"He that observeth the wind shall not sow, and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." Ecclesiastes 11:4
Many people are waiting for all the "right conditions" before they will do anything. This is true when it comes to surrendering their lives to the Lord in salvation. I was one of those people. I was going to wait until I got old, until I had lived my life, until I was finished doing all the things I wanted to do, until my "death bed". These were the "right conditions" I placed on when I would receive salvation.
If I had waited for all these right conditions, I probably never would have been saved. I never had the assurance of living to be "old". At what point in life would I have done all the things that I wanted to do? (There is always more that keeps getting added to the list.) How did I know I would make it to a "death bed"? There was no guarantee that my life might not be snuffed out suddenly and unexpectedly. I was playing around with my soul and deceiving myself with unrealistic conditions that I had placed on when I would do something about my eternity.
Is that you this morning? Are you waiting for some "right condition" before you will do something about securing your eternity? Are you waiting until you have made your first million dollars? Are you waiting until you get married? Are you waiting until you have finished your education? Are you waiting until you are old and grey? Are you waiting for your children to surrender first to the Lord then you will? Are you waiting until your children, or grandchildren, are grown? Are you waiting for someone else to get their lives right with the Lord? Are you waiting until you have done all the "partying" you want to do? If you are, you will never do it. You will wait too long and leave this earth in death and then it will be too late.
There is only one right condition as to when we give our lives to the Lord and receive Jesus as Savior, and that is when He is knocking on our heart's door. When the Lord is convicting you, when He is offering you an invitation to come, when He is drawing you to come to Him, that is the condition in which you come. You can't come to Him otherwise. You can't go when you finally decide you will do it. You come when He draws you and calls you to come.
Have a great day. If you wait on all the right conditions in your life before you will get saved, you will never do it. The only right condition is when the Lord is speaking to your heart to come.
For further reading:
John 14:6; 6:44
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