"Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am." Philippians 4:11 (Amplified Bible)
Several of you contacted me this week wondering why you weren't receiving the devotional. Because of Hurricane Ida I had no electricity. So, I was without power and internet for several days.
There were several things that I learned through this time-- namely about being content. I was amazed at the peace and contentment that I had through the days of no electricity. It was truly the grace of God. He can give you peace and contentment even through storms (physical and spiritual ones). We tend to be anxious about too much. We tend to complain about too much. We tend to think that life evolves around ourselves and everything in life should "cater" to us. If you have lived very long you have discovered that isn't the case.
It was my week off from work and I had all these plans of what I wanted to do with my days. None of my plans came to fruition. The storm, no power, etc. stopped that from happening. This is why we should "take no thought for tomorrow", and why we should keep in mind that if "the Lord is willing we will do this or that". None of us hold the future. None of us knows what the future holds. We don't know the end before the beginning. We don't know what tomorrow holds in store for us. Therefore, we need to learn to be content in the moment.
Although I didn't get to do what I wanted to do while I was off, I was thankful that I was off last week so I had the time to devote to cleaning up my yard and other things after the power came back on. Although the lack of electricity was an inconvenience, I was thankful I still had my home and slept in my own bed. My home had no damage and I didn't have to evacuate.
I am just talking this morning, but I hope the message that is coming across is--- stop complaining and learn to be thankful-- IN everything gives thanks. A heart of thanksgiving will produce peace and contentment in your life.
Have a great day. Complaining never helps the situation. Be thankful in spite of the situation.
(Please pray for those who were affected by the hurricane and did sustain damage.)
James 4:15
Matthew 6:34
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