.  Jesus told us to.

There is suffering and then there is suffering.  When we are suffering for the cause of Christ, when we are suffering for our faith in Him, the way we are to handle it is by "rejoicing".  We don't rejoice because of the suffering; we rejoice in spite of it.  We rejoice because we know this is not the end.  There is an outcome that we are rejoicing over.  When we look past the suffering, we see glory!  That "glory" gives us reason to rejoice.  Jesus looked past the suffering of the cross and at the outcome of His suffering.  This brought Him great joy.

What is the outcome of our suffering for Christ?  What is the result that will cause us to rejoice?
A great reward in heaven.  (Matthew 5:10-12)
You are sharing in Christ's suffering and will share in His glory.  (1 Peter 4:12,13)
It is working patience in you.  (James 1:3)
You shall receive a crown of life.  (James 1:12)
If we suffer with Him, we will reign with Him.  (2 Timothy 2:12)
There will be a glory revealed in us.  (Romans 8:18)

Have a great day.  We may not feel we can rejoice in our suffering for Christ, but when we look at the outcome of that suffering, we can greatly rejoice!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

"He's Speaking"

".... him that speaketh from heaven."  Hebrews 12:25b 

It has always been the Lord God's desire to speak to His people.  At the very beginning of creation, He talked with Adam each day.  He talked with the patriarchs.  He talked with His people Israel.  We hear His voice at the Jordan River at the baptism of Jesus saying, "This is my beloved Son, hear Him".  Jesus said to the people, "He who has an ear to hear, let him hear".  Seven times in the book of Revelation we are told to "hear what the Spirit is saying".  In old times the Lord spoke through the prophets, but in these last days He speaks to us through His Son. 

Since it has always been His desire to speak to us in the past, then that means it still is His desire today (because He does not change).  God desires to speak to mankind.  He desires to speak to YOU.  The question is, "Are you listening?"  When there is a problem in communication, it lies with us.  We are the ones who are either not listening or not understanding what He is saying.  The understanding part is easy to correct-- just ask Him to clarify.  He will.  Why do we think that the Lord would speak to us and then not give us the understanding of what He is saying?  Sometimes we just have to listen a little longer. 

The Lord is speaking all around you--- through His word, by His Spirit, through creation, through other people, through circumstances, as well as through dreams and visions.  Are you listening?  Or are you continuing to ask Him to "speak to you"?

Have a great day.  God desires to speak to you, and He is... are you listening?

For further reading:
Mark 9:7
Genesis 3:8
Hebrews 1:2
Matthew 11:15

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

"The Answer's There"

"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."  James 1:22

We have all heard the idiom- you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.  It has nothing to do with horses, it has everything to do with us.  We can know what the right thing to do is and still not do it.  We can have knowledge but still not apply it. 

Let's put this on a spiritual level.  We can know what we should and shouldn't do but still choose to do the wrong thing.  We can hear instruction from the Lord and still do what we have a mind to do.  We can hear that still small voice but still decide not to follow it.   We can know the will of God but still pursue our own will.

Often, we pray for the Lord to tell us what to do, give us direction, help us to get out of a spiritual rut, help us to draw closer to Him, help us to deny ourselves and lead us into His will.  We find ourselves at times like Peter when he was walking on the water-- sinking!  We like him cry out for help.  The difference between him and us is that he accepted and acted upon the answer the Lord gave him for help.  "And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him."  Jesus grabbed Peter and Peter grabbed a hold of Jesus. 

The Lord has been sending your answer-- many times, time after time-- but you are not acting upon it.  He has told you what to do confirming it over and over again.  Every time you pray, and you hear the same answer.  When you continue to hear the same thing from several different sources.  It is not that the Lord is not "helping" you.  It is not that He is not answering you.  The problem lies in you.  You are not doing what He says to do.  You are "being led to water" but you are refusing to "drink". 

Continue to cry out to God and ask for help.  Ask Him what you need to do.  But He isn't going to tell you anything else because He is already telling you.  You just have to do what He has already said.  You have to "bow your head"- humble yourself- and "drink".

Have a great day.  The Lord has been giving you your answer, but you have to do what He says. 

For further reading:
Matthew 14:29-31
Jeremiah 7:13

Monday, December 16, 2024

"Grace And Faith"

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.  Ephesians 2:8

We are saved by grace; it is the gift of God.  We don't earn it.  We don't do anything to deserve it.  We don't merit it.  We can't buy it.  Salvation is strictly a gift from God.  He has already purchased this wonderful gift for us with the life of His One and Only Begotten Son Jesus. 

We receive it through faith.  Do you believe?  Do you believe that salvation comes only one way--through Jesus?  Do you believe that He did everything necessary to save you and give you eternal life?  Do you believe that there are not enough good works and deeds that you can do that will save you on your own?  Do you believe Jesus' shed blood at the cross was enough? 

Do you believe that this grace that saves you is greater that your sins?  Do you believe it is greater than all you did in the past and all you will do in the future?  Do you believe it is greater than all your mistakes, failures and sins?  Do you believe that God's grace can wash you clean from all unrighteousness?  Do you believe that by itself it is great enough to take care of your life?

Salvation is a gift given to us by God's grace.  But in order for us to enjoy this gift we have to receive it by faith.  You are saved by God's grace- you don't earn it.  And that grace is enough all by itself to save you.  Do you believe this?    

Have a great day.  Grace saves us.  Faith receives it.

For further reading:
John 3:16
Ephesians 2:8,9
Titus 2:11

Friday, December 13, 2024

"Back Alive Again"

"He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake."  Psalm 23:3

"He restoreth my soul."   Simply put... "He gives me my life back."  We all "lost" our lives in the Garden of Eden when Adam sinned against God.  (All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  The wages of sin is death.)  But also on a more individual level, because of sin we have made wrong choices and bad decisions.  We have allowed the crowd to persuade and sway us in directions that were destructive and harmful to us.  We have done things that led us down a dark path.  We have wound up in a pit of our own making and frantically try to find a way out but to no avail.  Does any of this hit home or sound familiar?  Maybe not?

These scenarios may or may not apply to your life.  The fact remains that we are all "dead men walking".  We are all under the curse of death, and many feel like they are "dead".  But there is hope.  It is found in Jesus.  He is the giver of life.  He is Life.  You may feel "dead" inside.  You may be living in defeat.  You may be going the wrong direction.  You may have gotten yourself into a really deep dark pit.  I have good news... Jesus restores.  Jesus gives life.  Jesus gives us back our lives and turns them into something beautiful and productive.  Can I get a witness?  He gave me back my life, and He has done the same for countless numbers of people.  He wants to do the same for you today.  All you have to do is let Him!  It is that simple.  Will you?

Have a great day.  Jesus gave me back my life when I was dead in trespasses and sin.  He wants to do the same for you today.

For further reading:
Romans 6:23; 5:12-17
John 10:10   

Thursday, December 12, 2024

"His Vision Of Joy"

"He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities."  Isaiah 53:11

If you saw the "Passion of the Christ", you know that the crucifixion was no little thing.  It was a horrible death to die.  The movie could only portray a part of the true suffering that Jesus really went through. 

The crucifixion of Jesus was not a tale, a fable, folklore or a movie, it was real.  It happened.  Jesus was beaten.  He was spat upon.  He was cursed.  He was mistreated.  He was in travail of soul.  Yet with each step, with each lash of the whip, with each pulling of His beard, with each accusation, He had you on His mind.  The Bible says that He endured the suffering and agony of the cross for the "joy that was set before Him".  What joy?  There was no joy in being beaten.  There was no joy in being betrayed by those you loved.  There was no joy in being nailed by your hands and feet to a cross.  There was no joy in being mocked and exposed before the world.

The joy was in the vision.  The vision of you and I in His Kingdom.  He knew that what He was doing would open up the door of entrance for us into the eternal presence of His Heavenly Father.  He knew that the payment of our sins would be once and for all taken care of.  He could "see" us by faith-- yes, Jesus operated in faith even at the cross-- in His Kingdom living with Him forever.  He knew what He was doing, though painful and humiliating, would give us access into heaven.  And the vision that He saw of us living there, gave Him great joy-- the kind of joy that caused Him to endure to the end.

The only thing that gives Him as much joy now is when one of us accept His suffering at the cross as our access into heaven and enter in.  Have you done that?  Have you accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord?  He rejoices over you when you do.

Have a great day.  Through His pain and suffering on the cross, Jesus never lost sight of the vision of you and I living in His Kingdom with Him forever, and that gave Him joy. 

For further reading:
Isaiah 53
Hebrews 12:2

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


"And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word," Acts 4:29

Life is full of choices.  Some of what happens to us is not because we chose it, it is part of living in a fallen world.  But on the other hand, there are things that happen in our lives that are the result of the choices we have made.  If we make bad choices or wrong choices we face the consequences of those choices. 

As Christians, making the right choices, godly choices, choices that please God should be our desire.  But when you are faced with a choice to either do what is right or what is wrong, the enemy will come to try to get you to make the wrong one.  One of the ways he does this is through threats.  He will threaten you.  He is the ultimate "bully" making threats to cause you to make choices that go against God. 

He has always done this.  Look at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  The king had a statue made of himself and commanded all the people to bow down and worship it when they heard the music play.  These three did not.  They made the choice not to worship this idol but to worship God only.  The king threatened them with being thrown into a fiery furnace if they did not comply.  This happened with Daniel also.  Don't pray to anyone but the king or be thrown into the lion's den.  Peter and John were threatened not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. 

It is still happening today.  We are being threatened by the devil and by the world in our choice to do what is pleasing to God.  Pastors are being threatened with prison if they don't turn over their sermon notes and preach what the government wants them to preach.  Ministers are being threatened with fines and prison if they don't marry homosexual couples.  Christian employers are being threatened with the same if they don't provide for abortions for their employees.  Each time we are faced with a choice to either do the right thing in the sight of God, or the wrong thing that the world wants us to do, we are faced with threats.  On a more personal level those threats come in the form of-- if you don't lie for the boss, you will lose your job; if you don't drink with the crowd, you will lose your friends; if you don't give your body to your boyfriend he won't love you.  These are all threats to cause you to make bad choices that will ruin the rest of your life.

How do we resist the temptation to give in to the threats and make the wrong choice?  We purpose in our hearts each and every day that regardless of what choice we have to make that day, we will make the choice that pleases God.  We have to have His word hid in our hearts so that we will know the difference between right and wrong choices.  We ask the Lord every day to give us strength, guidance, boldness and empower us by His Spirit to make the right choices.  When we do, we will be able to stand against the threats and do the right thing. 

Have a great day.  When faced with a choice, make the right one by not listening to the enemy's threats. 

For further reading:
Acts 4:17-21
Daniel 3:1-6

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

"The Beauty Of Praise"

"Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely." Psalm 147

The verse this morning is pretty self-explanatory. 

"Praise the Lord".  When?  When things are going well?  When things are not well?  When tragedy hits?  When pain touches your body?  When the doctor's report is bad?  When you don't get a promotion at work?  The answer is "at all times".

"It is good to sing praises unto our God".  Why?  Why should we praise Him?  Why should we praise Him even when bad things are happening?  Why shouldn't we reserve our praise for only the good times in our lives?  "For it is pleasant and comely".  Simply, because it is beautiful.  It looks better and sounds better than murmuring and complaining, fussing and whining, anger and bitterness.  It gives God honor and glory.  It reveals the worthiness of God to be praised regardless of what is going on in our lives. 

The verse doesn't say we should praise Him "for" bad things, or even "good" things.  It says praise Him.  There is power in praise.  There is freedom that comes through praise.  There is healing that comes when we praise.  There is peace that comes as we praise.  So, "Praise ye the Lord".

Have a great day.  Praise looks and sounds a whole lot better than murmuring and complaining does. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

"No Fear Of The Lord"

"Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob."  Psalm 114:7

We hear so much about the grace and love of God that we forget He is to be feared as well.  Yes, He is love.  Yes, He gives us grace-- way much more than we deserve.  But there is more to Him than just the "good" things.  We have reduced God to some "warm, fuzzy" grandfatherly figure who understands and looks over everything we do.   

While His compassions fail not and His mercy endures forever, He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  He is not to be taken lightly, casually or flippantly.  He is to be feared and revered.  He is the same God who defeated the enemy armies of the Israelites in the Old Testament.  He is the same God who sent the flood in the day of Noah.  Oh, but that was Old Testament.  In the New Testament, Ananias and Sapphira died because they lied to the Holy Spirit.  Jesus made a whip and ran the moneychangers out of the temple.  Paul wrote of the goodness and severity of God.  The Lord Himself let us know that those whom He loves He chastens.   

A minister who had fallen into sin was asked concerning the reason.  They asked him when he stopped loving God.  His reply was that he never stopped loving God, but he lost the fear of the Lord.  I see this very thing happening today.  We say we love God, but do we fear Him.  The Bible defines the fear of the Lord in Proverbs 8:13- "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate." 

We don't see much hate of evil- even by those who profess to love Him.  Instead, we see the acceptance and embracing of evil.  We accept adultery, homosexuality, lying, cheating, immorality, self-centeredness, pride and arrogance.  This has become the norm and lifestyle even in the church and among the ministers.   

How do we know if we have lost the fear of the Lord?  It can be quickly summed up in one verse- "every man did that which was right in his own eyes." (Judges 17:6b)  If you are doing what is right in your own eyes; if you are following your own way and own path; if you are "calling the shots"; if you are self-seeking and going after only what you want and what makes you happy with no regard to what the Lord thinks about it, then you do not have the fear of the Lord.

Have a great day.  Where is the fear of the Lord today?

For further reading:
Romans 11:22
Acts 5:1-11

Friday, December 6, 2024

"Wisdom's Traveling Companions"

"Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."  Proverbs 3:17

Who is the "her" in this verse?  It is a personification referring to wisdom. (verse 13) Wisdom puts you on a path, or road.  On that road you have two traveling "companions".  They are "pleasantness and peace".  How would you like to "travel" though this life in pleasantness (which is also defined as favor) and peace?  It is possible-- it comes through wisdom.

There are two wisdoms though.  One that is worldly and one that comes from above.  The one that is worldly is the wisdom of the world that focuses on self.  What does self want and how do I go about getting it?  This wisdom is only wise in its own eyes.  It says that you have to assert yourself, run over others, be arrogant and demanding, fight for your rights in order to get ahead and get what you deserve.  The Bible calls this wisdom- sensual and devilish.

The other wisdom comes from above.  It comes from God.  It is His wisdom imparted to mankind.  It also gives the best and perfect course of action.  It is the same wisdom that created the world in the beginning.  It is the same wisdom that provided the perfect plan of salvation to redeem mankind from their sins. This wisdom is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.  It gives life.

How would you rather travel through life?  Wise or foolish?  Knowing what to do or always being in a state of confusion?  Would you rather have hatefulness and offensive as your traveling companions?  Or pleasantness and peace?  If you need wisdom, just ask God.  He gives it freely and generously to all who ask.

Have a great day.  Do you lack wisdom?  If not, where does your wisdom come from?

For further reading:
James 3:15-18; 1:5

Thursday, December 5, 2024

"Breakthrough Or Transformation?"

"Which turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters."  Psalm 114:8

We talk about needing a "breakthrough".  We need a breakthrough from some financial burden, or from a besetting sin, or from some other thing that has us in bondage and is holding us back from our full potential or where we want to be.  While breakthroughs get us out of ruts, out of unpleasant situations, take us from one state to another, it is not breakthroughs that we need as much as we need "transformation". 

A breakthrough will move us from one location, from one mindset, or from one obstacle to another, but that "move" is often only temporary.  In the verse above there wasn't a "breakthrough" in the rock or flint.  There wasn't a pinhole or a crack in either that brought forth water.  The rock was turned into standing water.  The flint was turned into a fountain of water.  There wasn't just a release or access made from which the water could flow.  They were both transformed into water.

When we come to Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior and He enters our lives, it isn't about having breakthroughs- although there are times when we do- it is about transformation.  He wants to transform our lives.  He wants to make them into something else.  He wants to turn them into another "form".  "If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature."  That isn't just a breakthrough, that is a complete transformation.  That is a worm turning into a butterfly.  That worm doesn't exist any longer, it is now transformed into a butterfly. 

Transformation into a new creature happens at salvation, but that isn't the end.  That is the beginning of a life of continual transformation-- transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, taken from glory to glory, becoming more and more transformed to look like Jesus.  The whole chapter above is about the fear of the Lord.  The fear of the Lord is about reverencing Him, honoring Him, recognizing who He is, obeying His commands, following Him, decreasing that He might increase, yielding yourself to Him and His will, and surrendering self.  The fear of the Lord is what brings about transformation.

We all need breakthroughs at times.  Breakthrough may come and they may not.  But what we need more than anything is transformation.  Transformation will keep you steady, uphold you and keep you from falling even if the breakthrough doesn't come.

Have a great day.  We need transformation more than we need breakthroughs.  Transformation comes through the fear of the Lord.

For further reading:
Psalm 114
2 Corinthians 5:17   

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

"Take His Help"

"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."  Hebrews 13:6

It seems like several of the recent devotionals have pertained to the subject of the Lord being our Helper and wanting to give us His help in all areas of our lives.  As I noticed this, I felt impressed that it is because there are some of you who are in a situation where you desperately need His help, but you will not ask Him for it.  Why?

Why won't you let Him help you?  Why do you keep insisting on doing it yourself-- or trying to do it yourself?  You can't!  He is there waiting for you to let Him help you.  You keep praying for an answer but keep ignoring the one He sends you.  The problem is not too small for the Lord.  It is not too big for Him either.  You don't have the wisdom, the foresight or the full comprehension of the situation to be able to "come to your own aide". 

I am giving you what the Lord has given me to tell you.  Stop kicking against the pricks, like Saul, and let Him show you the truth.  Stop thinking it is such a small thing to bother the Lord with.  They thought that about the city of Ai and got whipped when they tried to go against it.  Stop looking at the size of the situation and thinking that this "giant" is too large, even for God.  Stop looking at the mountain and start looking to the Lord. 

All the time you have spent worrying, fearing, being anxious and frustrated over the situation has done you no good.  It would have been better spent seeking the Lord and asking for His help.  He is your answer.  He is there.  He is waiting on you.  He is your helper in everything.  He wants to help you.

Have a great day.  Stop refusing the Lord's help by trying to do it on your own.  He is your Helper. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

"Thine Husband"

"For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called."  Isaiah 54:5

Recently, I was reminded of a dream that I had years ago and wanted to share it with you. 

I was outside looking at an amazing phenomenon that was happening with the moon.  A guy that was a classmate of mine in school was there and some other man that I didn't know.  The man that I didn't know had an unpleasant attitude and was being somewhat threatening.  I didn't want to be around him.  I thought the classmate would say something, but he didn't.  The man left.  In a few minutes I went inside, so did the classmate.  When I got inside there was that man.  He grabbed me by the hair and pulled out a sharp instrument.  I was aware that the classmate was in the room and another person.  Neither said or did anything.  Then the man took the sharp instrument and cut the back of my shirt open.  I said to myself that it was time to call on my husband to help me and take care of him.  The other person in the room was my husband.  When I called for his help, he immediately came to my aide.  He began to manhandle that man.  He didn't beat him up, but when he was finished with him, the man was totally humbled, humiliated, defeated and taken care of.  I begin to say then that there are people in the world like this man, there are people in the world like my classmate, and then there's my husband.  I know I can count on him.  I know he always has my back.  Then I woke up.

I have a wonderful, loving husband who takes good care of me and I know that he always has my back.  He is always there for me and will not let anyone hurt me if he can help it.  (In real life, the moment that guy grabbed my hair, my husband would not have waited to help me.  He would have been all over him then.)  Not every woman has that.  Some have spouses who are abusive.  Some have spouses who are cheaters.  Some are widows, or single, without a spouse.  The dream I had was not really about me and my husband.  It was a spiritual dream from the Lord to encourage us that we have "a Husband"-- the Lord.  He is always there.  Just like my husband was there in my dream, though silent.  But when I called to him for his help, he stepped forward and took care of that guy. 

The Lord, your husband, (yes, men, this includes you) is always there.  He doesn't leave us.  Often He waits for us to call out to Him for His help.  He waits for us to turn the situation over to Him- like I did in the dream.  When we do, He takes care of what is coming against us.  And He takes care of it well and completely.  This man's attitude was totally different from what it was before he had an encounter with my husband.  He was no longer a threat.

Are you facing some enemy today?  Are you under attack?  Are the forces of darkness threatening you?  Is the enemy trying to bully you?  Are you looking to someone (like the classmate) to rescue you and help you?  Are you waiting for the Lord to come into your situation, but He hasn't?  Call on Him.  He is right there waiting for you to bring Him into the situation.  When you do, He will take care of it.

Have a great day.  The Lord is your Husband, who is your Defender.

For further reading:
Revelation 21:2
2 Samuel 22:4

Monday, December 2, 2024

"God's Unending Help"

"Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth."  Psalm 124:8

In one of our last devotionals we talked about God's help that is available to us.  In the verse we used we discussed the fact that the help that was talked about was not in any specific area, because He helps us in ALL areas of life-- areas that are either spiritual, physical, emotional, material, etc. in nature.  He helps us with all our needs. 

This morning I felt impressed to share this same subject with you again.  He is our Helper- present Helper who gives us help each time we need it.  He didn't just help us in the past.  He isn't just waiting to help us in the future.  He helps us now.  He helps us each and every time we need help if we will call on Him, allow His help and trust Him to help us. 

God's help is not like a "coupon".  It doesn't expire.  It isn't for a limited time only.  It isn't available only for certain needs, but excludes others.  There are no disqualifying conditions.  He is our Helper who gives us help... period!  It can't be redeemed only once-- it is there endlessly. 

Did you draw on His help yesterday but won't today, even though you need it, because you feel like you are needing too much of it.  You won't use it up.  It is there for you continually- He is there for you always.  Let Him help you again today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the next... as long as you need it. 

Have a great day.  As long as you need the Lord's help it will be there.

For further reading:
Psalm 30:10; 54:4
Hebrews 13:6