Friday, January 25, 2013

"Spiritually Healthy"

"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:35
We can look good in physical appearance on the outside but inside have a disease that is destroying our bodies. The only way to tell what is going on inside of us is to have tests run. These test determine if we are ill, if we have a disease or if we are healthy. So how do we know if we are "healthy" spiritually? Is there some test we can take? Is there something that will reveal it?
Actually, there are several tests that show us our spiritual condition. The first test is love. Do we love God with all our heart? Do we love others? A healthy spirit is one that loves God first, others next and self last. It is not selfish, self-centered or self-conceited.
Another test is whether we are walking in the Fruit of the Spirit. Do we exhibit joy, peace, gentleness, meekness, temperance, etc? Or are we always fearful, mean, over indulgent, unkind or rude? 
Another test deals with our mouths. The things we say give an indication of whether we are spiritually healthy or not. Are our words edifying, exhorting, kind, gracious? Or are they full of criticism, complaining, gossip, ridicule and cursing?
Another test is how we walk. Are you walking in the Spirit or the flesh? Do you obey or rebel against God's word? Are you led by Him or by your own desires? Are you walking in your own will or His will-- nevertheless, not my will but Thine be done?
Any of these tests will give a good indication of how healthy or ill your spirit man is. These tests are accurate because the Word of God is the rule by which all things are tested, and if we are lining up with His Word then we are spiritually well. If not, then we aren't. But there is hope if we aren't. There is a cure. We can become healthy. The Holy Spirit and God's Word will bring about the health and healing that we need as we begin to submit ourselves to Him and follow His "prescription".
Have a great day. How spiritually healthy are you? Perhaps you might need to take some tests to find out. 
For further reading:
Galatians 5:16-25
Proverbs 4:20-23
James 3:10
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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