"Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength." Psalm 29:1
I understand how we give God glory-- we do it by showing Him honor, respect, reverence, by testifying of His greatness and showing what marvelous things He has done in our lives. But how do we give Him strength? How can we who are so weak, frail and powerless on our own, give God who is already stronger than the strongest strength? How can we add to the perfect strength He has? How can we make Him any stronger than He already is?
Lest we misunderstand, the verse isn't saying that God has some weakness and He needs us to help Him and give Him some added strength. Neither is it implying that we can "help" God out by sharing our strength with Him. He is Omnipotent-- All Powerful, All-Strong.
How do we give strength to God? By acknowledging our weakness. The Bible says that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. It says for the "weak" to say they are strong-- strong in the Lord and the power of His might. When we acknowledge that we need Him, that we can't make it without Him, that we are weak without Him, that we just can't do it without Him, then we are "giving" Him our strength.
Have you ever been around- or had- a child who insist that they "can do it"? You knew the task was too large for them; you knew they weren't able to do it; you knew that they didn't have the know how or ability to do the thing that they insisted that they were able to do. No matter how unable they were to do it, they kept telling you they could. When we try to do something in our own strength, we are not giving God strength. Giving our strength to God means that we surrender what ability and strength we may have to Him and acknowledge that without Him we can't do it.
Are you struggling trying to do a task in your own strength? Are you insistent that you can do it by yourself without God's help? Then you are not giving your strength to God. Surrender your "crown of strength" to the All Strong God and let Him give you His perfect strength to accomplish the task. By doing so, not only are you giving up your strength to Him, but you are also giving Him glory at the same time. "Give unto the Lord glory and strength."
Have a great day. Surrender your little strength to God and He will give you His perfect strength.
For further reading:
Joel 3:10
2 Corinthians 12:9
Ephesians 6:10
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