Tuesday, January 26, 2021

"Obeying Sin"

"Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof." Romans 6:12

Some think that they have no control over sin in their lives. They believe that they have no choice but to sin. Sin will try to rule and reign in your life- it wants to be king and make you its servant. It will try to lord over you. It will pressure you into obeying it. It will try to dictate your life. But it does not have to have reign- you do not have to obey it.

The verse above is not a suggestion or a recommendation concerning our relationship with sin. It is a command ("Do not let it reign in your mortal body."), but along with this command comes empowerment to fulfill it.

Those who are in Christ are no longer subjects/servants of sin who have no choice but to obey it. Jesus dealt with the sin issue once and for all at the cross. He redeemed us from the curse of the sin. He delivered us from the controlling power of sin in our lives. He empowered us to overcome sin. Jesus already dealt with it, now He tells us to take "authority" over it - "Do not let sin reign in your mortal body".

How do we do that?
1) Stop surrendering to sin. Stand against it, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. He has made you more than a conqueror in all things. (Romans 6:16)
2) Yield yourself to God and offer yourself daily as a living sacrifice. (Romans 6:13)
3) Remember the grace of God that freed you from the bondage of sin and don't take it for granted. (Romans 6:14,15)
4) Obey the Word of God from the heart. (Romans 6:17)
5) Live by faith. It is not about what you see or feel. Jesus has already delivered you from the ruling power of sin, so walk in that liberty. (Romans 6:9-11,18)
6) Remember you are no longer sin's slave, you are servants of God. (Romans 6:22)

Have a great day. Do not let sin reign in your mortal body- you are no longer its servant.

For further reading:
Romans 6

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