Tuesday, June 1, 2021


"My son, fear thou the Lord and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change." Proverbs 24:21

For some time now the "buzz" word and cry has been for "change". We hear its cry ringing throughout our nation, the global community and even within the church. The desire to change comes naturally because we were created as beings who were designed for change. From the time that we are born until the time we die, we will be in a constant state of change- our appearance changes, our age changes, our maturity level changes, etc.

Change is not always a bad thing, sometimes it is needful. Sometimes change is neither good or bad- it isn't necessary but it is just something that we desire. Then there are times when change is bad and can be detrimental to us and those around us. This morning I want to address "change" as it relates to the church. If ever there was a day in which things are changing in the church it is now. The music is changing, the way we dress is changing, our activities are changing, the way we conduct services is changing. Is all of the changes we see happening bad? Not necessarily. But on the other hand, it is when it goes against the Word of God. For example, the church is changing by ordaining homosexuals to serve as pastors. This change is clearly in disobedience and rebellion against God.

Outside of the changes that are obviously in opposition to God's word and holy standard for His church, how do we know if the areas of change that we are moving into is actually a "good thing"? The answer is simple- does this "change" bring you closer to the Lord? Does it cause a holy fear and awe of God to rise within you? Does it bring you to repentance over the hidden sin in your life? Does it cause you to desire a deeper relationship with the Lord? When Jesus came to earth, He made some changes. He changed the way people worshipped God. Worship went from the killing of animals to worship that was in spirit and in truth. He changed the way to the Father- no longer through the priest and sacrifices but through faith in His sacrifice on the cross. The greatest change was in the covenant- He gave us a new one. A covenant that was not written on stone, but now written on the tables of our heart. All the "changes" Jesus made drew us closer to the Father.

Again, we have to ask ourselves, as a church and individually - is this a change that will bring me closer to Him? Not all change does. Some changes only feed our selfish desires, the lusts of our flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. So which is it doing?

Have a great day. Change is not always bad- as long as it is drawing you into a deeper, more surrendered relationship with the Lord.

For further reading:
John 14:6
Hebrews 7:11,12
Colossians 2:13,14
Philippians 3:21
2 Corinthians 3:2

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