Wednesday, April 29, 2020



"In your patience possess ye your souls." Luke 21:19

Have you ever had to wait for something that you were hoping would happen quickly?  The whole world is in a place of waiting.  Waiting to be released from the house, waiting to go back to work, waiting to hear that things are safe or waiting to hear that life will get back to normal.  But it doesn't seem like that will ever happen.  The delays in getting back to the business of life keep eluding us.  So in delays we need to remember:

1) A temporary delay does not mean a permanent one. Often things in our lives are "put on hold", but just because they are doesn't mean they won't happen eventually. So don't be discouraged.

2) A temporary delay is a place of waiting. But the wait is not what matters. What matters is "how" you wait. Not everything in life, even the promises of God always come immediately. Sometimes there are delays, waiting periods, and how you wait is what's important.

Perhaps you are in one of those times now. How are you waiting? Are you anxious? Are you getting frustrated? Are you losing heart? Are you getting impatient? Is your impatience effecting your attitude- as in, are you beginning to be short, rude and unkind to others? Or are you waiting in peace? Are you trusting that God has a perfect timing for everything and He is working behind the scenes to cause all things to work together for your good? Are you resting in confidence that God is perfect and in control? Waiting is a fact of life. Delays are a fact of life. What we do in them is what counts.

Have a great day. Not everything in life comes instantly, so when it doesn't, what do you do?

For further reading:
Psalm 40:1
Philippians 4:6
Romans 8:28

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