Wednesday, March 10, 2021

"Terms and Conditions"

"Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me." Luke 18:22

If you have ever entered into an agreement with someone, some business or signed up for some promotion, you always have to agree to the "terms and conditions". Each website that you sign up on to join, each promotion you want to take advantage of, every contest that you enter, all have terms and conditions. If in filling out your information you neglect to check the terms and conditions box saying that you have read them and agree with them, when you submit it, it will send you a message instantly reminding you and your request will not be submitted until you do.

The Lord also has "terms and conditions" for us to follow. But like the rich young ruler we want to set our own terms. We want to join ourselves to Him on our own conditions. Setting your own terms doesn't work and is not acceptable in the business world, with online promotions, or in any other agreement, even in marriage there are terms and conditions- it's called vows. If it is not acceptable in the physical world, why do we think it is acceptable in our dealing with God? Why do we think that "man" won't allow it, but God will?

Trying to set our own terms with God carries consequences. It will keep us out of the Kingdom and we won't enter in, it will bring chaos and confusion to our lives, it will bring the chastisement of the Lord upon us, it will rob us of peace, joy, blessings and victory.

Does this describe you this morning? Are you trying to get to the Lord on your own terms? Are you trying to live for Him according to your own conditions? It won't work. He has set the "rules" and they require that you come to Him and live according to His terms. Anything else He will not accept.

Have a great day. God has His own set of terms and conditions, and if we are going to come to Him and follow Him we must agree to them and not try to set our own.

For further reading:
Luke 18:18-23; Matthew 19:17-21
John 10:9

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