Monday, May 25, 2015

"A Different Kind Of Need"

"The north and the south thou hast created them: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name."  Psalm 89:12

God created the north and the south, the east and the west.  How far can you travel in the direction of north and you no longer be going north?  How far can you travel south and are no longer traveling south?  What about east and west?  If you start traveling toward the east and continue, will you automatically be heading in a different direction?  Or will you continue to be traveling east?  If you start at one point on the map and from there head east, you can travel the whole globe and still never change directions.  Unless you turn around you will always be heading east.  There is no dividing line that says "now you are traveling west".  This works the same regardless of which direction you go-- north, south, east or west.   

My point is this-- God created all points on the compass and no matter where and which direction you go, you will never come to the end of the creation of God.  That is why the Psalmist said, "The earth and all its fullness is the Lord's". 

He created the high mountains, the small mountains, the hills, the valleys, the rivers, the streams, the continents to the east and the ones to the west.  He created the continents to the north and to the south.  He created the poles.  He created the islands.  Every where you look, every where you go, God has created it. 

This amazing God who created direction, land mass, different terrains, is the same God who loves you and is able to create anything that you need.  He doesn't just create one thing or one kind of a thing, He creates a variety of each thing.  It says to me that whatever my need is, even if it is something that is "special" or "out of the ordinary" He is well able to meet that need.  He is well able to meet your need today.

Have a great day.  It doesn't matter how "unusual" your need may be, God can still meet it.

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
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