Monday, May 13, 2024

"God's Still Good"

"Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart." Psalm 73:1 

We judge circumstances as either good or bad. We judge people as either good or bad. We also tend to judge God as either good or bad. We call Him good when He does good things for us and gives us blessings that we easily recognize. But we judge God as bad when He "allows" bad things to happen to us. We judge Him as bad when tragedy happens, there is a loss, things don't go our way, we lose our jobs, we are diagnosed with an illness and so on.
I may be wishy-washy because I am wrestling with my flesh-- there is a war between the flesh and spirit taking place inside of me. Therefore, one day I may act "good", and the next day do "bad" things. But God is not like that. He is not like mankind. He is not wishy-washy, up and down, going from good to bad or tempted to do evil. God is a good God with a Holy nature that does not change. His nature never changes. He is what He is-- always has been and always will be. He was love at the beginning and is still love today. He was good at the beginning and still is good today and tomorrow. 
Have you been judging God? Are you judging His holy and righteous nature as bad because you thought He should have moved in a certain way but didn't? Are you among those who say, "If He was a good God why did He let that bad thing happen? Why didn't He stop it?" No one but God Himself can answer that question. No one but God has that kind of wisdom. No one but God sees the end of a thing before it even begins. I just don't know why and may never know why some bad things happen. But this I do know--- regardless, nothing changes who God is. He is a good God. He is infinitely good beyond our ability to even define good. Your misjudgment of Him will not change Him. All the bad in the world that happens will not change the fact that He is still a good God. Like the saying goes, "God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good!!"
Have a great day. Stop judging God just because something bad happened. That doesn't change Him from still being a good God.
For further reading:
Romans 7:15-23

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