Monday, December 2, 2019

"Black Friday"

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

This past weekend were the Black Friday sales. I quit going to them years ago because the crowds are so large, you had to park blocks away from the stores, you had to stand in long lines and you had to get up very early in order to get there before the sale items are gone.  A friend of mine who went was telling me that this is exactly what she went through. She said she got up at 2:30 a.m. that morning to go and shopped until 7:00 p.m. that evening.

As I was listening to her, my mind immediately wondered, "Would we be willing to go through all this for Jesus?" When was the last time we woke up so early just to spend time with Him? When was the last time we went through any sort of inconvenience to get into His presence? Isn't it amazing that we will make room for and make sacrifices for the things we really want to do, but when it comes to Him it is more than we are willing to do. Most aren't willing to make even the slightest effort to study their Bible, pray or commune with Him. (What is wrong with this picture?)

Which describes you? One who makes room, makes sacrifices, goes the second mile, puts forth the effort and gets out of your comfort zone for Jesus? Or for everything else but Him? If you are one who will do it for the latter and not for Jesus, then there is something terribly out of order in your life and it needs to be corrected.

Have a great day. Is Jesus on your list of priorities? Is He on your list of things that you are willing to make adjustments and sacrifices for? Is He at the top of that list?

For Further Reading:
Psalm 96:4
Isaiah 29:13
Psalm 73:28
Amos 5:4

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