Friday, June 23, 2023

"Comparing God"

"To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like?" Isaiah 46:5 

Every once and a while I will get an email that says, "God is like..." While it is an interesting analogy, it is far from being accurate. God is so great, so amazing, so awesome, so powerful, so wise, there really is nothing we can compare Him with and get a full grasp on who He is. 
The Bible does use analogies also concerning God, but these are given to help us have some point of reference so that in our finite and limited understanding we might get at least some small (very small) view of God. 
When He is compared to a mighty oak tree, for example, we understand that He is strong, but we still don't comprehend that His strength is unlimited, and it is eternal in the sense that it never weakens. The oak, on the other hand, as strong as it may be can be cut down by a human instrument-- a saw or an ax. Time can eventually destroy the oak. Insects can destroy it. A stronger wind than it can uproot it. But nothing can "touch" God. Nothing can take Him off His throne. Nothing can cause Him to fall. Nothing can drain His power. Nothing can hinder His power. Nothing can zap His strength. Nothing can weaken Him. He is All-Powerful. He is stronger than the strongest thing we can compare Him to. 
In your comparison of God to something else, always keep in mind that your comparison is flawed and far from an accurate description of who He really is. He is much, much, much more than you or I can comprehend... that is what makes Him God. 
Have a great day. We may try to compare God to something natural to help us gain a better understanding of who He is, but that comparison will always fall short because there is nothing He can be compared to because He is so much greater than anything that has been created.
For further reading:
Isaiah 40:18,25
Romans 1:19,20

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